User 73706
Radar probably isn't needed, but people like it.
Radar probably isn't needed, but people like it.
Updated my Map...
If you do playtests, use my map as well please. I would appreciate the feedback/fixing that needs to be done.
This fucking rock
I HATE this rock. Why is it so damn hard to walk/run up!?
343 pls
How about no radar, but they add spotting like in Gears? See an enemy, push a button to tag them, #teamwork.
This fucking rock
I HATE this rock. Why is it so damn hard to walk/run up!?
343 pls
You have to admit though that forge maps in halo 5 are light years ahead of what we have had in previous halo games. Im legit looking forward to playing on them.
Also, I played a game of warzone assault on stormbreak and randomly got put on Ozzy's team. We got wrecked lol. Only so much you can do with bad teammates.totally kidding! But the rest of our team was pretty suspect
I know many of you are adamantly opposed to Radar do to its ability to slow the game to a crawl, and it's tendancies to reward players for camping with CQC weapons.
Well Pro Ryanoob posted this video about exploiting radar mechanics in a a way that allows for an alarming about of mobility while staying off the radar.
This should actually allow player to get the jump on would be campers, especially those who are totally reliant on radar.
I plan on incorporating this into my game, and looking more closely at what whether or not my favorite pros are showing up on radar when navigating these maps
How will your teammates see the tags then? A better idea would be to not make them last long.Only if the tags aren't visible through terrain.
This fucking rock
I HATE this rock. Why is it so damn hard to walk/run up!?
343 pls
How will your teammates see the tags then? A better idea would be to not make them last long.
Gears handles this perfectly and is not overpowered whatsoever. Doesn't even have to be assigned to a button. Shoot an enemy and they're tagged like the objective carrier. I've been saying this for a long time, but to the average player who isn't communicating, radar empowers selfish gameplay far too much. Look at player patterns, look at what they do when they spawn. So many players just run straight out to the action, relying on their radar to tell them if there are enemies around without using other systems like friendly indicators when they're in a fight or just basic intuition. So many people aren't conscious of their surroundings because they're dependent on radar to relay that information to them instead of considering not having their backs exposed and being conscious of sight lines.
No one is complaining in DOOM that there's no radar in multiplayer or single player. No one is complaining in Overwatch that there's no radar in that game. No one is complaining in CoD and Battlefield that you don't show up on the minimap for movement. It's just crazy how some Halo fans have been groomed to be dependent on 5% screen estate because of how overpowered it is.
Did I come off too strong? lol I wasn't being aggressive or attacking your opinion, my bad if it seemed that way.Hey, I'm not arguing for radar, I dislike it as well.
The balance comes with how long the tag lasts, but to counter what you're saying, you mention how fairly small the maps are, yet we have a radar that details the exact position of enemies, even elevation. By that logic, motion tracker is equally, if not more overpowered than a short tagging system because you don't even have to see the enemy to know where they are. With a tag, someone needs to see them first.That said a tag system like that wouldn't work at all IMO. With how easy it is to traverse the maps and their fairly small size being tagged would be a death sentence. If you're in an open area and get tagged all eyes would immediately be on you and you'd die immediately. If you're near enough to cover and get inside you'd find a barrage of grenades coming your way. It'd hinder movement and aggression even more so than radar.
I imagine a tagging system like that could work in something like Gears because of the cover mechanics reduced ease of movement around the map. In the case of Battlefield it only works because the maps are massive.
Can you explain why crouching is/should be a necessity to holding a position? And how would weapons be weaker without radar?I'm still on the side of keeping motion trakcer becuase to me, it's what gave Halo such diversity not to mention there'd be faaar less purpose other than strafing for crouching. But Ill be the first to admit I love holding down anchor spots in team games and using close quarters weapons any chance I get. I'd hate to see how weak certain weapons would feel without radar.
