I didn't realize how late it was. I have to go. :'(
I didn't realize how late it was. I have to go. :'(
New info about the update?
Hope they tell us when the stream is happening soon.
I went out of town to visit family, so I haven't been on since last Thursday.I'm ready to get back into Halo 5, haven't played for a while. I'm going to wait for the update though. I haven't played in a couple of months. Please don't kick me.I probably already got kicked.
New info about the update?
This week, get ready for a TON of new info and looks at the content coming in this month's Warzone Firefight update for Halo 5.
This week should definitely create some buzz, for sure. Stay tuned.
Awesome sounds promising. Really looking forward to campaign scoring and FF.
So you'd have players that aren't crouched off radar as well? Wouldn't that relegate crouching to only being used to strafe?
I mean, I'd rather have that then no radar at all but I've never particularly had a problem with the current way it works. Shit, if you move slow enough while walking as it is you don't appear.
I feel like that would punish a player like me who enjoys moving quick around the map while the old school players who never touch the sprint button would have another edge.
Actually if that was the case I may rather not have radar at all. At least that way I could sprint around and not be at a huge disadvantage.
Edit:I guess my bigger problem is how useless crouching would feel if that was changed.
Why would the update crate a lot of buzz if we know everything already...
...unless we don't?![]()
does the doubles playlist still try to match by skill (csr)?
does the doubles playlist still try to match by skill (csr)?
And I bet it still won't be mm or ui relatedThat's what I'm thinking. Hyped for this info.
Crouching in its current implementation is to OP. It encourages camping.
Crouching in its current implementation is to OP. It encourages camping.
Tashi, when will the HCS podcast be available on podcast services?
Hey! My Rumble Rockets Champion 96 rank shows my true skill at this game!Yeah, they just hide it.
If you look on Waypoint, you'll find people that are Champions in things like Rumble Rockets.
Info dropping on a Tuesday? Interesting. I suspect the Stream to be on Friday then?*guessing
Oh cool - Hornet!
More screenshots at polygon showing new boss and map
I don't see how this would change much though, all that would mean is I now hold a corner without being crouched. Heck, I could be walking behind someone and they would never know! Thats not really better. Other players would still run by and allow those sneak attacks. To me it's an all or nothing sort of thing, but I'd much rather have it then not. Especially in FFA games where I have no teammates to coordinate with. Although I could tolerate 4v4s without it I really think single player modes would suffer.
I've always had to do constant 360s in game modes without radar and that, to me, makes basic traversal incredibly annoying. Forget to spin around every five seconds? Haha blind sided by an smg/melee combo. Where as at least with a small radar I could attempt a ninja, a basic double melee or run away out of the range of the close combat.
I understand how angry people get when someone gets a cheap kill while camping, but that shit doesn't win games any more. It literally used to be the entirety of my playstyle and I've had to essentially retrain myself with H5. Yes it'll get you a few kills in a game if you wait in a good spot (which there's nothing wrong with, this game shouldn't be a pure BR fest) but if you rely on that you'll never be on the top of your team or even close to winning in FFAs.
Ha called it!!!Awesome sounds promising. Really looking forward to campaign scoring and FF.
Edit: Does a hornet buzz? lol
More screenshots at polygon showing new boss and map
Currently waiting for approvals from other platforms and getting things pushed through. Will make an announcement via @HCS when they're up and running. Hopefully very soon!
So they actually did add an UNSC aircraft, I'm surprised!
It's not a Hornet you pleb.
Because it's just a Pheaton with some green paint on it.That aerial vehicle is cool and all but let me be the first to say it... why create an entirely new vehicle when you have the Hornet, Sparrowhawk or Falcon?