Other than customization, the actual control feel should be identical to a normal controller.
I've kept the regular sticks. But they feel a lot better than my old remote because they were quite worn. There isn't really a difference besides that, it's still the same controller just better quality as far as the sticks go. I tried using the longer stick on the right thumbstick but couldn't get used to it :3
The triggers and bumpers are better than on the OG controller though. Easier to press and clickier.
Paddles are amazing, I still have defaults but just being able to swap grenades and do a boost are awesome inclusions. Need to figure out what to do with the rest.
I'm wondering whether I should mess around with my sensitivity and other stick settings, I have played with defaults to date. Anyone have esperience on going from default stick settings to customised?
Thanks for the feedback guys. I will join the club