I love mine.
PhotoShop ftw
The degree to which my writing is legible on the machine is nothing short of startling, I will ACTUALLY be able to store the entirety of my third year work on the machine and have it accessible from the cloud quite effortlessly. What's particularly nice is that my notes will be quite comprehensive, due to being able to edit them in a way which pen and paper clearly cannot afford.
It's a beautiful piece of engineering and it actually secretly gives me faith in Xbone.
Take this!
I think it'd look nice on your mantelpiece, or next to your college degree certificate/cherished family photo's etc.
printed and now beside DeVry diploma and Hitler daguerreotype.
Well if you're gonna say fuck canon them make some fuck canon maps too.kiss my butt I love football. No excuses. We made sports themed game type and armor perm to go with it.
printed and now beside DeVry diploma and Hitler daguerreotype.
Well if you're gonna say fuck canon them make some fuck canon maps too.
When am I hired ?
As soon as you work on a AAA game and then reapply, I would imagine.
When am I hired ?
is this still a thing?
I've seen "Hire juices" posted so many times in Halo threads lately that I thought that's what you meant by this
Apply juices😛
Hire Juices
Apply Juicy to Halo 5!
Could I really even possibly do a worse job?
Dont think so.
we need frankie in hgs.
What are you going to domy GF is losing her Job.
Could I really even possibly do a worse job?
Dont think so.
I'd do it if I thought I could, but I blow at this kind of thing and have horrendous anxiety issues that I probably couldn't deal with in a corporate environment. So I sit here and yell things at people on the internet instead.Serious question: Do you legitimately want the job?
Claude and I were just chatting on the couch when the ceiling and clouds opened up above him. I took this photo right before he ascended into the Heavens.
Wait, he died?
Oh, and '60 FPS for Halo, yayyyyyyyy'
Yeah good one guys, fell right into that one didn't you. 'Oh look guys, the first thing we're going to announce for our new Halo game is directly influenced from the fundamental STAPLE of the entire Call of Duty series'
"Oh my, did we mention that we lied about all the 'careful planning' we had for this series? The trilogy is now a saga! We didn't have a fucking clue where we were going to take the series till last week! Gary the janitor said the new series of The Apprentice was kinda cool. we'll probably just go with that, LOL."
Oh, and that's not all! We're formally announcing a TV series, directed by a guy renowned for ruining large franchises like Star Wars, what could possibly go wrong! I mean, Microsoft certainly has the experience for such endeavours, after the fucking resounding success which was Spartan Op's!
Oh btw did we mention the next Halo's a shitty tablet game!
Halo's dead!
What are you going to do
It's still all up in the air at the moment waiting for it to settle before making any permanent choices but I might be moving to london for work or something similar unless a job comes my way quickly. Safe to say its not looking good.
Is there a release date for the new map pack?
When am I hired ?
maybe when you buy a Surface Pro
conor is franchise director confirmed?
Conor banned again it seems.
Thank goodness.
Nah.I'm back motherfuckers.
I don't think they mentioned this at the panel yesterday, but they are adding two new armor mods ("perks") with the TU when the DLC drops.
Top track, go to 9:30
Gameplay changing features as dlc?