Nice! Let's marvel once again at its beauty:I finished silver packs! Had 69 rare REQS left, but they must all be tied to commendations, way more than I thought. Now the true journey for Mk IV begins.
Can't wait to see the CE Pistol and Mk. V ;]
Had to deal with something and idled for a game.
Got banned for 2 hours.
Umm ok. Little excessive
How the fuck wasn't this a sweet ass ninja. Fucking game.
Nice! Let's marvel once again at its beauty:
Can't wait to see the CE Pistol and Mk. V ;]
I don't like that change either. I have it engraved in my mind that it's a ohk with the flag and always forget they changed it. I liked the old way better. I would rather not have the pistol if need be....
Fucking no OHK with the flag...I can't adapt, I won't change...poor me.
I don't like that change either. I have it engraved in my mind that it's a ohk with the flag and always forget they changed it. I liked the old way better. I would rather not have the pistol if need be.
Dark days, dark days.Guis remember when we couldn't drop the flag
I am not adverse to change entirely. I like the idea of tagging the flag carrier but it just seems to me having the flag carrier have a ohk provided some sense of threat to an enemy. Having the pistol is ok as you said at distance but in close qtrs it's less than desirable Imo. Tradeoffs are tough, that being said Halo 5 has some of the most fun flag games in years so it's a small gripe on my part.I think that if they took the pistol, and brought back 1HK with the flag, they'd have to up the flag carries movement speed... He's gotta have SOME way to contend with all of these Spartan abilities and hit markers that would limit the carriers ability to leverage corners to his advantage .
Currently, the best thing to do is keep people at a distance with gun shots...
Guis remember when we couldn't drop the flag
Jeez, I actually forgot.
Nice! Let's marvel once again at its beauty:
Pretty badass... Special shout out to the timely EMP blast.
I'll be so happy if they announce we'll be getting new gametypes today.
I swear if they say AND THIS MONTH YOULL GET TO PLAY ONE NEW GAMETYPE im gonna lose it. Needs way more than one.
Pipe dream:
Oddball/Ricochet (they both have a ball how much different can they be add one the other has to come with it)
That would be the splinter grenade that he threw.
They need to just open the floodgates on gametypes all at once... If their hope is to drip feed them I'll scream...
Had to deal with something and idled for a game.
Got banned for 2 hours.
Umm ok. Little excessive
i love their plan to add big monthly content drops, its a great plan.
big monthly content drops that dip feed content that should of been there from the beginning is a joke.
I think the only tease we got was at the end of their last update stream.I really thought 343 would have at least teased some new REQs by now.
Any word on whether the SPNKr Will be added to the custom game UI, so we can spawn with it?
That is a joke. I played a game with hideous latency problems last week, where after two minutes the rest of my team quit and I stayed til the end because I didn't want to take a big ban when my game time is limited.I got 24 hours for two disconnects last week.
I hope we get a forge playlist. I'd love to try this out in mm.
I hope we get a forge playlist. I'd love to try this out in mm.
That wipes the floor with any forge map in the game right now.
I actually really enjoy Eden. Never play a bad game on it. Rig is hit or miss for me. Overgrowth is trash. I only really hate Regret.and dev maps like Overgrowth, the Rig, and Eden
Understandable, I'm anxious for Grifball just so I can get the Hammer back. loli want one but i really want more gametypes first.
not because of OMG I NEED MY ODDBALL, even though....i do.
But the forge maps to me arent forge maps until players can really start to mess around with gametype settings and make different ways to play
and dev maps like Overgrowth, the Rig, and Eden