Even the regular railgun is a beast in this game. Really is a powerful weapon this time.
games not even in the top 10 on xbl right now.
cannot believe it. man do 343 need to get some new ways to play in there fast.
im guessing the long term plan is that population of games like battlefront/rainbow/madden/etc might drop but the long term updates keep halo in the mix? idk. its just pretty clear people want some more basic features, fast
Tbh, I had a feeling it might play out like this. I actually stopped playing myself now too. I realise there are a vocal bunch on here who believe this is the best playing Halo in years, the best multiplayer in the franchise yet etc, but it never seemed to me like the masses would warm to it quite so well. Even based off of the BETA and countless streams etc, which just had and have so many people constantly frustrated with the game (even pro players), or dying all the time, often at limited fault of their own due to the messy and cathartic nature of it all.
I don't think some of the super enthusiastic fans help the situation too much either, often times routinely shooting down or rebuking criticisms left and right, which muddies the waters as to what a greater audience might actually want or prefer from the game.
I don't think simply adding more content will necessarily do the trick, and believe there's some more underlying restructuring needed with some of the core design and balancing to really draw in and maintain greater interest. Thankfully 343i seem fairly reactivate, and they're clearly listening, so it'll be interesting to see how things play out. Will mass numbers migrate back to the game after the Fall splurge and future updates, will the numbers hang around this sort of level, or will they dwindle further?
So when is that new Forge thing coming out? Im bored and I want to express myself with Halo Lego.
Melee is way to slow. You should try the new rainbow six of like it.Just talked my old H1 and 2 LAN buddies from middle/high school. They do not share my enthusiasm for H5, one liked Reach MP better and the other liked Reach and 4 better.... First off, no way in hell 4 MP was better than 5. Second, they both complain about grenades and melee. Both of them like Reach MP better and complain about grenades? Um wow. But maybe the melee I understand, they hate the over power of that versus guns. I just really don't understand how jet packs and armour lock were better? They want Halo to be like CE, I argue this is the closest they are going to get. Just don't get it. They both play battlefield and COD now, and I just don't like those games as much. Guess I should just git good at COD..
I love the way you put together this video, it allowed me to connect as a viewer.So many little pieces of geometry to get stuck on, for grenades to bounce off of, for Rockets to not even hurt people, etc.
343 pliss.
Should be within next few weeks. Any map you plan to maybe remake? I don't know if your Guardian from H4 was ever finished.
I wholeheartedly agree with those asking for a PvE mode of some sort. Be it Firefight, a new mode of Warzone, or even a Flood mode. I thought BTB would be a nice, relaxing game mode like in previous games but nope. lol. That shit is serious, imo. This game is definitely more competitive than Halo 4 and that is a great achievement, but I would still like a decent way to just shoot stuff without a care in the world.
I know those modes will be released eventually, but hopefully sooner rather than later.
I think halo 5 will do fine population wise despite some of the issues with the game's multiplayer right now. I think 343i's sustain plan should help keep a viable online population for this game unlike halo 4.Also, has anyone gotten into an overtime match yet because I got into one in a slayer match recently.
We have no Firefight, no Spartan Ops, no campaign scoring, no campaign theater (easy speed run submissions), no split screen, no Forge, no infection/flood, no grifball, BTB only came under 2 weeks ago. There is only Strongholds and CTF in terms of objective. I mean even simple things like campaign having no rally points for easy entry into missions affects how much you play.
Yeah, that built a really solid base, but not much else. Hopefully the rest comes soon...Pretty much this.
At this point, I've put away Halo 5 for now. Gonna wait a few months and see what they add in, but at this point it's just too samey for me. Really dissapointed that Halo now continues to lose features from sequel to sequel instead of expanding on what's already there.
(And if this stuff is being worked on, it needs to be communicated better than monthly updates imo)
I just feel that, for 3 years of development time, what we got is very...basic. Good, but basic.
