Haha, Ghazi, you literally weren't born until this movie was already out on VHS.
PS, let me know if you don't know what VHS is
Haha, Ghazi, you literally weren't born until this movie was already out on VHS.
PS, let me know if you don't know what VHS is
and you put them in one of these:
Get wrecked, son!
It may end up being a situation where Halo 4 was actually a good thing for the franchise. I am extremely hopeful for the future of Halo.All in the game yo. All good hype trains go runaway and rollercoaster. Plus, for the first time in forever, the custodians of Halo appear to be in a very obliging mood. We haven't seen MS as eager to please in a long time. Things like finally giving Halo fans CE online, decisions on Tombstone and Desolation changing within 24 hours and a beta for Halo 5 coming 9 months before launch points to a company far more pliable to feedback should certain issues gain traction within the community.
But what if I really want to play Settler!?Man, Halo 4 multiplayer shouldn't even be a voting option. Put the disc in if you want to play that garbage.
Wait no loadouts was also confirmed for Halo 5?No AAs, Arena focus and no Loadouts for the gamemodes we'll see in the beta, Map Control is back,... - Sounds like a good start to me.
Really hope 343i will bring back Invasion (even in a Spartan vs Spartan version)
Man, Halo 4 multiplayer shouldn't even be a voting option. Put the disc in if you want to play that garbage.
Wait no loadouts was also confirmed for Halo 5?
What happened to Tashi, Tunavi, and Domino Theory? WHAT YEAR IS IT!?!?!"Newest and best podcast"
Shots fired
How else are you gonna play 4scension?Man, Halo 4 multiplayer shouldn't even be a voting option. Put the disc in if you want to play that garbage.
lol Tashi got is for that yesterday"Newest and best podcast"
Shots fired
Says the guy that still plays it!Man, Halo 4 multiplayer shouldn't even be a voting option. Put the disc in if you want to play that garbage.
Two can play this game, especially when it concerns possibly racist-tinged libel against my illustrious name
Thanks for the hate crime, pal! See you in court, mate.
Eh, I still kind of enjoy it, if only for the solid netcode. I'm just glad we get as much choice as possible; just don't search for it if you don't want to play it...
It'll definitely be interesting to see what esports does decide to do. Maybe they stick with halo 2, maybe they to with halo 2 anniversary. It'll be cool to see it develope nonetheless.Very curious to see what esports does with it.
Do they chose CE, 2, maybe 3? It would be weird seeing such an old game being the premiere competetive event.
And what happens in Halo 5 if it's not esports friendly? Do they stick with a game in the MC collection?
Very curious to see what esports does with it.
Do they chose CE, 2, maybe 3? It would be weird seeing such an old game being the premiere competetive event.
And what happens in Halo 5 if it's not esports friendly? Do they stick with a game in the MC collection?
Very curious to see what esports does with it.
Do they chose CE, 2, maybe 3? It would be weird seeing such an old game being the premiere competetive event.
And what happens in Halo 5 if it's not esports friendly? Do they stick with a game in the MC collection?
Good netcode? Lots of choices? What are you talking about?I still play halo and I have FiOS
So what does everyone think so far
Rip in peaceit sucks
So what does everyone think so far
At least you're honestI dont understand english
I'm excited to revisit Halo 3 thanks to the updates they're making. Never thought I'd anticipate replaying that game for more than just a quick fix.^^^I think revisiting leading shots and bad netcode hurt Halo 3's rerelease. This has much more potential. Like you said, old time casual fans are excited (somewhat) by this offering.
From what we know right now, I think H2A might have the best shot at returning to the circuit. If they get the feel right and it has updates made after Halo 2, then it certainly has potential.I think 2 would be the best for MLG. Hopefully them saying they learned from Halo 4 means Halo 5 will have better options and help community playlists like MLG thrive.
As an Australian, Halo 2-3 were an absolute abortion in terms of finding a solid connection to play on. I was yellow bar for 98% of my games on Halo 3 (still got my General, wutaplaya etc.) and it made it really frustrating to play. Halo: Reach and Halo 4 were nowhere near as good in terms of competitive multiplayer, but at least I could get green bar connections every game. I can play Halo 4 with my buddy in the states and we both have constantly good connections in every game we play together. As much as I am disappointed in how casual the game is overall, at least I can play the game with shots that fucking connect with a target.
