Schoolwork is more important!
Well that's a given, just look at some of the posts on Waypoint lol.
I can't bring myself to that.
Schoolwork is more important!
Well that's a given, just look at some of the posts on Waypoint lol.
Schoolwork is more important!
Well that's a given, just look at some of the posts on Waypoint lol.
In late July? Fuck that...
I'll go away when they addand G0SU gets to Onyx.BTB pistol starts
They're all forged maps. It's no secret that Warzone is the prime attraction for large-scale Halo games in 343's eyes. Not that that's a bad thing, but it's unfortunate that BTB got the short end of the stick as a result.
Well now ill actually get it sinced you jinxed me inwhereseason Octoberis updated.btb with pistol starts
Sir dany!? Are you staying up late tonight???
While I'm not surprised because I've seen it before, is it really that common? I haven't ventured into Waypoint for a while, and I personally haven't seen it on Twitch.It's pointless to ask for BTB pistol starts when the bulk of Halowaypoint forum posts and Twitch stream chatter is demanding BR starts in Arena.
At best, we're staying status quo. Which is fine.
While I'm not surprised because I've seen it before, is it really that common? I haven't ventured into Waypoint for a while, and I personally haven't seen it on Twitch.
The description of the Elite shipmaster, could it be the same Shipmaster from "The Return" short story in Halo Evolutions?!
I do dislike how powerful the AR is.The whole BR/Pistol thing is baffling but understandable from an outside perspective. We spent the last four games screaming about this shit and then they finally give us a pistol worth using, which immediately stops the problems, but then with lowered magnetism and aim assist you have BKs screaming about how we need BR starts because the magnum isn't good enough and the AR is too powerful.
So I could imagine somebody in a business suit at a long table at a teleconference just shrugging and asking "What the fuck is going on?"
I'm not bad enough to be able to AR people.I do dislike how powerful the AR is.
Feel like 343i is trolling me...
1st Team Arena match of the day: Strongholds Plaza against Danoxide and Who is King Nick. Gonna stop playing Arena Matchmaking again. This shit is unbelievable.
Having an MCC-esque session on H5 here. Game seems like a ghost town. Taking an age to find games in BTB, Warzone assault on 'balanced' search parameter. Can't find a game in FFA at all. Games I have found have been against people better than me in coordinated teams. Finally got JIP'd into a strongholds guillotine game after moving to 'expanded' search. My team was 14-130 down and the first thing I hear is a guy on my team say how our team sucks. Game then froze in the post game lobby.
Such a shame that the policy of matching teams against randoms has seemingly cost this game its population. I don't care about Brav posts on Reddit with no figures. If I can't find games on a weekend afternoon there's something wrong. Social assault playlist was great, I was playing randoms in that and unsurprisingly, the game was a joy.
will kovalick:@Danayoub Does MCC even get talked about around 343's offices anymore?
Dan Ayoub: @willko86 stay tuned, Wil!
I love Frankie
But I still want that explanation over MCC.
For curiosity if anything else.
Feel like 343i is trolling me...
1st Team Arena match of the day: Strongholds Plaza against Danoxide and Who is King Nick. Gonna stop playing Arena Matchmaking again. This shit is unbelievable.
I love Frankie
But I still want that explanation over MCC.
For curiosity if anything else.
This guy is a fucking joke, I can't watch anything Halo Wars 2 related media because of this.
did dan body disrespect you?
honestly, i wish i was good enough for the game to match me against pros and semi-pros to get shit on. i mean, thats pretty cool. the closest i get is matching with platinums with MLG in their gamertags.
I believe Frankie, of all people, would love to talk about it, but he was probably told to not do it.
No matter what they say, though... I won't believe the cop-out statement that they didn't knew. It's not like they had to restart the build at every tournament or convention they attended for example. You have 100 maps and maybe like 20 gametypes and nobody checked if MP was actually working? Sure...
Blur alone is doing amazing work, though.
What do you mean by the bolded? Danoxide teabag'ing me? Don't think he did, but he streamed the match earlier this morning, so maybe check it out. Timestamp.
Anyways... If you are Platinum and you have to play against Onyx all the time aren't you frustrated aswell or feel treated unfair? Because that's literally my problem right now. These Pros are not a "Oh hey, you are pretty high in Silver, let's start to give you Gold enemies" challenge. These Pro's are at least like 4 ranks above you. You don't stand a chance and even 1 Pro makes a significant difference. I've played against so many EU Pro's and a coupple US Pro's and not once did I actually ever had a chance to win the game. 99% of the time, it's an easy Steak, 3-0 in CTF or a 100-0 Strongholds win for them. There is a large Skill Gap between Onyx and Champion. Heck, there's even a large Skill Gap in the Champions Division. This is really not comparable to any other Divisions and I don't see how it is cool or why I should feel honored to play against them.
Just to be clear. I don't have anything against Pro's and I respect them. It's this dumb matchmaking lately, that makes me want to stop playing anything Arena related again.
Arena is a fucking joke
Halo is dad
It seemed like alot wasn't tested. The netcode in Halo 2 and Halo 3 co-op was horrid, achievements glitched, game randomly crashes, missing UI options like Halo 3's change gametype in Forge and change teams in Halo 2, lighting glitches in Halo 4, ect.P2p and dedis mixed system wasn't tested lol
I wish they hadn't changed the Boltshot from H4 to 5. H4's Boltshot was a really interesting weapon which only got a negative rep due to it being a loadout option. H5's Boltshot is really quite dull in comparison...