Just talked my old H1 and 2 LAN buddies from middle/high school. They do not share my enthusiasm for H5, one liked Reach MP better and the other liked Reach and 4 better.... First off, no way in hell 4 MP was better than 5. Second, they both complain about grenades and melee. Both of them like Reach MP better and complain about grenades? Um wow. But maybe the melee I understand, they hate the over power of that versus guns. I just really don't understand how jet packs and armour lock were better? They want Halo to be like CE, I argue this is the closest they are going to get. Just don't get it. They both play battlefield and COD now, and I just don't like those games as much. Guess I should just git good at COD..
Yeah, that built a really solid base, but not much else. Hopefully the rest comes soon...
It's really cool all the stats and stuff that you can see on Waypoint, but that stuff should really be accessible in game somewhere. Or at least make a Waypoint app for Xbox One.
This is what I'm running into. I'm a solo player and I'm getting tired of being on bad teams. I love the game but I'm getting so frustrated with how my team always seems to suck. I know there are ways for me to find people to play with but I just like jumping right in and playing without having to search here or that discord thing to get a group going. A co-op mode would really help to alleviate some of that frustration.Exactly.
If your a solo player, you can either:
A. Play campaign.
B. Go online and hope you get a good team.
C. Play free for all.
I mean, pretty much every other shooter on the market offers a serious piece of the puzzle Halo 5 is missing, and that's a cooperative game mode.
Rainbow Six: Siege has Terrorist Hunt
Destiny has...well, most of Destiny.
Blops III has a co-op campaign and Zombies.
Titanfall got a horde mode post-release.
Gears has had it since 2.
Even vanilla as shit Battlefront has something to offer.
Meanwhile the 5th mainline entry into a 14-year-old series that has had this area covered previously has...nothing.
And if I could sum up my biggest issue with the game right now, it's that.
I'm happy it moved you.I love the way you put together this video, it allowed me to connect as a viewer.
Interesting. Looks like you're talking about the CE Pistol, which may be the weapon people clamor for in Arena once it's released in Warzone ;]Finally they need a BR playlist. Competitive Halo has always been BR's and Team Arena should probably be BR. AR/Pistol is cute and its fine cause the pistol is good now lol and such and so forth. Something about that BR tho.... The gun of gods. Shit I can barely get BRs in SWAT anymore...its frustrating.
If your a solo player, you can either:
A. Play campaign.
B. Go online and hope you get a good team.
C. Play free for all.
I mean, pretty much every other shooter on the market offers a serious piece of the puzzle Halo 5 is missing, and that's a cooperative game mode.
Rainbow Six: Siege has Terrorist Hunt
Destiny has...well, most of Destiny.
Blops III has a co-op campaign and Zombies.
Titanfall got a horde mode post-release.
Gears has had it since 2.
Even vanilla as shit Battlefront has something to offer.
Meanwhile the 5th mainline entry into a 14-year-old series that has had this area covered previously has...nothing.
And if I could sum up my biggest issue with the game right now, it's that.
If your a solo player, you can either:
A. Play campaign.
B. Go online and hope you get a good team.
C. Play free for all.
I mean, pretty much every other shooter on the market offers a serious piece of the puzzle Halo 5 is missing, and that's a cooperative game mode.
Rainbow Six: Siege has Terrorist Hunt
Destiny has...well, most of Destiny.
Blops III has a co-op campaign and Zombies.
Titanfall got a horde mode post-release.
Gears has had it since 2.
Even vanilla as shit Battlefront has something to offer.
Meanwhile the 5th mainline entry into a 14-year-old series that has had this area covered previously has...nothing.
And if I could sum up my biggest issue with the game right now, it's that.
I think Halo 5 multiplayer will be fine population wise. The core Arena multiplayer gameplay is so good that I keep coming back to it from Rainbow Six open beta which I also like a lot. Had the Arena mode been tailored for CoD casuals I would be more worried about the lifespan.
The game is also available on one platform only so the community is not split between different platforms (Titanfall, RS: Siege).
so wait whys the thread moved?
This sounds exciting.
Ad Victoriam
This sounds exciting.
This sounds exciting.