I hear that, but it might provide a more interesting gameplay dynamic than crouching around with motion tracker, slowing gameplay to a crawl. It's not only for crouching that motion tracker is good for; it's extremely helpful with avoiding fights, and that's a problem in my opinion because the game already gives us numerous ways to escape situations we don't want to be in thanks to thrusters, sprint, clamber, shields, regenerating health, etc.Edit: while the spotting idea is neat I'm inclined to agree with Jem in the fact that it would be a death sentence and in some cases force one man per team to acquire high ground for the sole purpose of spotting people out. Almost like trading a teammate for a new radar.
Motion tracker gimps movement too much and is unnecessary for multiplayer. Halo doesn't need it. What they should do is change it to sprint/shooting-based at least until the players who think they want it are ready to put down the crutches and A D A P T
I've always known about that, but it doesn't make any actual difference to the flow of matches. You still need to appear on motion tracker to go into the slide because you have to sprint, do you not? And sure it can be helpful in some instances where you're just crouching and jumping to use momentum off ramps, but again.. it makes no actual difference most of the time as players are so aware of their surroundings already.
Motion tracker as we have it in H5 still hurts gameplay more than it helps.
Did I come off too strong? lol I wasn't being aggressive or attacking your opinion, my bad if it seemed that way.
The balance comes with how long the tag lasts, but to counter what you're saying, you mention how fairly small the maps are, yet we have a radar that details the exact position of enemies, even elevation. By that logic, motion tracker is equally, if not more overpowered than a short tagging system because you don't even have to see the enemy to know where they are. With a tag, someone needs to see them first.
It's something you have to experience, not "see."The current radar and movements are fine IMO. I'm really not seeing much difference in gameplay out of pro streams vs no radar days of MLG. If anything I'm seeing some interesting gameplay out of them in terms of stealth, which is nice.
You really think that video is some revelatory thing, don't you? It doesn't and won't change anything lol.The more people are aware of when, where, and how to stay off of the radar, the less effective it is to rely on the radar.
Not a bad idea, see how that works? Already better than radar as we know it considering we also have friendly indicators as feedback to know where the action is and who needs help.One way I could see a tagging system work would be if you hit someone a static tag appears at the position where you last hit them and is proximity based (ie: you need to be within 20m of the tag to see it).
It's something you have to experience, not "see."
I have a strong feeling those of you in favor of radar have not experienced enough (key word here) Halo multiplayer without it, whether it's competitive or casual play. Gameplay has more depth without it, and freedom of movement is a key part of that. I'm not sure there's anything more I can explain than I already have, so I'll just concede with the good ol' Trust Me. If they removed radar tomorrow, you guys would probably be up in arms about it at first, but then you'd quickly realize how fun gameplay is when the enemies don't know your every move. It's completely different, freedom of movement provides interesting moments that allows for more creativity.
You really think that video is some revelatory thing, don't you? It doesn't and won't change anything lol.
Not a bad idea, see how that works? Already better than radar as we know it considering we also have friendly indicators as feedback to know where the action is and who needs help.
;'[Stop trying to make no motion tracker happen.
!We'll make BTB pistol starts happen instead!
Consider this: You only JUST found out about this, whereas a majority of Halo players probably won't ever know about it. What difference will it truly make in the grand scheme of things? And now that you do know it, you really think it'll be that much more effective against competent players who see a jumping Spartan move around the map?It has already changed things for me. I just learned how to get from red bend to blue bend, faster than sprinting, wilst minimizing the time I spend with my gun down. As a bonus I won't be on radar either. Should be good for a few extra kills easy.
I've got something to help against crouch-campers. they can't ambush me as I turn the corner if they have no idea I'm there. So no, enemies won't know my every move.
I don't disagree that fully removing radar would do MORE to open up movement. But the tools to punish people who are over reliant on radar are available for those who want them.
True, but wasn't there some talk about changing it to sprint/shooting-based, or was that just wishful thinking on Beyond/Twitter?Radar is going away as much as ADS is. We're now at the point where even pros are used to it and want it to remain.
It's something you have to experience, not "see."
I have a strong feeling those of you in favor of radar have not experienced enough (key word here) Halo multiplayer without it, whether it's competitive or casual play. Gameplay has more depth without it, and freedom of movement is a key part of that. I'm not sure there's anything more I can explain than I already have, so I'll just concede with the good ol' Trust Me™. If they removed radar tomorrow, you guys would probably be up in arms about it at first, but then you'd quickly realize how fun gameplay is when the enemies don't know your every move. It's completely different, freedom of movement provides interesting moments that allows for more creativity.
