How fucking hard is it to not match me against full teams of Onyx and Diamond players in Slayer, 343? How fucking hard?
This is why I don't play arena in this game. I'm using Focused settings and getting full teams of laggy rubberbanding assholes that show up to fucking ruin my placement matches. I started going like 15-8 and ended the night going 5-13 and I STILL get Plat 3.
I probably could have gotten Diamond 1 or 2 or something decent, but nope, fuck that, time to get shot around corners buy a bunch of buddy buddy dudes on fucking Pegasus (because for some reason Pegasus is better than Orion?)
Also, a loss in Warzone is usually frustrating because there can be multiple, multiple definite and quantifiable failures on your behalf or on your team's behalf that lead to that loss. It's different in slayer because you can say "Oh, well, maybe I didn't do stellar but I still went 10-9," without any single instance of KNOWING that that's what's lost the game. In Warzone you get every instance of your team losing a base or botching a coin-toss on what side the Banshee boss or Warden wants to go. A standard Arena game might have one or two gut punches but a Warzone game can have one every few minutes.