FFS, finally got my damn emblem back. I also unlocked the Emile Legendary one so I will use that for a bit before finally going to my crossed swords.
</usual salt about how your emblem's at least in the game>
FFS, finally got my damn emblem back. I also unlocked the Emile Legendary one so I will use that for a bit before finally going to my crossed swords.
This is the exact opposite of my anecdotal experience. Horizontal aiming seems faster.So after messing around with the aiming settings more, it feels better when the horizontal axis is higher than the vertical axis. Having both at 10 turned out to be too crazy and didn't feel equal the more I played with it, although better than what it was before the update.
Currently at 10 horizontal and 7 vertical - it feels better this way. I read up on those tests comparing H5's aiming to CE and the results were interesting. The vertical axis is much faster than horizontal in H5, even when the values are equal. It's all confusing, I'm sure, but I think if you're still having issues with the aiming, try making the horizontal axis several values higher than the vertical.
My moon emblem is not even in halo 5. Very sad lol.FFS, finally got my damn emblem back. I also unlocked the Emile Legendary one so I will use that for a bit before finally going to my crossed swords.
Where are you ranked right now? Are you in diamond?Tonight was one for the books. Halo 5 had no mercy on me. My aim felt off and i was punished for it. I tried to alter and adjust but it backfired on me and i reverted back. Every game played today was lost. Even had my focused preference lose connection from the server. It was quite amazing in the most depressing way. I know nothing.
I fought. I lost. Now i rest.
Samurai G0SU
Lord commander of The HaloGaf Watch
We gotta get Tashi back in.
We gotta get Tashi back in.
He's done his part for our commendations:
Master Idler 420/420
Level 5/5
Sit in main menu for over an hour
He's done his part for our commendations:
Master Idler 420/420
Level 5/5
Sit in main menu for over an hour
How about Moosetranaut?
Only HaloGAF would kick a 343 staffer, never change you beautiful bastards.
I don't mind having been kicked out now, since I'm mainly playing other games. Once Firefight is out, though, I'm gonna be fighting for a spot back in.I just think everyone who was part of HaloGAF and achieved the armor deserves to stick around for the awarding of the helmet.
#NoDaysOff #exceptwhenOverwatchisout
I think once E3 shows off the next wave of shit, we'll feel a bit more motivated. I thought Firefight would help, but thinking about it, do we even have anything that requires AI, other than Marines?
How about Moosetranaut?
My moon emblem is not even in halo 5. Very sad lol.
Where are you ranked right now? Are you in diamond?
I've been playing really solid lately, I think it's a combination of the elite controller, using a decent monitor and sitting on an actual chair and not 20 feet away on a bed.
Pretty much always get over 1 K/D now. Went from Gold 5 to Plat 5 with pretty much no effort. Might try for Diamond this season, but playing Arena solo is just so damn stressful, I played a match a few days ago where we were up +15 then somehow the enemy team brought it back to 48-48 and I'm sure I was close to heart failure lol
Sometimes i'm tempted to play on my 27inch ips lg monitor, cause i really do hate sitting that far away from my little 47inch sammy. IDk though, i dont want to move my xbox one from that set up and i think ther is some latency issue when streaming to my PC that is currently set up on the 27incher.
I dont even know its ms or anything. lol
I was playing on a 42 inch LG tv and switched to a 24 inch BenQ RL2455HM. Couldn't be happier with it. Moved the xbox into the office and everything just feels smoother all around.
Should give it a go at least sometime.
Oh shit, just looked up the model numer now(didnt before cause i got it from my dad when he passed away earlier this year)
it has a response time of 5ms.. what have i been doing with my life?? lol
LG 27MP34
IPS monitors generally have higher response times. However, when it comes to console gaming, input lag is more important than response times. 5ms is fine for console.
Man, those buffed Silver packs had me shook with all the certs I was getting yesterday
I'll also probably stop selling my gambit and mission victory cards since they no longer go to waste if you fail.
Yeah, they made opening pack MUCH more enjoyable...
I'll also probably stop selling my gambit and mission victory cards since they no longer go to waste if you fail.
my ultra rare one went to waste when i lost/
maybe it was a server glitch? req servers always have something going on lol
Interesting, I think there is some server weirdness that goes on. I don't think it's accurate to say that the cards don't go away. Rather, they come back if you used one unsuccessfully. I'd say it's supposed to return instantly, but sometimes I don't get req points until several games after the fact.
So if the servers are screwed up, you should get it eventually, from what I've seen.
If your playing platinums they wont know the game well enough to abuse these things. So you wont notice as much.
I'm not saying the game is broken, fixes are EASY
only 2 SMG or 2 SR's on maps, not 4. Change every tier 1 weapon to respawn 30-45 seconds from 20. Eliminate tier 2, there still power weapons what is the point of having them on the map just without a weapon pad?? You're telling me the Hydra isnt a real power weapon after the buff made it ridiculous? Now we have shotguns and hydras ontop of all the other 2-3 tier 3 weapons/1-2 powerups on the maps.
You cant fix map design, wait for Halo 6 for that. Also honestly the maps wouldn't be too bad if you make the changes above.
343 going all e-sports!! and having the gameplay the way it is just floors me.
Yeah, they made opening pack MUCH more enjoyable...
I'll also probably stop selling my gambit and mission victory cards since they no longer go to waste if you fail.
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