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Halo 4 |OT2| TURBO




This is strictly top secret content that only the heads of the development team have access to. I cannot reveal my identity as I'll be in violation of my non-disclosure agreement, and would more likely than not be prosecuted harshly by Microsoft's legal team. Everything I'm going to say will be scrambled up as best as possible to ensure that I won't be traced back, as the standard policy for such content is to create different manuscripts for every individual who is permitted access.

There are two things to note. First, everything I have was developed around Summer 2013, but I've been updating as I move along with the studio and their changes to the original plans.


Halo 5 "Guardians" is only the first of the three parts of H5's story single player. The second is called "Salvation" and the third "Revelations". As of earlier plans, NOT current updated ones that I've managed to update myself, 343i and Microsoft planned to release "Guardians" as the first portion of the campaign, along with the mainline MP, and releasing the other two parts as game addons, or DLC. They may or may not be free. Closest example to this is Spartan Ops.

However, since Phil Spencer was promoted to head of the Xbox division, these plans are being rewritten. There is a small conflict within the head staffers of 343i and the new management at Xbox on whether or not to release it as planned, or to include all three developed parts into one single game, all at launch. I can't say for sure which route is being taken since they announced Halo 5 as "Halo 5: Guardians", but with a 2015 release date. The original manuscript outlined a fall 2014 release. I do NOT have any info on any outside projects, like an H2A. My best guess is that there will be another Halo game project releasing the end of this year to delay Halo 5, probably H2A.

This would piss so many people off, to the point that it hurts sales before it's even out the gate. Most people buy Halo for the campaign, even people who don't have Gold, or even internet on their Xbox. Splitting up the main campaign into DLC installments is the worst idea I have heard of, and Microsoft is aware of this, so don't worry because this is fake as shit. Halo 5 was never planned to release in 2014, and if it was, it was sure as hell not planned in Summer of 2013, there would've been more stuff shown if that was the case. I'm chalking down the whole reason for the subtitle is purely because they wanted to make the whole marketing package seem more "epic" or whatever.


So I'm not going to go too much in-depth with the story considering some stuff might get cut. There's so many little details, so I'll be as brief as I can, but I really don't know how brief I can be. First thing's first, you play as three characters throughout the entire campaign: the Chief, the Arbiter, and the character shown in the recently-released posted (no name atm). Remember, this is VERY basic. I have much more info on the MP than I do the story specifics.

Beginning of the campaign starts with a glimpse of Halsey constructing the Forerunner-Spartan hybrid in a Forerunner assembly. Halsey dies during this sequence. You switch between Chief and Arbiter fighting against some small conflicts. You go to earth first, an urban city, then Sangheilios. This takes up around two scripted missions (missions are constructed to be MUCH longer in Halo 5, around 2-3 hours a piece, and if the three-part plan comes to fruition, the missions will be cut into smaller mission pieces), and you switch between characters in different situations every half mission or so. You then play as the unknown Spartan-Forerunner hybrid in a Forerunner chamber, and fight light enemies. Discover that the Didact is still alive, which initiates you fighting Prometheans. Play as the character for one entire mission until you finally leave the chamber to discover that you're on a Halo installation. Cut back to Chief and Arbiter (playing as Chief with Arbiter by your side) who discover another installation "piece". Chief thinks it's the Didact's return (it's not, instead it's the War Sphinx and the Forerunner "army" of monuments). Chief leaves Sanghheilios, Arbiter stays. Eventually Chief encounters the UNSC rebellion force. There's a huge missing piece between this and the finale which is: it concludes with an antagonist named "Dom" promising John's head after compromising the "installation" that Dom and his small army found first.


