Like I said, I don't think the pistol is too bad, the main issue really is that the other rifles are too easy to use. I'd rather have the bullet magnetism on the BR dropped but I think that's far less likely than the pistol fire rate being increased.
And auto spam is definitely very prevalent. I don't want the AR nerfed so hard that it's useless, however I would definitely like to see the range decreased.
Not my clip (took it from a post on Beyond) but watch the end of this:
Not true at all.
The pistol's perfect time to kill (TTK) (i.e.: hitting 4 shots then a head shot and firing as fast as possible) is 1.2 seconds and 1.8 seconds if you only hit body shots at max fire rate. Obviously this is rarely going to be the actual kill time, missed shots and not firing at max speed increase this by a lot. The pistol's also easily the most difficult weapon to use so at close quarters you're even more likely to be missing shots.
The AR has a perfect kill time of 1.1 seconds with headshots and 1.4 seconds with no headshots. Due to the random nature of spread the kill time is usually going to lie somewhere in that range. However the AR is extremely easy to use, is obviously always firing at the max rate and has a large amount of bullet magnetism, so it's far easier to get close to the perfect kill time.
Also forgot to mention the straight up broken bullet magnetism on the sniper. That gun is ridiculously easy to use.