I'm so horrible at this game. It makes the wins feel that much better I guess, especially when my team dominates the other team, but it can be tiring trying to get one of those wins sometimes.
I was so excited about returning home to the US and being able to resume playing Halo online recently. When I left after a short trip back last year, I hadn't gotten to spend too much time with Warzone but what I did play made me fall in love with it. And I was doing decently as well. Now that I am back though, I am finding out that I am just not good at Halo 5. I have a ton of fond memories of H3 MP, but H5 is a completely different beast than H3. It don't remember having a -4.4 KDR in H3 either which bums me out quite a bit (not blaming that in H5 though, it's my own fault). I started playing Warzone when I first got back but I was getting bodied regularly, going on horrible losing streaks. So I decided to shift focus to arena for a while, which was a big mistake.
I typically played BTB is all previous Halo games but I decided to try the regular ranked Arena game types this week and see if I could place. I think I won one of the 10 needed to place in Slayer. I lost six in a row yesterday before winning and each one saw me getting only two or three kills it seemed like. I tried playing again today and finished what I needed to at least get Silver 1 but it was still brutal. I started trying to identify what I was doing wrong and what the enemy teams were doing right. It seemed like most of the enemy teams were rolling four-deep at all times and steamrolling over any lone teammate or myself that they came across, so I tried sticking with teammates and not just running off on my own at the beginning of the match, tried to stay as a pack. When my team and I stuck together, I was winning more engagements and feeling better, but it is a total toss-up whether the mic-less randoms that I play with fight as one unit or just take off towards power weapons. I guess that is just a problem that occurs when playing with randos but I can't exactly blame them for the losses because I am not putting kills on the board and winning either.
I do need to play more and learn some of the maps better. I also have some bad habits still like tossing too many 'nades and going for melees that I am nowhere close to landing.
I guess what I am saying is that the game is very polarizing for me. I like the MP at times but other times I get very frustrated by it. The formula has changed a lot since H3 though and even XBL has changed a lot since then with the advent of party chat and disappearance of people communicating in random matches. It seems like none of the people I played H3 with play H5 either. I have yet to try the single player because I never finished H4 and wanted to marathon the MCC before starting this (and haven't begun that marathon yet).
Just kind of frustrated and looking to rant a bit is all. I was playing some Griffball earlier and going like 23-5 on some matches and actually had some of the good teammates I was playing with wanting to invite me to more matches, so that brightened my day a little. I didn't feel like I was totally wasting my time.