Nobody has ever posted like you. You are a new breed of terrible poster. You dont even take a side you just slrp and then go "I agree with your point however the games good!"
Its like not even worth talking to you because we can present a million terrible facts about Halo 4 and you'd go "Yeaaaa but Halo 4 is really fun!"
Probably why most people here have you on ignore and dont care about anything you say.
GSO Ozzy. HGS!!! HGS !!!
You know I nearly bought your opinion as fact, nearly. Would read again
I've been making clearer claims about what I like more recently, I think I've been getting better at that after Heckfu's heckling of me trying to be unbiased. I play Devil's Advocate often, can't help it. The weird part is only a few days ago I posted that I rated Halo 3 ranked objective as my all time favourite,
I thought this post was pretty definitive as to what I like, not unbiased or SLRPing at all.
Here's my dream Halo 4 launch line up (also posted similar not long ago):
1. Ranked vs. Social split.
2. Clean smaller maps like Halo 2 or 3 objective e.g. Ivory tower, Zanzibar, Lockout, Burial Mounds, High Ground
3. One sided objective.
4. Less hand holding for CTF waypoints, no dropping etc.
5. Toggles over developer managed matchmaking with core playlists/team sizes.
6. No instant respawn.
7. Local search filter.
8. Dedicated servers.
9. Streaming & commentating features.
10. Developer global tournaments with LAN finals.
11. Less USA-centric in terms of networking/marketing/in game exclusives.
12. Audio mixing controls e.g. music, effects & dialogue.
13. Some playlists without progressive features e.g. fixed loadouts.
14. Split map design between those without sprint/AA's and those with sprint/AA's.
15. Keep the CGI quality.
16. Increase the open exploration and less on the rails missions.
17. No bullet sponges in campaign, improve AI or enemies. Equal effects e.g. you kill an Elite and his weapon does the same damage it did to you.
18. Infinity should be its own playlist not spread amongst. In fact any new features should really be new playlists rather than trying to overhaul the entire game with a single developer vision.
19. Vote variants should be locked to map/gametype/setting and toggles drive more of that pre-selection.
20. A playlist with baseline mods on steroids for all players e.g. resupply+recharge+resistor+dexterity+stability
21. Fuck Forge and go PC editing with self publishing and a faster development lifecycle with Community Cartographers.
22. Developer should create some DLC (say 30%) from community creations of PC editing.
23. DLC should become free 3 months after going on sale and then become required downloads to promote variety and retain population.
24. Clans support with tournament entries affecting in game rank.
25. In game cinematics for SPOPS style play beyond campaign should be done like Reach and keep your progressed/customised character/weapons in the action. Drop CGI here and create a sustained cadence with quality content e.g. 3-5 missons per month like an ongoing campaign.
26. The audio remix contest was awesome.
27. Marketing facts have to be far clearer and earlier than the Halo 4 marketing campaign.
28. Videos like the community invite or weapon tuning streaming are highly welcomed.
29. In game opt-in voting polls that link directly with forum polls for game features. Have players up or down vote what they like or don't like and use this for development resources moving forward.
30. Bring assault back! It's too good and missed very much.
Just for you Warher, only approx. 500 words