Can anybody tell me why Overgrowth is a thing?
Is there no way to turn off radar for Pros or tournaments when they play?
This was the highlight of tonight's customs. Slow motion ftw.
People still spreading the "Warzone is pay 2 win" nonsense. Yeah, that must be why I have an average Win/Loss Ratio in that mode, because I never bought a single REQ pack nor do I plan to. You can literally win the game with 2 BR's which is all I'm doing anyways. We are steamrolling people with BR's only in our Warzone sessions.
I seriously feel like the H5 radar provides even more camping then ever before. 343i and the pro team must think otherwise, because they said it's competetive and have no plans to remove it in HCS settings.
I have never seen so many Pro Players camping with a Scattershots than in this game. But Shotguns also weren't very present in older Halo games with competetive settings anyways.
Or maybe some people just have a different definition of Pay-2-WinPeople still spreading the "Warzone is pay 2 win" nonsense. Yeah, that must be why I have an average Win/Loss Ratio in that mode, because I never bought a single REQ pack nor do I plan to. You can literally win the game with 2 BR's which is all I'm doing anyways. We are steamrolling people with BR's only in our Warzone sessions.
I seriously feel like the H5 radar provides even more camping then ever before. 343i and the pro team must think otherwise, because they said it's competetive and have no plans to remove it in HCS settings.
I have never seen so many Pro Players camping with a Scattershots than in this game. But Shotguns also weren't very present in older Halo games with competetive settings anyways.
Camping is very minimal in Halo 5 because the radar has been nerfed from previous titles. It's not that intrusive compared to before. I think it all comes down to people being stuck in the ways of old - same thought process as BR starts. Halo 5 is a different beast and having radar doesn't make it any less competitive. In fact, some of the matches today were super tight.
close range radar+fast ttk+strong automatics+bad map design=h5 camping/crouch walking everywhere.
Showing accurate positions of running enemy players in near vicinity definitely lowers the skill cap. It's not as bad as it was in previous games, but Pro teams should do just fine with sound and communication. Game doesn't have to that do for them.Camping is very minimal in Halo 5 because the radar has been nerfed from previous titles. It's not that intrusive compared to before. I think it all comes down to people being stuck in the ways of old - same thought process as BR starts. Halo 5 is a different beast and having radar doesn't make it any less competitive. In fact, some of the matches today were super tight.
Showing accurate positions of running enemy players in near vicinity definitely lowers the skill cap. It's not as bad as it was in previous games, but Pro teams should do just fine with sound and communication. Game doesn't have to that for them.
I also don't understand what tight matches have to with competitiveness. There can be tight coin-flipping matches.
Is there no way to turn off radar for Pros or tournaments when they play?
I just mean especially for Pros. These people know routes, map areas, weapon spawns like the back of their hands. I definitely feel like radar for Pros increases camping and makes some of the game play stale at this high a level.
Showing accurate positions of running enemy players in near vicinity definitely lowers the skill cap. It's not as bad as it was in previous games, but Pro teams should do just fine with sound and communication. Game doesn't have to that do for them.
Yeah, it happens but not as prominent. I am with you on map design, though. It's no where close to being on par with the old games. Truth is the best map and it's a remake lol. That's very telling as I always say.
They are just in regular custom games, so yeah, they can easily cut them off, but the game seems to play well even with it on, so I don't see the issue..
I saw so abundance of camping, probably because these guys have very high awareness anyway.... And hit markers have turned grenades into quasi sonar devices... In fact the only real aggregious example of camping I saw was in Breakout, which has no radar.
Camping occurs in breakout because of the much quicker TTK coupled with no objective besides kill in a sense (they added a flag). Why would they push when any misstep is death. Even regular slayer has less camping except when there is maybe just a few kills left and each death matters.
I mean if you agree they have high awareness, why give them a tool that practically tells them where enemies are or where they're coming fromeven with the reduced H5 radius? These are Pros and this is the world championship.
Is there no way to turn off radar for Pros or tournaments when they play?
I understand why people camp in breakout... I'm just saying that's the only gametype where I saw any notable amount of camping.
As to the bold, I truly believe that it exists as a balance against the lethality that the Spartan abilities bring to CQC.
