If SC was as big of an issue as some of you say it is, our commendation would have been maxed a long time ago, and yet we're struggling to finish Rank 2, lol.
I think people are more annoyed by it when they get charged from the front. It's like Reachs Sprint + Melee. And I'd argue that most Spartan Charges actually happen from the front, instead of from the back where it's an insta kill. That's why our progress is so low.
Add a social playlist with autos and radar, let new players learn the game and increase their skill level in that. Remove them (or perhaps tweak in the case of autos) from ranked arena.
Definitely remove them from the pro settings. I'll be disappointed if in the next season of HCS we still have radar and the SR.
100% agree with this. Feel like this is only happening, because 343i decided that the Team Arena playlist is also the "Hardcore" Playlist.