Real shit. 343 employees need to get Garden Warfare 2 to get inspiration for PvE modes in Halo 5 with the req system (Since GW uses a similar pack system). There are so many possibilities... I still don't really know wtf the battleground thing is but it sounds cool.
What does most of you guys use for zoom?
Old fashion halo right stick? Or like modern games left trigger?
Do you think Chief is gonna die in Halo 6? Know its early to tell but How do you feel about that if it happens?
Am at work and was watching some of the legendary quotes and lines in previews Halo's.
Cortana: "You look nice.
Arbiter : were it so easy
Chief: I need a weapon
We are just getting started
Bet you can't stick it
Man..just thinking about that makes me want to go out now and buy MCC again.
I cant find a memorable moment like that in Halo 5 campaign. To me chief feels different in a way I actually don't favor or like.
Miss something like the gravemind scene, Prophets. Sgt. Forge and three spartans vs The covenant.
Levels like : Two Betrayals, The Library, Assault on the Control Room,Floodgate
The horror and mystery feeling on 343 Guilty Spark level.
It makes me actually sad.
Think am gonna actually buy that again. Hope Halo 6 will have some of that and Chief wont die![]()
What does most of you guys use for zoom?
Old fashion halo right stick? Or like modern games left trigger?
Cartographers Gift was Dec 16th right? Had much less of a sneak peak for this update, so far all we know about are the new set of weapon skins iirc.
still better than that goose BraX![]()
Also got an elite controller, Idk for now it feels kinda uncomfortable with the paddles, I liked the razer paddles more.
With the lack of current legacy content... I'm not surprised a PvE mode didn't get prioritized.
But it is a no brainer with the current req system. We finally have a network model that isn't a laggy bitch when it comes to PvE in Halo. The Req system makes matches more interesting.
Not sure if its possible to do a PvE mode right now as DLC but I'd imagine a future Halo would have it.
HaloGAF stacking in GW2 beta to dong on kids (because literally they will be kids)?!
I'm game.
How does one get in the beta
get ready to dong on little spanish kids.
.Awwww yeah
HaloGAF stacking in GW2 beta to dong on kids (because literally they will be kids)?!
I'm game.
HaloGAF stacking in GW2 beta to dong on kids (because literally they will be kids)?!
I'm game.
I got super confused for a whole second wondering why HaloGAF was gonna start playing Guild Wars and why they were doing an open beta.
My bad.
I thought I could show off my cool stuff![]()
I've always played halo like that. Right stick for zoom. And started Halo 5 with Halo 4 setting. Played long time until I met team snipers. Then I changed it to default. Felt faster to me. But what's right is right. Right stickRight stick of course... Left trigger just feels wrong.. Even though I can play other shooters just fine...
Holding two buttons to shoot a single gun just doesn't feel right in Halo...
Bumper jumper it is.
Genesis was the best feeling in Halo 5Genesis was when Chief and Cortana finally got to talk it was pretty good.
It's been so long since I played Halo prior to 5 that I couldn't get used to bumper jumper. Too used to left trigger zoom and jump on A.
i refuse to do halo 2 on legendary. those fucking sniper jackals... dont have the patience anymore
Please don't say that. I keep dreaming of PvE in Halo 5.
Don't shatter my dreams :/
I tried getting into Guild Wars 2 once but I just couldn't...
I don't need an MMO to suck my gaming time anyway.
So we probably won't get Jan update until way later in the month I'm guessing? I hope we get some good stuff, maybe The Rig remix we saw in The Sprint.
Right stick of course... Left trigger just feels wrong.. Even though I can play other shooters just fine...
Holding two buttons to shoot a single gun just doesn't feel right in Halo...
Bumper jumper it is.
I may be setting myself up for disappointment but given the sustain model that they've set up, I'm expecting the monthly updates to be somewhat similar in terms of amount of content.I'm definitely expecting a light patch this month. There's been the big patch last month, the Christmas holidays, and they've moved buildings. My wishlist would be the new weapon skins, some new forge pieces, and a playlist using forge maps. Looking forward to hearing what we get next, I need me some new blog posts.
#buttcoins is always ready for battleI better see #CoinSquad on GW2 next week.
Ram, you better try it too, I think (after your disappointment with BF), this one will be right up
#buttcoins is already ready for battle
Don't worry, he pinged me about it this morning.Tell Omlet to get ready for war.
The war on sticker packets.
About to hit 1800 in TS, back to back teams of 4, thanks guys.
I was initially like that but I realised re-scoping mid battle is a pain with the right stick. I've changed to Pashooter which allows you to scope, shoot, throw grenades, melee, thrust and crouch without touching the face buttons.
Doesn't really bother me, my finger is on the right stick anyway because I'm aiming...
I dont want crouch being on a face button either... Would make crouch jumping too annoying...
I just found rescoping messed with my aim a bit when scope is on right stick.