You really think that video is some revelatory thing, don't you? It doesn't and won't change anything lol.
New forge textures look so good High Citadel (H3 Remake)
This fucking rock
I HATE this rock. Why is it so damn hard to walk/run up!?
343 pls
Update: The NA HCS Pro League Last Chance Qualifier will now feature a double-elimination bracket this Sunday.
Can you explain why crouching is/should be a necessity to holding a position? And how would weapons be weaker without radar?
I hear that, but it might provide a more interesting gameplay dynamic than crouching around with motion tracker, slowing gameplay to a crawl. It's not only for crouching that motion tracker is good for; it's extremely helpful with avoiding fights, and that's a problem in my opinion because the game already gives us numerous ways to escape situations we don't want to be in thanks to thrusters, sprint, clamber, shields, regenerating health, etc.
Not to call your post out, but this is the problem with these discussions, not to mention the stereotyping that is usually involved. I post how I think it's better for competitive and casual play, but Ozzy takes it as me solely talking from an MLG super competitive perspective when that's not me at all lol.I'm gunna be honest, I've barely played any Halo without radar (SWAT doesn't really count...) but thinking about it in a logical way and it's obvious that it creates more problems than it solves.
This proves my point, your only option here is to run away. That's so boring and one-dimensional.I can't tell you how many times I've held down an area and upon seeing three enemy dots converging on me bailed out before I was outnumbered or out matched.
I think the Sword especially would be better without radar lol, so I guess we disagree there ;bAs for weakening weapons I'm sure we could both agree the shotty and sword would both suffer if the game was more run and gun without radar. Without improving those weapons in other ways (speed boost) they would see less use. And you know my feelings on the sword.
This proves my point, your only option here is to run away. That's so boring and one-dimensional.
Now imagine if those three enemies don't know you're there and you can get the drop on them.. BAM, you now have an opportunity you didn't have before that allows for you to be creative, possibly popping out to kill one, then escape without the enemies seeing where your red dot is moving to like an alligator lurking in the water, ready to snatch an animal while its group is amazed by the gator's clever movement. Way more interesting than camping an area, seeing three dots, knowing you don't have the upperhand then running away from a fight. So. Much. Avoiding. Fights. Tashi pls.
they should just have a no radar vareint of arena n see what the people choose.
they should just have a no radar vareint of arena n see what the people choose.
BTB pistol starts when
Running away isn't what the problem is, the problem is that usually being your best and/or only option.Well, personally for me they wouldn't normally know exactly where I am. I'm very quick to alternate between crouching or running.
And there's something wrong with running? Running is AN option. As it should be. I could bounce a perfect nade on this doorway, I could be waiting with rockets or a sword, or I could now tell my team that three of our four opponents are on my location and I intend to bring them towards my teammates. And trust me there's nothing boring about luring in people only for them to focus on your teammates you've called in thus giving you the chance to disappear and reappear on them.
It's far from one dimensional. It empowers me to make a better decision by giving me more awareness of my surroundings. Yes my teammates assist with that but radar allows me as an individual to be a more effective teammate.
they should just have a no radar vareint of arena n see what the people choose.
I'd love to see a Team Arena/Slayer social playlist without radar.i'd certainly like to see them test it without radar (or modified radar). FYI, apparently they did with pro team and it was pretty unanimous that 5 played better with. buuuut, whatever is decided, i really want consistent among all playlists. no splitting the population. even if this means we stick with radar just cause.
but Ozzy takes it as me solely talking from an MLG super competitive perspective when that's not me at all lol.
renagades scrimming eg, starting now(ish) on new team arena settings
ninja's pov, but there are likely others streaming
You take a break from Halo, complete UC4, then dabble into its MP, and realize how lucky we are to have something like H5!
renagades scrimming eg, starting now(ish) on new team arena settings
ninja's pov, but there are likely others streaming
Too bad, you get this and you'll like it!