There's no issue with skill gap in this game...removing radar will just shift a particular situational advantage from the still player to the moving player. It won't actually increase the skill gap.
I'm starting to think grenades need to be nerfed just a tad bit, at least in BTB. Either that or strengthen shield impact against grenades. Basin Strongholds becomes a nade fest in Tower where it makes it almost impossible to hold even if you have shotgun plus invisibility.
Been hearing a lot of people say the same online.
They are just in regular custom games, so yeah, they can easily cut them off, but the game seems to play well even with it on, so I don't see the issue..
I saw no abundance of camping, probably because these guys have very high awareness anyway.... And hit markers have turned grenades into quasi sonar devices... In fact the only real aggregious example of camping I saw was in Breakout, which has no radar.
I think that's a one sided way to look at the equation. Sure the existance of radar makes it easier for people to defend themselves against people who are running nearby...
But it also makes it harder for people to use running as an offensive tactic. Forcing them to think more critically. I think that is important, especially with this new mechanics.
The existance of radar also allows skilled players to manipulate their opponents reliance of the radar.
The more I watch good people play on these maps, the more I appreciate them. Once you realize you have to play a bit differently than past games to get the most out of the maps, you can start to see the quality.
I actually enjoyed a game I played on Overgrowth today... Never thought I'd say that.
I don't think there are any maps that stand out as classics, but that may be more of an aesthetic issue than an actual issue with how the maps play.
It's a conscious decision to have HCS tournament play share the same settings that are in Team Arena in matchmaking.
Again, please lower weightings of Snipers.Shotty Snipers in Social. Its just terrible right now.
I feel like this has to be a bug and need confirmation it's being fixed.
Shh juices thinks 343 works on a 'juices-posts' base, there were not even 24 hours since his last post about the very same thing.They stated the current social playlist would be there until January 4th. It's being replaced in the next day or so...
They stated the current social playlist would be there until January 4th. It's being replaced in the next day or so...
Did they change some stuff for their servers? Have gotten so much lag the past few weeks. Didn't have that at all before.
Maybe for pro games radar should be on, but you only show up while sprinting? Would that even make a difference? Idk.
that's impressiveSo I started at platinum at Slayer, and I've now solo'd my way up to Diamond 4.
So I started at platinum at Slayer, and I've now solo'd my way up to Diamond 4.
Shh juices thinks 343 works on a 'juices-posts' base, there were not even 24 hours since his last post about the very same thing.
Obviously it is gonna get fixed.
Hopefully in an upcoming update weapon placements will finally be looked at. Worst offender is the new map Overgrowth.
I disagree. Camping is still prominent and the low motion tracker range make's it worse. There are so many instances when I'll be rounding a corner and I will get jumped by someone from the side or behind me with no tie to defend myself as they are not in range on the motion tracker.Camping is very minimal in Halo 5 because the radar has been nerfed from previous titles. It's not that intrusive compared to before. I think it all comes down to people being stuck in the ways of old - same thought process as BR starts. Halo 5 is a different beast and having radar doesn't make it any less competitive. In fact, some of the matches today were super tight.
So I started at platinum at Slayer, and I've now solo'd my way up to Diamond 4.
I don't think anyone has a good explanation. For 343 to remove a "new" map they just added would look really silly.Can anybody tell me why Overgrowth is a thing?
Ground pound is fine as it is.Ground pound is the Comic sans of this game.
Maybe only Halo players read this thread, but basically in Ground pound you hover in air, thrust towards the ground with high velocity and hit it forming "a bubble of damage" with a hefty sized damage radius. I'm almost certain the radius is on par or even bigger than basic rocket launcher explosion.
IMO nerfing this ability a bit would only work in favor of the game. Nerfing options could be:
- add a cooldown
- lock the aim (add a small waiting time between aiming and lunging)
- reduce damage radius
- remove "damage bubble"
- no shield recharge during the move (I think shields recharge during, but it's possible it works same way as with sprinting)
I'm having the same problemAnyone else having matchmaking problems atm?
I just had a server error, then couldn't highlight anything in the playlist menu... Reset Xbox, tried again, same thing.
I'm having the same problem