So, I've been messing with this
gametype. It basically allows you to combine any object in the game. The "Mongoose" label is the main thing and the "Forklift" label is for stuff that you want to merge with the "Mongoose". You can merge vehicles, weapons, and other stuff. The only vehicle that works as a "Forklift" is the Mantis, though, so you can't combine a Shade Turret with a Ghost to make a pseudo-Spectre.
Some stuff that can be made with it:
- Merge base turret with a Warthog to make a portable turret delivery system (Mongoose explodes during activation, but Warthog just moves upwards).
- Merge a Mantis onto a Banshee to make a Falcon-like vehicle.
- Merge a building with a Warthog to make a portable shield (you can shoot out from the inside, but you can't shoot in from the outside).
Stuff that I thought of but haven't tried:
- Portable capture plates (the gametype is a Slayer one, and there's no CTF gametype for this)
Also, you can clip through every "Forklift", and explosive "Forklifts" don't work.
If you use a Kill Ball as a "Forklift", it destroys the vehicle, and if you walk through it, it doesn't kill you (I suspect it's a ghost Kill Ball that stays when the vehicle blows up, though).