wow Megalo can do a lot (from GunGame)
18 different weapons: Gravity Hammer, Energy Sword, Shotgun, Scattershot, Magnum, Storm Rifle, Assault Rifle, Needler, Light Rifle, Carbine, Battle Rifle, Sticky Detonator, Railgun, Sniper Rifle, Binary Rifle, Spartan Laser, Rocket Launcher, and the SAW.
By default, the weapon progression is randomized every single game. This can be customized, see below.
Your score indicates which tier you are currently on. Tier 17 is the last tier, and the first player to complete it wins.
After completing tier 17, the game will wait for three seconds in case the winner gets stuck with a plasma grenade or is assassinated at the last second.
Players go through a short (one second by default) cooldown period after getting a kill before receiving a new weapon. This means that quick multikills (e.g. killing two people with one rocket) only promote a player once.
When receiving a new weapon, players will flash with a green Regicide explosion. (This does not affect a player's shields or health in any way; it is only visual.)
Melee kills and generic grenade explosion kills do not count toward promotions.
If you successfully demote a player, then you receive a Vengeance medal. A custom statistic tracks these and can be viewed after the game ends.
If enabled, players can be demoted to tier -1 (not via suicide), where they receive an Incineration Cannon as a handicap.
Several different customizable options and trait sets, detailed below.
Weapon tuning settings from matchmaking!
Trait Sets:
Cooldown Traits: Applied to players during the cooldown period before weapon upgrades. By default, this only prevents damage, but can be used to e.g. give players a temporary radar.
Final Tier Traits: Applied to players who are on the final weapon tier and who are about to win. By default, this shows a waypoint over the player's head.
Leader Traits: Your standard leader traits from Slayer gametypes. Applied to players in the lead. Overrides all but powerups. By default, these do nothing.
Weapon Progression: Controls the weapon progression order. This defaults to Randomized, where the progression is switched up every single game (but all players in the game follow the same weapon order). Other options include Weak to Strong, where players start with a Gravity Hammer and must reach the SAW, and Strong to Weak, where players start with the SAW and must reach the Gravity Hammer.
Assassination Vengeances: Controls how players are affected by assassinations. By default, this is set to Two-Way, where assassinations demote the target and promote the killer. Other options include Promote Killer, Demote Target, and Disabled.
Sticky Vengeances: Same as Assassination Vengeances, but for sticky kills. Defaults to Demote Target.
Tier -1: If enabled, then players can be demoted to tier -1 (not via suicide), where they receive an Incineration Cannon. Defaults to Enabled.
Cooldown Time: Controls the time between when a player gets a kill and when they receive their new weapon. Defaults to 1 second.
Forge Labels:
gungame - If this is set on an object and "Game Specific" is set to TRUE, then the object will only spawn in Gun Game.
gungame_del - If this is set on an object, it will be present in every gametype except for Gun Game.
gungame_hide - If this is set on an object, it will be made invisible in Gun Game and objects (except for projectiles) will not be able to pass through it. Just for fun.
Special thanks goes out to everyone who helped me test and to everyone who has been actively involved in the gametype modding community. You guys rock.