Like the Plasma Caster, I think the Boltshot could use a buff. Either that or replace it with one of the variants, along with the Suppressor. I feel like these are the only weapons that aren't picked up. Also, the Carbine feels one shot too weak imo, but at least that gets used in Arena.I wish they hadn't changed the Boltshot from H4 to 5. H4's Boltshot was a really interesting weapon which only got a negative rep due to it being a loadout option. H5's Boltshot is really quite dull in comparison...
Like the Plasma Caster, I think the Boltshot could use a buff. Either that or replace it with one of the variants, along with the Suppressor. I feel like these are the only weapons that aren't picked up. Also, the Carbine feels one shot too weak imo, but at least that gets used in Arena.
When you and your one time opponent join the same team and become best friends
what it's a reference to
Kind of nice to have other tracking weapons besides the Needler, the boltshot also serves as a nice semi-noob combo against Soldiers and Knights.
When you and your one time opponent join the same team and become best friends
what it's a reference to
did dan body disrespect you?
honestly, i wish i was good enough for the game to match me against pros and semi-pros to get shit on. i mean, thats pretty cool. the closest i get is matching with platinums with MLG in their gamertags.
I wish they hadn't changed the Boltshot from H4 to 5. H4's Boltshot was a really interesting weapon which only got a negative rep due to it being a loadout option. H5's Boltshot is really quite dull in comparison...
Why would you want to get shit on? lol
I'm assuming the only people still playing Arena at this point are the absolute best of the best at the higher ranks and more than likely teamed up. I really do not understand why the game can't have a true social playlist at this point in its life. I played Halo 3 for years because I could hop on at any time and just play games against a random group of people of all skill levels. Now that Halo 5 isn't my most played game, hopping on occasionally for a session and just getting slaughtered 5 games in a row before I turn it off is no fun. I'm a broken record at this point, but hell, I love the game, but my past 3 experiences have been miserable.
Arena is a fucking joke
Halo is dad
Having an MCC-esque session on H5 here. Game seems like a ghost town. Taking an age to find games in BTB, Warzone assault on 'balanced' search parameter. Can't find a game in FFA at all. Games I have found have been against people better than me in coordinated teams. Finally got JIP'd into a strongholds guillotine game after moving to 'expanded' search. My team was 14-130 down and the first thing I hear is a guy on my team say how our team sucks. Game then froze in the post game lobby.
Such a shame that the policy of matching teams against randoms has seemingly cost this game its population. I don't care about Brav posts on Reddit with no figures. If I can't find games on a weekend afternoon there's something wrong. Social assault playlist was great, I was playing randoms in that and unsurprisingly, the game was a joy.
Holy crap, after being a perma Gold-1 for the entire June-July season, I managed to level up this weekend to Platinum 1. It learned a lot about how the matchmaking works, and found out how the odds are rigged against a solo player in the low ranks.
(warning, long post incoming)
So, for all of the June/July season, I was just unable to climb up from Gold 1. I would play really well (like, 15K 5D well), but there would always be one 3K 20D in my team who would nullify my effort. Logic would say that the chances are that the shit player gets placed on either team are equal - but that is not actually true. Teams being included in the matchmaking skews the balance so that it's very unfavourable to the solo player. At some point, I had
W/L 39%
K/D 1.09
So I was contributing in every single game above par, but on average I was dragged down by the 'players in ranking' who'd have about 8 games under their belt. They'd always finish last with a stupid ratio like 3K 20D. Meanwhile, the opposing side would have teams every once in a while, which tips balance to their favour.
This went on for a month, and at some point Halo matchmaking figured - 'hmm... this Chittagong guy seems to be a really bad player since he just keeps on losing, so we better serve him some easier opponents'. Then, this weekend, this happened:
I was finally ranked so bad, that even with the bad players matched into my team, I could still pull the whole team to win in each game, and finally level up to Platinum. We'd win games like 50-8. After I got to Platinum today, I decided to review my stats. Was it me just imagining myself pulling the team almost every time, and being dragged down by others?
To answer this question, I decided to look at how I placed within my team over 165 games during the season - a big enough sample to ensure sufficient randomness. My hypothesis was that given randomness and functional matchmaking, I should have equal 25% odds at placing 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th within my team over a large enough number of games. Well, turns out this is not quite the case.
Placement within team - both winning and losing teams
(one bar is one match)
So in all games I played, I placed in top half 69%. In truly random matchmaking I would place top 50% half of the times. But the difference isn't that big. Where it really got interesting was looking at the matches I lost. These are the matches that prevented me from leveling up - and the ones that eventually led me to be served with insanely bad opponents.
Placement within team - losing teams
In the losing games, I was within the top half 80% of the times. In other words, in 4 matches out of 5, other players were dragging me down. If the matchmaking was perfect, the odds should be 50/50. Now they are 80/20. This means that on low levels, it's almost impossible to level up as you'll be dealt with team mates so bad you just can't win. The reason, I believe, is that as a solo player, you get matched against teams every few games, so the odds of you as a good solo player getting dealt the shit player are significantly higher than the odds would dictate.
TL;DR - leveling up solo on low levels is futile, you'll get dealt bad team mates more often than you're due, because you are matched agaist teams