Almost every single one of those points is questionable.Whatever.
A wretched campaign
Last-shot boss kills on Warzone
Map design like Pegasus, Orion, and Eden (frankly, there is ONE legitimately great original map in this game, and that's Coliseum)
A boost ability that will stop dead on a 2inch incline at the bottom edge of a ramp or any other small gradation in terrain
Maps filled with pointless, decorative 'furniture' that's too small to serve as cover and serves no purpose other than getting players caught in the middle of fire-fights,
Nonsensical matchmaking,
The worst spawn AI I've ever encountered
Terrible deadzones and stick acceleration,
A lack of staple game-modes,
...there's plenty to question about the talent on this team, from the designers all the way down to the play-testers.
I'm glad they were able to clean up the dump they themselves took on the floor with Halo 4 and put together a game with strong core shooting and movement mechanics. The quality we've come from Halo goes beyond core mechanics to the full player experience.