Initializes with Dom's roots, showing where the Insurrectionist force began to form as the Covenant war came to a close. Dom had a different name btw, but chose to name himself Dom to promise Dominion over the UNSC and earth, eventually (Dom's real name will be revealed in a future novel). The moment he received word of his father's death (only a year into Chief's cryosleep), he had some kidnapped scientists (one of which worked on the Spartan program) build a suit of Spartan-like armor, used with salvaged Forerunner tech and materials. The script lists Dom's suit as "13 times stronger than Chief, but of great weight". Chief chooses to pursue the signal, but the UNSC denies it. He decides to go anyway, and is deemed an official enemy by only the Arbiter's troops since Lasky decides to look the other way in the matter. Meanwhile, the Forerunner spartan flees to find the Didact, but discovers that Chief is the key since the Librarian altered his genetic code. Ultimately he finds chief and makes his way there (there are no in-game specifics for this portion). Chief encounters the Ark, and gets captured by Dom and his Insurrectionist men. Chief flees the Pelican, and lands hard on the ground. Meanwhile, the Arbiter pursues Chief and encounters the Insurrectionist forces. Arbiter realizes that there's something bigger going on, and tells his men to pursue the threat while he returns to the Infinity to get help. Dom decides not to pursue and wants him "to be helpless". Chief's armor is severely damaged, and his visor is cracked in the fall (he is weaker since he went rouge). He discovers Dom's army and sees that he controls the War Sphinx and the "mini-Sphinx assembly". Meanwhile the Forerunner Spartan crash-lands near the ark, but Dom and his forces are there. Dom unleashes Promtheans that fight for him. You eventually make your way to the Sphinx assembly. Finally, you encounter Chief, and decide to work together (play as Chief in situations like these). You make your way fighting Insurrectionist and Promethean forces until you find Arbiter's forces who aid you. Finally, you make your way to Dom in a chamber as the Forerunner Spartan is fighting opposing forces on the lower decks. There is a boss battle in this chamber on top of the primary War Sphinx. You kill Dom, and flee in an Insurrectionist VTOL, destroying the War Sphinx, and the Sphinx assembly crumbles. The VTOL suffers damage and crashes, but Chief manages to land on an inactive and intact Scarab from Arbiter's now-dead forces. Flood forms appear from underground and attack. Make your way to one of Dom's main ships, finish off the infected Insurrectionists. As you make flight away, the UNSC Infinity appears.


You begin as the Forerunner spartan among the ruins of the assembly. You eventually encounter Gravemind, and reason with him, finding a way to go to earth and warn Chief. Meanwhile, the Infinity, Chief, and the Arbiter arrive to earth to discover that the Didact has returned with dozens of carriers. Chief is on the ground with the Arbiter fighting the Promethean forces as the urban city, the same one you play on in the beginning of the game, erupts into chaos. Eventually the Forerunner Spartan finds Chief and tells him how to stop the Didact by giving him the leftover lifesource of the War Sphinx that he supposedly destroyed. Chief places the source into Cortana's chip. The final mission begins with Chief, Arbiter, and the Forerunner Spartan in Longswords fighting against Promethean ships, and Chief makes his way to the ship with the Didact. He eventually encounters the Didact, who is simply digitized and explains how he survived. The Didact then goes on to show Chief that he has Cortana within himself, and that there would be no way to save her by ending him. Chief then unloads the lifesource into Didact's admin panel when given the chance, pulls the chip out, Didact disappears, ships begin to collapse, and Chief escapes. The game ends with John on the ground, and he suddenly hears "Chief?" from what seems to be Cortana's voice.

This all screams fan-fic to me. 3 main characters seems a bit much, and it'll be harder to keep track of the story. Story comprehension > Story scale. Forerunner spartans? Domanatrix bounty hunter? Star Trek 3-esque Cor-dact hybrid? So fan seryts.

Important to note that NONE of this was changed since Fall 2013, and that's because I've been heavily playtesting MP since then. Plenty of this might have changed. I should also note that the single player is still in pre-alpha development, while the MP was basically finished as of Fall 2013.

I should also note that the campaign missions are not completely linear. There are different side "quests" that are around ~20 minutes long. 343i said they're aiming for a 12-hour campaign, but with side missions and all it may end up being much longer.


I'll begin by saying that playtesting began with around 800p, but just recently we were presented with a 1080p build. Both ran at 60fps. I can't say for certain what the final fps will be since these builds are running on Windows 8 machines.

I've played over 20 hours of Halo 5 MP, and I also have access to every little detailed plan they have for the final version. It's been up and running, playtested since late 2013, and only keeps getting rebuilt with more included assets as it goes.

First thing's first, custom classes have been completely thrown out the door. Everything that's been included in every Halo game is now customizable, from bloom to indicators like grenade indicators. Weapons now have individual tuners for many different things, along with bloom tuners, and you can even modify the fire rate

I can actually see this being true, as fans have been clamoring for this for a long time, and i can see it being part of somesort in game Megalo editor, providing they are still using that.

MP now contains both AAs and equipment, and every AA and equipment piece has its own tuner as well. AA's defaults have been buffed significantly. I can saw that most of our playtesting wasn't done around either though, as they aren't as essential to gameplay as before. Every AA and equipment piece from every Halo game is in Halo 5's MP, which includes Halo 3's deployable sentinel and invincibility equipment. Armor Lock is in as well.