I don't have crouch on a face button, it's on left stick.
Doesn't really bother me, my finger is on the right stick anyway because I'm aiming...
I dont want crouch being on a face button either... Would make crouch jumping too annoying...
Crouch on stick makes for especially enthusiastic teabagging.
do you roll solo? I hit onyx in slayer and it's hard for a pimp out there D:
After Halo 6, I want Halo to turn into a more quality Destiny with content. A PvE MMO Halo would be amazing.
15 years and 7 Halo titles later, I'm getting very bored.
I can't compete with these younger guys anymore. I don't have the time, patience, or the reflexes like I used to. Just my 2 cents.
Competitive Arena will still obviously be there...but the campaign should focus on large planets that can be explored and patrolled on while finding new and unique weapons and armor to equip on your Spartans.
If you like that stuff so much you can play Destiny and its sequels for the next 10 years.After Halo 6, I want Halo to turn into a more quality Destiny with content. A PvE MMO Halo would be amazing.
15 years and 7 Halo titles later, I'm getting very bored.
I can't compete with these younger guys anymore. I don't have the time, patience, or the reflexes like I used to. Just my 2 cents.
Competitive Arena will still obviously be there...but the campaign should focus on large planets that can be explored and patrolled on while finding new and unique weapons and armor to equip on your Spartans.
Halo should be like destiny with assassin's creed type movement, and combat like bloodborne and have prostitutes like gta
If you like that stuff so much you can play Destiny and its sequels for the next 10 years.
Personally, I'd rather not have any of that MMO stupidity infecting Halo.
Crouch on stick makes for especially enthusiastic teabagging.
but the campaign should focus on large planets that can be explored and patrolled on while finding new and unique weapons and armor to equip on your Spartans.
I really hate how much vitriol this game is getting in Game of the Year deliberations/awards. To me, it's one of the best games of the year. Normally I wouldn't feel slighted about journalists not loving a game I love, but I feel like a lot of the criticism is uninformed.
For example, during Giant Bomb's GOTY deliberations, the crew was bemoaning the REQ system, saying they thought it was overly limiting in allowing players to use which weapons and vehicles they want to use. I've personally found the system to be expansive (especially with rare and legendary variations of power weapons) and have never run out of weapons and vehicles. And even in cases where I haven't unlocked those that I want to use, getting REQ cards for weapons/vehicles I wouldn't normally care about (e.g., the turret, gungoose) has encouraged me to play the game in ways I wouldn't normally, which is new and fun and exciting.
I also feel like the additions to player movement have been largely overlooked as merely marginal improvements to gameplay. I've seen more uninformed "it's just more of the same" posts about this game than any other sequel when that couldn't be farther from the truth. The speed of the game has been improve massively, which it desperately needed to remain competitive with other games. At first, I was hesitant about the boost and clamber (and still kind of hate ground pound), but they're great additions to the game that really make it unique compared to other Halo and FPS games.
Perhaps this is just a case of nobody really playing the game enough to understand these things, but it is frustrating to read and listen to the game being dismissed so readily.
Anyway, Bloodborne was robbed. #buildingthelist
The caster's very powerful against camping shits. It's much more situational than most power weapons, but it's pretty deadly for spamming dark corners.
The Storm Rifle is fine, it's best for CQC and a great counter to campers. It's most important for 343 to ignore "feelings" and only look at data for weapon balances. The main narrative I have read so far is that people are annoyed or frustrated to deal with weapons they are not used to.
Weapon balance isn't determined by feelings, only numbers. The Halo sandbox is the best it has ever been in Halo 5. It's a damn miracle that a good player could literally be successful with every weapon in the game.
yep, true. Rig suffers from very bad power weapon placements and decision which ones are on theres.The more I play The Rig, the more people seem to be camping on it, the team that has the sniper, obviously. I think the map would play a lot better without it, plus the caster is fucking worthless. (for the millionth time)
The Storm Rifle is more of a power weapon than the caster, and those things spawn every 5 seconds, god damn what a frustrating weapon to fight against.
Anyone know what number you have to hit for Champion in Slayer this season? I assume 2200 or so, I'm not even close, but damn, 1850 is a huge improvement over pre season where I couldn't stay above 1550. The changes I did to my aiming settings did wonders for me.
Can't wait to ODST drop into Old Russia in Halo 8 though.
It's so easy to avoid though, the weapon really needed to work like the old GL, allowing you to decide when to detonate shots. The weapon rots on literally every map it's on, unless Funknown is in the game.
The weapon is OP as fuck in the hands of a good player, and absolutely too powerful on its current spawn rate. It can kill just as fast at midrange if you don't overheat it, and up close, you can sit the controller down, because they're either going to kill you with the gun, or pulse you for .5 seconds and melee you.
It either needs to be moved to a mid tier weapon, which is what I feel it is or overheat faster.