Since we are in rant mode:
I think the MM system worked fine at launch, but it requires a larger playerbase that said we've got:
Matchmaking: no datacenter selection, no soloQ, no MMR-free social
Playlists: no team objective, no action sack, the weekly social 'experiment' has been a joke. We could also use a community Forge playlist so we could test and select maps for matchmaking. I guaruntee the community would do a better job at this than 343.
Gametypes: we currently have 2 more official gametypes than we had at launch. GrifBall and infection. Neither of which appeal to the serious side of the community. 343s Assualt was terrible. Still no oddball, koth, VIP, Regicide, asymmetric gametypes, riccoche. No race either.
Sandbox: spartan abilities are cool. I'm cool with powerful autos. I'm even cool with radar. But when you take out ghost-jumping, THE effective way to use Spartan abilities to counter radar-watchers camping with powerful autos, I'm like "343what the fuck did I ever do to you besides buy all of your games? Seriously what are you thinking? You aren't thinking, are you? Do enjoy watching the gameplay come to an absolute crawl? Also BTB needs pistol starts, badly. I'm done with that mode until then.
Population Retention: daily win packs were a nice start... Why did you stop there? Where are the cumulative daily rewards, where are the free weekends, where are the free trials? Why is double XP limited to the generally shitty weekly social playlist. What about a double RP weekend? Do you not realize that platinums get soloq'd Against teams of diamonds? Where is 343s aggression in this regard?
Maps: the remix/ variant idea needs to die in a fire. Seriously if you pull this shit with H6, I'm out. no dev made BTB maps is laughable, as is the quality of some of the community maps selected by 343
Reqs: I'm ok with the idea of a req system. Execution leaves much to be desired. the RNG packs should be weapons/powerups/vehicles/boosts only. Cosmetics should be purchaseable with RP and some exclusive to commendations
Streams: the stupid montages are fine for the CUs. But please get that out of the pro league presentation. People are coming to see competitive halo, and you think it's cool to fill the broadcast with hrs worth of forge racetracks and snipers taking advantage of a terrible spawn system? My understanding is Team Beyond has offered to let 343 use their content, but the process is overly convoluted. Y u do dis? Also why can't we link to these streams from inside the game? Seems like a missed opportunity to get viewers. I've turned people into fans by showing them league matches- people who otherwise wouldn't have known pro halo existed.
I could go on forever. Removing ghost-jumping has triggered me lol