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. People from 343 have gone on record saying that Halo needs to go back to its roots and more basic gameplay, not going ahead and taking the biggest shit on the sandbox that could ever happen. I shudder to think what having both equipment AND AA's would do. Let's hope we never have to find out.

Firefight is returning, but it's now a gametype instead of its own gamemode. AI are now configurable for regular MP gameplay, as well as Firefight-related gametypes. The game now limits up to 8 players on a host-based system, but will go to 16 on a dedicated server system. Campaign has an 8 player limit now as well. 343i specifically said that they're working on ideas so that regular players can have access to dedicated servers in the standard custom games lobbies. The player limit MAY be raised to 24 or even 32, but the same was said about Halo 4, which never happened.

Dedicated servers already do this, so you know this guy is pulling stuff out of his ass.

Every gametype from every Halo game is returning. Unfortunately, not every weapon or vehicle will return, but there are many MANY more vehicles to choose from (i'll tell in a minute). Many of the Promethean weapons are being retired, and the DMR will no longer be in the game either.

Vehicles are as follows from the top of my head: Scarab, War Sphinx (not the super-large ones featured in campaign, but smaller-sized ones), Grizzly Tanks, Elephants, Mammoth, Vulture, VTOL, Scorpion, Mantis (completely redesigned), Locust, Chopper, Ghost, Warthog, Banshee, Spirit, Phantom, Pelican, Wraith, Mongoose, and more. There are four unnamed Promethean vehicles, one is their version of the Longsword, one is an aircraft, one is something similar to the Locust/Mantis, and the fourth is a tank-like vehicle, but not nearly as powerful as the tanks of the UNSC and the Covenant.

Why don't we just fucking drive the Infinity while we're at it?

Let me not forget to mention that you can play as THREE different types: Spartan IV, Elite, and the third is unnamed, but basically the Forerunner Spartan design. What puzzles me though is that the in-game models look almost nothing like what was shown in that recently-released poster, which is basically just a Spartan. They are much taller but skinnier, and the heads are connected closely to the torso.

MP will feature 1-50 ranking system, which I played on on a simulated system. The ranking system will be almost identical to Halo 3's, but with farther apart ranks. The spartan point system is returning for the armory, but has no affect on ranks.

Wrong. Josh Menke is working on the ranking system, which will be nothing like 1-50, It will be more akin to the SC2 or BO2 ranking systems.

Armor effects are supposedly returning from Reach, but there are fewer to choose from and won't even be available to the general public. I have not seen them in any of the builds I playtested EXCEPT when I played with one of the employees. It was the simple red flames.

Health will be an optional and customizable thing, but it will be a percentage instead of bars. You can change the recharge rate, how long you have to wait for it to recharge, how much of it recharges, the health-to-shields ratio, and so on so forth. Health is hidden by default, but most of the builds I played on featured it despite this.

There will be 24 maps on the disc, or at least this is what is planned. All will have available Firefight-AI play. Four of these maps will be remade MP maps from previous Halo games, and two will be Firefight maps, for a total of six remakes. The only map I know that is returning is Guardian, which is a pretty obvious choice. I THINK Sandtrap is returning, but I can't say for sure.

That's all I have. If I am outted, you will know.

So hilariously fake, I can't even handle it. My responses in bold.


If it is pastebin, it is fake. I can't recall anytime when something posted there was real.
At least i operate under that assumption.
I bet its someone from 343 posting these just to troll the nerds into believing to build hype.

Or create doodles similar to Wahrers concepts.

I actually own a small digital printing company that specifically pumps out all pastebin leaks ever and then use the subsequent ad revenue for profit.

I'm a rich man.


I can't wait for E3. Either we're all gonna be totally amazed by what they show us, or this thread is gonna melt down like never before

It's just so exciting
We can have a HaloGAF run through where Wahrer is in charge of getting murdered for grenades and ammo.

Halo 3 coop mostly implodes itselft with 3 players, now add a mexican hosts to test Yourexwife patience.

Eight player co-op with Menachite's overseas host, my godtier Florida Cox 9001 ping, fracas / franklinator double team time-freezing and four halogaf members would be a sight to see.

Killing me for supplies would make me explode into Combat Evolved Pistols and dubstep guns. And also half the framerate. I would also leave standstill bipeds behind that would behave in lockstep with me.

willow ve

I bet it will cause a meltdown in HaloGAF. The fallout will be felt throughout NeoGAF.
We are a micro analog for the entire site.

This E3 announcement is going to make or break the franchise. They are dangerously close to falling off the cliff into something that is only Halo by name alone.


