Polygon, or someone, should release a pic of the Rig Remix. Please, Frank
Holy shithttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9J8XBibgIw
A Battle Royale, H1Z1 style map/game type. This would make an amazing playlist, would need some game setting tweaks on 343's end though/
This is really my only complaint for Warzone.
Let the weapons, vehicles, and powerups be RNG.
But players should have more control over the cosmetics they get. There's no joy in getting a visor in a gold pack.
But if you see a specific cosmetic item you like, you should be able to spend RP on it. Some would be tied to commendations of course.
Couldn't agree more. Imagine if Achilles was 100k RP/$5 would sell gangbusters.
Also move breakout to social (least popular playlist, get more people to play one of 343's signature game modes) and make a solo/duo Q list that I would never leave.
Starting to get back into Halo again and Warzone is the worst playing solo. I wish there was a radar like CS so I could see what the fuck my team was doing the whole game because it feels like they sit in the initial spawn the entire match. No boss kills, no captures, enemy team has banshees and scorpions everywhere and my team does nothing to try to counter
I find Warzone Assault has far less bullshit to get through then solo normal Warzone. No bosses which get stolen halfway across a map, games are shorter, kills are easier since its Attack/Defend. Definitely my go to playlist.
I find Warzone Assault has far less bullshit to get through then solo normal Warzone. No bosses which get stolen halfway across a map, games are shorter, kills are easier since its Attack/Defend. Definitely my go to playlist.
but so.much.spawn.camping.
OMG http://www.polygon.com/2016/6/21/11989318/meet-halo-5-s-new-boss-then-kill-it-with-this-new-vehicle?utm_campaign=polygon&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
More screenshots at polygon showing new boss and map
No lies detected.
Also with a forge this awesome, having no server browser is criminal.
Seriously, with the foundation 343i has created with H5, if Halo 6 isn't a perfect game, it will be a failure.j/k but halo 6 has no excuse not to be damn great
Two things I need to know, that I believe wasn't covered at this E3:
1) When I will be able to play that amazing Firefight mode?
2) When I will be able do download that amazing XB1 update previewers are using right now?
I dont see it. They havent released a product that delivered in every aspect of it as of yet. Not once. If the same people are in charge of the same things next time around, i dont see why anything would change. People complained about tons of things in this game and alot of those are still being pushed out to this day, even with the feedback. Like the maps that use the same pieces everywhere, or only forge maps in BTB. They havent done anything about it. Im not getting too excited. Ive learned my lesson when it comes to 343.
calling early july for release date.
343 needs to learn time management
calling early july for release date.
343 needs to learn time management
Take your Xbox with youDammit, I'll be annoyed if it drops on the 29th because that's the day I leave to go on holiday...
Stream is "early" next week. Aka tuesday. And as the pattern indicates, patch will be up the next day.
29Th it should drop.
Maybe during the stream they talk about their plans for 'sustain'.
Should have been goblinfallOMG HAHAHA! Standby for Gruntfall
Credits to FacedCrown on r/Halo
Ive already told yall, Halo 6 MP will literally be identical to Halo 5 but with all new maps/modes and improved visuals.
Make Halo Great Again
Halo MP as a service.
Paid Custom Servers.
Buy specific armor with RP.
H3A Campaign.
MCC on PC.
*Real Mark V helmet and armor
Ive already told yall, Halo 6 MP will literally be identical to Halo 5 but with all new maps/modes and improved visuals.
Make Halo Great Again
Halo MP as a service.
Paid Custom Servers.
Buy specific armor with RP.
H3A Campaign.
MCC on PC.
*Real Mark V helmet and armor
You guys like getting spawn killed by vehicles huh?Btb pistol starts
You guys like getting spawn killed by vehicles huh?
So what map are the screens from? That doesn't look like a Sanghelios Warzone map right?
