What happened to Halo 1 with Halo 2. (Most forgivable because Halo 2 was an incredibly fun game)
What happened to Halo 2 with Halo 3.
ODST without multiplayer AND/OR FF Matchmaking.
What happened to Halo 3 with Halo Reach.
What happened to Halo 4.
If you take a step back and acknowledge all the positives/negatives that have occurred from game to game, you probably won't have much faith in Halo 5. Honestly, Halo is one of my favorite franchises, but it's one of my most disappointing because of the constant refusal to respect the YEARS and YEARS of knowledge of what makes a fundamentally great Halo game.
It's crazy to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be a negative nancy but it's difficult for me to trust anything Halo devs say anymore due to a severe lack of transparency and increasing shadiness. I understand how PR works, I get all that.. but so many little things in their speech whenever 343/Microsoft say something just makes me uneasy.
I haven't seen this mentioned as I'm probably one of the only few who cares about this kinda stuff, but look at the Q/A from RTX for example. Someone asks about how long this bundle was in development for so Young mentions how it hasn't been too long (around 4 months) and is pretty much answering the question from a real, humble perspective. Then Frankie interrupts and starts changing the tone of his response by saying it's been in development for a long time, "months and months" to quote exactly. Didn't Frankie just mention something about hyperboles the other day on here? You don't deserve any flack for this Frankie, so please don't take it as an attack. It's just how I feel.
I don't know man, I will always love the Halo universe, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't seriously concerned for the direction of this franchise.
There are a fair number of Halo fans who want to like Halo, and want to like Halo 4, but well, it's Halo 4. When new stuff is announced, it's reasonable that marginally attached fans will express their delight or disappointment accordingly. Discussion from them (hi!) is just as okay as from anyone else. Just ignore it if you don't like it.
Edit: v Yup, that too, Gui.
And we're looking at these changes as a window to Halo 5. If they keep making bad decisions with this game, we can assume they'll do the same with the next one,