Halo was effectively dethroned in 2007.
People don't understand it wont ever come back to its prime.
More IMPORTANTLY what people fail to understand is, that the fan base doesn't care about that, it cares about a good Halo game, and that's it.
H5 is certainly a good Halo game severely hampered by playlist management.
Damn straight. Shit's boring as hell with the current maps/playlists. Core mechanics and gameplay are so good... it just get's old quick playing the same things on the same maps over and over... And the Forge maps are just sterile, texture free, soul-less junk.
I'll be back when we have a slew of new Arena maps (that arent forge or night/day remixes) and all the fun modes are back like infection, oddball, griffball, assault, headhunter and juggernaut.
Currently people have BOIII, SW:BF and R6:S to play... and they are all arguably good shooters pulling players from H5.