Playing Halo 2 and 3 with solid netcode will be the ultimate Halo multiplayer experience for me.
I wasn't talking about 'lots of choice' in Halo 4, I just meant that having it as part of the MCC gives us as much choice as possible in terms of what we want to play. It's unlikely I will play a lot of Halo 4, but it's possible, so having the choice there is perfectly fine with me...as long as I can filter it out lel.
Sounds like it was recorded in Halo 2's lobby.So what does everyone think so far
Love you too bbySounds like it was recorded in Halo 2's lobby.
So what does everyone think so far
Sounds like it was recorded in Halo 2's lobby.
Can someone at 343 clarify something about Halo 2's multiplayer? Are the six "remastered" maps the only maps in the game that have the graphical upgrades (the textures, lighting, etc)? So when we're playing Halo 2 online are we really going to be flip flopping from upgraded Halo 2 graphics to shitty old Halo 2 graphics depending on what map we want to play?
Interrogator: Tell me about the children. Doctor Halsey?
Dr. Catherine Halsey: You already know everything.
Interrogator: You kidnapped them.
Dr. Halsey: Children's minds are more easily accepting of indoctrination. Their bodies more adaptable to augmentation. The result was the ultimate soldier. And because of our success, when the Covenant invaded, we were ready.
Interrogator: Doctor Halsey, you're bending history to your own favor and you know it. You developed the Spartans to crush human rebellion, not to fight the Covenant.
Dr. Halsey: When one human world after another fell... When my Spartans were all that stood between humanity and extinction Nobody was concerned about why they were originally built.
Interrogator: So you feel that in the end, your choices were justified.
Dr. Halsey: My work saved the human race.
Interrogator: Do you think the Spartans' lack of basic humanity helped?
Dr. Halsey: What are you after? The others before you were Naval Intelligence, but you You're something else.
Interrogator: Records show Spartans routinely exhibited mildly sociopathic tendencies: Difficulty with socialization
Dr. Halsey: The records show efficient behavior operating in hazardous situations. I supplied the tools to maintain the efficiency.
Interrogator: But do you believe the Master Chief succeeded because he was, at his core, broken?
Dr. Halsey: What does John have to do with this? ... You want to replace him.
Interrogator: The Master Chief is dead.
Dr. Halsey: His file reads Missing in Action.
Interrogator: Catherine... Spartans never die?
Dr. Halsey: Your mistake is seeing Spartans as military hardware. My Spartans are humanity's next step. Our destiny as a species. Do not underestimate them. But most of all: Do not underestimate him.
Not 343, but that's what it seems like.Can someone at 343 clarify something about Halo 2's multiplayer? Are the six "remastered" maps the only maps in the game that have the graphical upgrades (the textures, lighting, etc)? So when we're playing Halo 2 online are we really going to be flip flopping from upgraded Halo 2 graphics to shitty old Halo 2 graphics depending on what map we want to play?
Sounds like it was recorded in Halo 2's lobby.
Like I said, the recording setting were messed up before we started so that's why this one is of weaker quality, we promise to upgrade this in the next iteration. We're trying to check out with we can do as far as iTunes and downloadable episodes. I believe this one is up for download. But the answer to your question is soon(tm)What Overdoziz said. ^^^^
It was not bad at all so far. Just the voice quality is not the best. Also will this be on iTunes podcast sooner or later?(20 mins in so far).
What do people here think about the interrogator at the beginning of Halo 4 being Agent Locke?
Not 343, but that's what it seems like.
Yes. The 6 Halo 2 Anniversary variants are maps built from the ground up using a new engine. Their classic counterparts, along with the rest of the Halo 2 maps are not visually upgraded aside from 1080p60. I would hope that they would increase the texture resolution (like from the PC version) at least, and perhaps apply some sort of AA for dem jaggies, but that remains to be seen.
edit: oops, I don't work for 343 lol. This is just based on what I've read over the past few days.