Samurai G0SU
Its alllive!!!!!
Edit: i suck at mobile posting

Edit: i suck at mobile posting
Speaking of updates... The massive new dota 2 update goes live tomorrow. I really want to try that out, but then... Halo's new update will almost definitely go live tomorrow. And Star Wars "goes live" tomorrow too. Life.
Oh haha didn't know anything about the Dota 2 update... that's gonna' fuck with me bad.
But once I get my hands on Forge I'll probably be playing a lot less Dota 2![]()
Its alllive!!!!!
The monthly updates have been great and all but when the fuck are we getting more gametypes back. You'd think only having to balance 3 gametypes would mean better gameplay on them but some of the strongholds placements are r o u g h
It was worded that way to simply exclude a Monday release day, while not committing to Tuesday as a possible release day.Noooo im pretty sure Bravo repetated tuesday multiple times on that stream. If you're going to say "the week of" I don't know anyone that uses a Tuesday to explain the week
Can the update please drop tomorrow, so I can spend these already?
That's insane. Then again, Zeezbruh did a 460K pack opening so you are weak sauce![]()
It was worded that way to simply exclude a Monday release day, while not committing to Tuesday as a possible release day.
That's insane. Then again, Zeezbruh did a 460K pack opening so you are weak sauce![]()
I dont remember receiving my first packs until the monday after launch though. Which would make this week the seventh and last week. Funny thing is, I have tried a couple of times to buy another bundle, and it tells me tha I already own it.. Strange
Can the update please drop tomorrow, so I can spend these already?
Holiday beginning soon + 343i moving into a new building probably means it will take a while. I hope they have at least 1 new gametype for the January update.
Can the update please drop tomorrow, so I can spend these already?
Holiday beginning soon + 343i moving into a new building probably means it will take a while. I hope they have at least 1 new gametype for the January update.
Don't spend them for a couple days after the update, it can take a while for the REQ to show up, at least that's what I saw on reddit.
With the addition of Forge, I really want to make a countdown spiritual successor, hopefully I can do a map with curves rather than square.
This. Let's just hope it actually drops this week. I have a bad feeling it's getting delayed :/I think there's more backlash over being vague to avoid missing the release date than there would be had they missed a release date.
Of all the maps.
This. Let's just hope it actually drops this week. I have a bad feeling it's getting delayed :/
It was like 520k if you count the points I got from selling bad cards
Daily win req packs are add a win 20 games in a week/complete 20. Also a very small but escalating RP or XP bonus for completeting games in a row without quitting. 20>40>60>80>100 etc etc.
I think there's more backlash over being vague to avoid missing the release date than there would be had they missed a release date.
Did we need to save REQ points for something? Is there going to be another quick timed pack? Because I buy a silver every time I hit over 5000 RP and am probably at only a few hundred right now.
That's insane. Then again, Zeezbruh did a 460K pack opening so you are weak sauce![]()
Don't spend them for a couple days after the update, it can take a while for the REQ to show up, at least that's what I saw on reddit.
Jesus. I spend as soon as I hit 5k or 10k. I'm probably gonna be buying silvers for a while to come.
And I hope to AT LEAST get neutral flag considering its kind of int he game in the form of breakout.
Wonder if forgers can create new gametypes with what they get.
Forge is gonna be sweet but also a little disappointing we don't have a full suite of gametypes you can create fun games with.
I think there's more backlash over being vague to avoid missing the release date than there would be had they missed a release date.
I guess this means Halo 5 content is truly being worked on up to the last minute... For better or worse...
Warden/Final boss should spawn in a random place on the map.
It seems like 343i is just starting the cert process in the days leading to launch ...
Other devs must have all of there ducks in a row and pass cert well in advance of launch. That way they can set a date, and know they won't miss it.
I guess this means Halo 5 content is truly being worked on up to the last minute... For better or worse...
These nebulous time frames are rather annoying though.
Awful idea.
