Absolutely stunning
Can't begin to imagine how this would look in a remake. Just don't make redesigns too busy; simplicity can be much more striking. Although CEA looked very good, so I'm not too worried on that regard.
Is the elites hand in the fifth one meant to be be like that?
So for the technical folks:
You think they would do this for CE or just keep it restricted to Halo 2-4?
If the MC collection is true, then it'll only be on the X1
They always look like that whipping out the sword? It is probably due to level of detail as you say.Probably an LOD issue (lower poly), but that's the animation when whipping out the sword.
I read the synopsis of each book like a year or so ago, read all the terminals, post on GAF, and I have no fucking clue what's going on in Halo 4 and beyond. GG.
Wow. Such amaze.
- Halo: everything in one edition confirmed
- RIP Chettlar
- Escalations is escalatinggo Palmer.(well actually only the angry discussion in forums)
Over on Waypoint someonesaid the SoF captured Flood spores in cryo for future study, did this happen in escalations? I don't recall it at all in Wars.
No, unless 343i retconed that.
Ironman Palmer threatening humans because is badass
First time I really see Palmer as a badass character. More like this for the future please. <3
Add "egghead" to it and she's just spouting her usual lines.
We better not get "Tony Stark Vision" closeups on a frequent basis in Halo 5. I can already hear the slrp slrp "for dynamic custom Spartan dialog in campaign, each helmet needed a unique holo-visor wow such attention to detail much bungie very saved!" compliments. Kill me.
They always look like that whipping out the sword? It is probably due to level of detail as you say.
I agree. I dunno why Bungie regressed with Reach but yeah, polarizing visors for the Spartans seems like a good idea. In the comics, though, it's not really a good option (hence the Iron Man effect.)I like more the ODST glass visor close up rather than Ironman vision
Huh that's cool the hand reminds me of Bennings in the thing though.There might be a second animation with the elite holding the sword inwards, across his body.
Anyways, here's an example of the one like the image:
Well that's just guaranteed.C) Eating meat pies.
Frankie and Kiki in Belfast? Auditions? Meeting Davidge for recordings?
Pre-production planning for Master Chief's unveiling as Benjen Stark in the next season of Game of Thrones?
Or general filming / pre-production for the Ridley Scott "movie"?
If anyone needs it for whatever reason, here's a sloppily cleaned up version of the Halo 4-era Halo logo:
This is a more solid storyline than I expected after 4/Spartan Ops. GG.Pre-production planning for Master Chief's unveiling as Benjen Stark in the next season of Game of Thrones?
If anyone needs it for whatever reason, here's a sloppily cleaned up version of the Halo 4-era Halo logo:
Or general filming / pre-production for the Ridley Scott "movie"?
Exaggeration, the guy who said it had his source verified but that still doesn't mean all that much.So this was actually confirmed?
10/10. I would give it a 9.8 but there simply isn't enough perks and ordnance.
I thought as such. Might just be Waypoint, they run their own race sometimes.No, unless 343i retconed that.
Ironman Palmer threatening humans because is badass
here's to you, picollo and bart
Life is good guys. Life is good. :')
Was chatting with Barlow a couple of days ago. We thought it'd make sense if the multiplayer was actually split out on the One to some neutral Halo Infinity thing, so in that context just porting the Halo 2 / 3 / 4 maps to some sort of Halo: Infinity would make sense. Then you'd buy Halo 5: Guardians, and it gives you it's maps and campaign. Then you buy whatever game comes after, and it just adds maps to Halo Infinity, etc etc
In that context, it'd be perfectly feasible to just make every gun from every game included, and handle it all via Forge/Gametypes.
I mean, technically in Reach they could have just put the actual Halo 1 Pistol in the map files for Anniversary, then made a special gametype to let you spawn with it. Would have had the original look and HUD and clip size, and as it turned out, they weren't interested in using the Anni gametypes outside of Anni maps, so it would have been the same effect.
Downside would be masssssive quitting if you tried to make it so it was something like you choose the games/gametypes as one vote, people would ragequit for Haloes they didn't want to play, so you'd have considerable number of playlists trying to please fans of 3 different games.
and now I need to play Halo 2..
Didn't see this posted, I see you Tashi.
Life is good guys. Life is good. :')
yo Microsoft where's my Oxbox controller adapter for Halo 2 Anniversary
Life is good guys. Life is good. :')
Does the xbone's controller use different wireless spec than the 360's controller? When they release the PC driver, how will you use a wireless controller with the PC?
if its a new dongle, I hope its tiny like these $5 usb bluetooth stubs you can buy.
Life is good guys. Life is good. :')
and now I need to play Halo 2..
Didn't see this posted, I see you Tashi.
Life is good guys. Life is good. :')
HD porn streaming would be great with that.Life is good guys. Life is good. :')
Awesome that it's being filmed right under my nose, and very weird that people from 343 are in Belfast!