100% is the Sanghelios map. Look at the first concept art. Also this:
Flat sheet rock + sanghelli architecture
It's a more floral biome on Sanghelios presumably
100% is the Sanghelios map. Look at the first concept art. Also this:
Flat sheet rock + sanghelli architecture
It's a more floral biome on Sanghelios presumably
Weirdly enough I'm more interested in the Rig remix than the warzone stuff. It's one of my favorite maps as is. I wonder if they'll keep the eastern egg on it. Or adding a whole new one would be super sweet too.
Also does anyone wanna play tonight? My normal teammates in arena have formed a solid 4 man squad so I'm now without my best guys. Feels bad man.
I mean, I assume most of you guys are the try harding type.
Weirdly enough I'm more interested in the Rig remix than the warzone stuff. It's one of my favorite maps as is. I wonder if they'll keep the eastern egg on it. Or adding a whole new one would be super sweet too.
Also does anyone wanna play tonight? My normal teammates in arena have formed a solid 4 man squad so I'm now without my best guys. Feels bad man.
I mean, I assume most of you guys are the try harding type.
As long as it's not a bunch of hallways and actually has some open elements I'll be happy. Can't afford another Overgrowth or Riptide. A Rig remix could turn out like a Lockout/Guardian-type map, here's hoping.
They just need replacements for Overgrowth Riptide and Tyrant in Team Arena and I think there will be a good set of maps in the game already. Those maps are in the Slayer playlist and I don't see why they can't put some of the H3 Forge Remakes like the Pit in there too.We need new slayer maps because it is as stale as ever. NEW SLAYER MAPS! .
I'm one of the few that really enjoyed OG overgrowth. But a Sword map where no one can escape me was always my wet dream. As soon as they (understandably) changed it to a Needler I lost all interest. But yeah I can't imagine a Rig remake not having some openness, the entire yellow to carbine/plasma caster area gives you a ton of movement options.
So yes?
Hate to be the party pooper but what am i missing here? Everyone is all excited and im like how is this going to change anything in the game? Feels like half of you don't even go into warzone lol. What about arena and slayer? A new vehicle is nice but is hardly game changing. We need new slayer maps because it is as stale as ever. NEW SLAYER MAPS! Forge is getting completely unused which is unforgivable. We need a solo queue so that we don't go into warzone or arena and immediately get destroyed by full teams. But hey look a squirrel. This feels like 343 throwing the biggest distraction ever and people are totally eating it up... Players will tire of the new boss in days and same with the vehicle. But we'll still be playing the same old maps in arena slayer. I'll still be getting dumped on by full teams playing as a random. People overseas will still have horrible network issues. The priorities here seem horribly horribly wrong. Maybe I'm missing something. Ive finished my negative vibe lol. Carry on.
We need more Arena maps, that are open in line with classic Arena maps. Less hallways, more power positions, power weapons in vulnerable areas, etc...I got sick of Warzone a while back, getting 2 Warzone maps and 1 Arena is slightly disappointing. Especially since they refuse to put decent forge maps into MM. I'd really like a month where we get 3 arena maps akin to a classic map pack.Getting them drip-fed is unsatisfying, especially when Overgrowth and Riptide were so bad.
Hate to be the party pooper but what am i missing here? Everyone is all excited and im like how is this going to change anything in the game? Feels like half of you don't even go into warzone lol. What about arena and slayer? A new vehicle is nice but is hardly game changing. We need new slayer maps because it is as stale as ever. NEW SLAYER MAPS! Forge is getting completely unused which is unforgivable. We need a solo queue so that we don't go into warzone or arena and immediately get destroyed by full teams. But hey look a squirrel. This feels like 343 throwing the biggest distraction ever and people are totally eating it up... Players will tire of the new boss in days and same with the vehicle. But we'll still be playing the same old maps in arena slayer. I'll still be getting dumped on by full teams playing as a random. People overseas will still have horrible network issues. The priorities here seem horribly horribly wrong. Maybe I'm missing something. Ive finished my negative vibe lol. Carry on.
Everyone here is the trash at the game lol. Also I'm at work
I'm no godsend either but I'm not bad at all. Also, if I understand you, you're quitting your job and on the way home now?
Anybody else gonna be on in 30 mins to an hour and down for any Arena?