Last hit attribution works in DOTA and League of Legends because of the limited engagement range and limited engagement routes and because melee characters exist in Mobas so the confinement of the PvE element with rocks works to funnel people into that area.
Imagine if Baron Nashor spawned dead middle of the map under no cover, and also at the same time everyone became ranged and could engage him from near any distance. That's Halo 5' Warzone PvE elements.
Dual Health Bars is the best and most engaging solution. Either outdamage your opponents or engage your opponents to stop their damage.
Eh....I don't feel it's that uncommon to be working on content up until release in games like this, take warframe for instance it gets regular updates and on dev streams they are constantly mentioning how certain things were being worked on a few hours before new content dropped or they are grinding away to get an update out as soon as possible.I half expected that. It does seem like they released what they had done and continued working none stop on stuff post launch.
Other devs will more than likely have things sorted and set a date that gives more than enough time. Whereas 343 are giving us updates monthly and as quickly as they can from the looks of it.
Hi all. I'll be posting the Forge OT tomorrow morning. I'll be away from my computer for a while tomorrow, so I figured I should post it early-ish in case the update drops while I'm away. Just thought I'd give y'all a heads up.
Can't wait to remake sword base but with lifts that send players to Gemini. Should be sweet.
Seriously though, we getting spartan charge breakable walls in forge?
Why stop there, complete the other 7 circles of Hell.
Can't wait to remake sword base but with lifts that send players to Gemini. Should be sweet.
Seriously though, we getting spartan charge breakable walls in forge?
Anybody need 1? I'm in that tipsy sweetspot and ready to REQ. GT is boltsnrays1109
Cragmire wouldn't fit the theme I'm going for
Yup, quitting is by far one of the worst problems with this game. And I don't blame 343. Games like Destiny or Call of Duty rarely penalize quitting and promote this drop in, drop out game play. Coupled with years of no consequence in Halo, no ranks, people are just used to quitting when they suck or are losing, oh it doesn't matter, I'll just quit and search for another match etc. Start taking away REQ points, increase quit bans to the entire day, maybe publicly change their emblem to some kind of dunce cap or quitter emblem for the day and maybe you'll see a change. If they feel it's too draconian and would rather go play another game, fuck them. Draw the line in the sand. I'd rather play a Halo that isn't in the top 10 but is full of good, decent players than being #1 but filled with a bunch of racist shitheads, cheaters, grieves, trolls etc.
easy solution: hide a button somewhere inconspicuous on the map, possibly underneath a power weapon. when pressed, the entire map transforms into cragmire
Quitting is more often than not a small act of protest against a garbage experience.
I threw a grenade under his feet and it did basically nothing, meanwhile I die from a grenade thrown 20 feet behind me? Garbage. Quit.
I spawn directly into the sights of an enemy? Nonsense. Quit.
I spawn across the map from my team and get 3-on-1ed by the enemy team I actually spawned closer to? Fuck you. Quit.
The list goes on.
This is not 2004 anymore. This is 2015. The days of players putting up with B-Tier nonsense in an experience THEY PAID FOR are over. There is no reason for a player to feel ANY obligation to be bent over by bad game design and execution.
The industry, the genre, the market have all evolved.
If 343i want to reduce quitting, the answer is simple. Make a more consistently enjoyable experience, free of B-tier bullshit.
Quitting is more often than not a small act of protest against a garbage experience.
I threw a grenade under his feet and it did basically nothing, meanwhile I die from a grenade thrown 20 feet behind me? Garbage. Quit.
I spawn directly into the sights of an enemy? Nonsense. Quit.
I spawn across the map from my team and get 3-on-1ed by the enemy team I actually spawned closer to? Fuck you. Quit.
The list goes on.
This is not 2004 anymore. This is 2015. The days of players putting up with B-Tier nonsense in an experience THEY PAID FOR are over. There is no reason for a player to feel ANY obligation to be bent over by bad game design and execution.
The industry, the genre, the market have all evolved.
If 343i want to reduce quitting, the answer is simple. Make a more consistently enjoyable experience, free of B-tier bullshit.