The fuck is up with people griefing in Warzone Assault now? People jumping off of the maps on purpose, SC you several times off of important vantage points, etc.?
I dunno, seems like it's always been a thing, although the worst I've had is usually just the jackass pushing you away from REQ stations.The fuck is up with people griefing in Warzone Assault now? People jumping off of the maps on purpose, SC you several times off of important vantage points, etc.?
Rank officially means nothing
End games faster?
I dunno, seems like it's always been a thing, although the worst I've had is usually just the jackass pushing you away from REQ stations.
Don't know if this is an issue that's already been discussed before but anyone else having to wait, at minimum, a good couple of minutes before daily win pack/req points become available to open/use? The process used to be pretty instant but really seems to have slowed down in the past month or so.
We already are. Can't also end it faster, when defending. :/
Todays is like really bad. The last game for example... Teammate ran back to the very back of our base, which forced us to spawn next to him instead of spawning us next to the Fortress. He crouched there for the rest of the match with 0 kills and shooting us whenever we spawned next to him. Straight up bullshit.
EVERYTHING req related has been much slower since the memories of reach content drop.
Wtf is wrong with people.
Of course he also gives my buddy and me the standard responses like: "lol", "to troll people" and "for fun". These idiots should be just banned.
But I also kinda have to blame the spawning system. Why are we actually spawning on him? That seems silly for this exact reason.
Of course he also gives my buddy and me the standard responses like: "lol", "to troll people" and "for fun". These idiots should be just banned.
But I also kinda have to blame the spawning system. Why are we actually spawning on him? That seems silly for this exact reason.
Would you grab a quick clip from the match showing the person and their ganertag and send it to me?
Would you grab a quick clip from the match showing the person and their ganertag and send it to me?
It's definitely been mentioned in this thread before. Someone said backing out to the main menu screen and opening the req pack store from there helps and that has been working for me.Don't know if this is an issue that's already been discussed before but anyone else having to wait, at minimum, a good couple of minutes before daily win pack/req points become available to open/use? The process used to be pretty instant but really seems to have slowed down in the past month or so.
Akai wouldn't run into people bad mannering if he'd adhere to the strong tradition of Torque customs.
Don't know if this is an issue that's already been discussed before but anyone else having to wait, at minimum, a good couple of minutes before daily win pack/req points become available to open/use? The process used to be pretty instant but really seems to have slowed down in the past month or so.
Damn I need to get a pair of those for my live streams, nah just kidding my live streams are fineKappa
Edit: Also Strider here is the # of my BN account
I'm the chosen one!![]()
Need some info from people experienced with Xbone voice chat, figured you guys probably know.
I have $300 headphones I use that need to be plugged into an amp to be driven properly. Obviously this is not the same system that most gaming headsets use. I don't have a controller with one of those headphone jack things anyway.
I was thinking maybe I could get a USB mic, but I'm not sure if the console supports those. I would sure hope so, though, since it has no other port for a mic unless the headphone jack on my monitor would do it via HDMI audio, but I have no idea if that works with mics.
I have a basic one-ear Xbox headset that plugs into the proprietary port on the controller, but when I plug it in all the voice audio only goes into the headset. I can't get it to play in the main sound channel to use it with my headphones. This also gives me concerns about how the console might want to use a USB mic.
I'd rather not have to get some shitty "gaming headset" at a massive downgrade from my present headphones for a significantly higher cost than a mic, but the seemingly inflexible setup seems to have been made with those in mind.
Does the # indicate that you were the x person to sign up for battlenet?
I have the same problem and am on your FL list. Seems like you didn't send the survey to all of us.
I recorded the clip, but it's not showing up online yet. I'll update the post once the clip is showing up online.
Here is the link to the game in question. Maybe you could bookmark the whole clip from there? His Gamertag is Vora Kai Konar.
Thanks btw. Much appreciated.
Reuploaded the clip:
Now you've made me a liar.
I don't think so, my number is in the thousands.Does the # indicate that you were the x person to sign up for battlenet?
I love infection:
I love infection:
Also, I had never gotten an execution like this before. Properly bad-ass:
I love infection:
Also, I had never gotten an execution like this before. Properly bad-ass:
Man, i can never even get close enough to even do that. I played on heroic though.
This is Legendary with 7 skulls. ;p
I love infection:
Also, I had never gotten an execution like this before. Properly bad-ass:
E3 gon b gud
There's someone doing this every other game of WZA in my experience. My team will lose to a bunch of scrubs because we can't spawn close enough to be effective, or we have to win while outnumbered on the core defense phase.
The real question is why these people's location affects my spawn at all, especially in WZA. What base we hold/select should be the only consideration, but both warzone gametypes suffer from this idiotic spawn influence problem.
I love infection:
Also, I had never gotten an execution like this before. Properly bad-ass:
People must be really bored. Not sure why else they would log into a game like Halo and do this stuff. They could probably have more fun by actually trying to win instead of being straight up an asshole.
And yeah, like I mentioned in the other post... Not a huge fan of spawns in Warzone.