Eight player co-op with Menachite's overseas host, my godtier Florida Cox 9001 ping, fracas / franklinator double team time-freezing and four halogaf members would be a sight to see.

Killing me for supplies would make me explode into Combat Evolved Pistols and dubstep guns. And also half the framerate. I would also leave standstill bipeds behind that would behave in lockstep with me.
Could there not just be an option to turn you into a suicide grunt? Whack cowbell, boom, and grunt funeral on and we are away.


Regardless. I'm just gonna lay myself out here. I watch the scanned trailer. Then I watch H3s trailers, including the brute holding up chief. Then I watch H2 trailers and E3 on stage badassness. The only thing I can honestly say is that I am excited for E3. I'm taking early lunch to watch it CST and I'm sure I won't be dissapoint. I'm going to finish the fight. (And Reach and ODST and Wars are amazing as well) I have read books, I have devoted a fair amount of my life to this saga. (Also, no more having to read the books to understand the games though, thanks) I honestly cannot be more excited for H2A (please) or Guardians. What I want is a surprise like FUD was. I think we are going to get it. In this long drunken banter, I'm saying it is kind of a good time to be a Halo fan.


Is there even enough passion left in the Halo community to necessitate a flame shield? Seems like most people are just dejected, bitter and cynical toward the franchise at this point.

A terrible E3 showing would be comical to me at this point.


Neo Member
Is there even enough passion left in the Halo community to necessitate a flame shield? Seems like most people are just dejected, bitter and cynical toward the franchise at this point.

A terrible E3 showing would be comical to me at this point.

I don't think I'm that checked out yet but I'm getting older - enough to the point where there's so much distance between when Halo was the best time I was having in games to where it is now, that another E3/year of disappointment and dissatisfaction amounts to every appearance being either the greatest hope or the worst thing ever.

If we actually did get H2 just think how weird that would be? Clamoring for a game we played a decade ago just because of how fucking dire things have become.


Had to bug out early tonight. My connection was screwy and I kept rubber banding. Just quit outta frustration

Is it just me or are the tracks in Minecraft Halo different to the versions in the games? They seem a lot more orchestral. Lots of flute. More than I remember anyway


How would anybody live long ebough to report of a Halo gane where AAs AND equipment is in, pretty sure you kill yourself after the first match.


So hilariously fake, I can't even handle it. My responses in bold.

For the love of god, I hope you're wrong with that leveling system.

Ok, btw, I'm seeing that new people are introducing themselves? Ok, I'll do that too then, just for the fun.

How long have you been a member of NeoGAF? How long have you lurked?

Ive been a member, since, the beginning of may I think. Ive been lurking for a year though.

How old are you? What country or state are you posting from?

22, soon 23 this september, and Im from Denmark.

How long have you been a Halo fan? Have you played all the games?

Ive been a Halo fan since I played the Silent Cartographer Demo on a stand in Gamestop when I was about, 12 years old I think? Since then, I made my mom and dad buy me an xbox for Christmass, which they agreed on, as long I dint get any other presents.

What mode do you spend most of your time in?

Online, Team Slayer or MLG. I do play campaign, but I haven't read all the books, but I have browsed a lot on halopedia and such to know who this or that is.

What is your favorite playlist?

Team Slayer and MLG

Help us get to know you better.

Well... I'm just a regular guy, that play Halo, has a bar tending job in the weekends at the local Disco and, I'm currently getting a degree in Economics, which I hope can get me a nice decent job in the gaming industry.


For the love of god, I hope you're wrong with that leveling system.

Pretty sure they really have talked a bit about taking inspiration from SC2 or something.
But i always assumed this was regarding the skill matching system, as for how rank is how, there are a lot of ways to do the same thing, isn't there?
1-50 would be no different from 1-100 really, or even splitting people to 5 groups (named after whatever things) as long as the underlying system is more accurate than the visible rank, right?
Had to bug out early tonight. My connection was screwy and I kept rubber banding. Just quit outta frustration

Is it just me or are the tracks in Minecraft Halo different to the versions in the games? They seem a lot more orchestral. Lots of flute. More than I remember anyway

Can you find a place where I can listen to them online? I'm a doctor, I know these things.


Neo Member

I don't even..

Say Halo 5 would be in three parts (which would be very untrue), why would they name the next two games Salvation and Revelations? Guardians is related to the story, "Salvation" and "Revelations" are not even close to being relevant nor do they have any significance in Halo in general. God, that "leak' is so bad, it just hurts reading it.


and I thought the last fake pastebin leak was bad.
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