Show of hands, how many people have a working 360? Doesn't have to be specifically hooked up, just in your possession.
Several still.
Also back to Halo 5, when you watch the Pro league the new mechanics are so great in the competitive scene.
Show of hands, how many people have a working 360? Doesn't have to be specifically hooked up, just in your possession.
Show of hands, how many people have a working 360? Doesn't have to be specifically hooked up, just in your possession.
Show of hands, how many people have a working 360? Doesn't have to be specifically hooked up, just in your possession.
You want sprint because you like fast paced shooters, then you mention how DOOM doesn't have it, but you expect us to know what you mean.
So no.. I don't know what you mean :b -- You can clearly have fast paced shooters without sprint. In fact, it's easily arguable that shooters can be more fast paced without sprint artificially slowing combat down: you can't shoot while sprinting, and people sprint away from battles all the time.
Show of hands, how many people have a working 360? Doesn't have to be specifically hooked up, just in your possession.
Yeah. I still have those Bungie vs the world maps that you wanted also.Show of hands, how many people have a working 360? Doesn't have to be specifically hooked up, just in your possession.
edit: this is Halo related
Yeah. I still have those Bungie vs the world maps that you wanted also.
Show of hands, how many people have a working 360? Doesn't have to be specifically hooked up, just in your possession.
edit: this is Halo related
ADS on the Pistol is unnecessary. I wanted to test a 5sk Pistol with a 2x zoom by combining the CE Pistol and H5 Pistol, but couldn't get it to work. It's a shame how the H5 Pistol only has the increased ammo variant but none with a classic zoom, energy bullets, silencer, etc. like the other loadout weapons received.
You want sprint because you like fast paced shooters, then you mention how DOOM doesn't have it, but you expect us to know what you mean.
So no.. I don't know what you mean :b -- You can clearly have fast paced shooters without sprint. In fact, it's easily arguable that shooters can be more fast paced without sprint artificially slowing combat down: you can't shoot while sprinting, and people sprint away from battles all the time.
I like sprint and ADS and have played Halo since day 1...*shrugs.
Show of hands, how many people have a working 360? Doesn't have to be specifically hooked up, just in your possession.
edit: this is Halo related
Show of hands, how many people have a working 360? Doesn't have to be specifically hooked up, just in your possession.
edit: this is Halo related
Show of hands, how many people have a working 360? Doesn't have to be specifically hooked up, just in your possession.
edit: this is Halo related
same. i even (think?) i like radar. and useful autos. its crazy
Halo is exponentially better without radar. That freedom of movement without an OP radar is a beautiful thing. From the most casual of gametypes to the sweatiest of competitive matches, not having your movement gimped and allowing your attention to focus on the game's feedback systems is the right choice.I love everything except the radar sometimes. People were crouching around corners in super fiesta at the weekend ffs. Like wtf lol
Halo is exponentially better without radar. That freedom of movement without an OP radar is a beautiful thing. From the most casual of gametypes to the sweatiest of competitive matches, not having your movement gimped and allowing your attention to focus on the game's feedback systems is the right choice.
But trying to preach the good word to radar heathens is like trying to show Trump supporters the errors in their ways. We, those who want Halo to be better, understand that we must attack from within, building a force behind the lines to make actual change. Speaking of which, progress report Tashi. PM me. Can Halo 6 be saved?
They can keep the radar, but move it to sound based would be better than a motion tracker.
I have 2.Show of hands, how many people have a working 360? Doesn't have to be specifically hooked up, just in your possession.
edit: this is Halo related
How do the H5 pros/teams feel about radar these days? It feels like a great compromise from history of default vs MLG. I think the H5 sandbox is too fast without radar, you'd have too many deaths of WTF just happened, fuck this game and I quit.
Population has been consolidated in playlists, settings near universal and it's working for Halo IMO.
Now take the idea of no radar across the board, do you feel that would increase population for Arena and/or WZ? I don't think it would.
I think it could have a long-term positive impact on Halo's population once people grow accustomed to it. Maybe even immediate once word gets out to those who stopped playing or play less due to the lack of party matching, for example, as no radar empowers solo players against coordinated teams. Not having your every move dictated by communicating enemies is a feeling I'd like more Halo fans to experience for an extended period of time.
EDIT: Are Halo 5's maps too complicated that people will cluelessly waltz around until standing directly in front of an enemy? Are the feedback systems that poor and underdeveloped that players won't know if there's an enemy about to ground pound or that there could be danger where red x's are? Are Halo players unable to adapt to such a change? Are Halo players unable to focus on objectives and their surroundings without radar? Personally, I think Halo players would be just fine without radar. And take into consideration other competitive shooters without radar, players do just fine in those.
I like sprint and ADS and have played Halo since day 1...*shrugs.
It shocks me everytime how accurate this ends up beingIt's like clockwork, never change GAF!
It's like clockwork, never change GAF!
I love everything except the radar sometimes. People were crouching around corners in super fiesta at the weekend ffs. Like wtf lol
Chalk one up for loves radar.Nice move.Not sorry
radar is something i'm honestly unsure of, as i've never given no radar a proper chance in halo. i've been using radar since ce and have grown accustomed to it. i like how crouch plays a role in movement with radar. when hardcore game modes came with no radar, that alone made sure i never played them, it was simply too much for me to want to adjust too, especially with the radar mode just a click away. i'm thrilled there is no separation between radar and no radar playlists in halo 5. i get my ranked mode without having to learn new mechanics. having the experience be consistent across the board, including map settings, is fantastic and something i really hope they stick with moving forward. i'm not 100% dead set on the default radar, would be open to suggested changes (like spartan abilities showing up on it only), and even would be open to learning to play halo without a radar at all, but again, only if they don't also give me the crutch of playing in a playlist where i dont have to.
i think others have already mentioned this, but i think i want to repeat some changes that might work...
Radar will show a Bright red dot when spartans are Sprinting or using abilities. They show as normal red dot when walking/jumping at normal speed. they are hidden when crouching.
Maybe the bright red dot will have some type of fast-pulsing indicator to let you know that nub is trying to ground pound you.
that sounds like a more informative and powerful radar. not sure thats what most people are talking about when suggesting changes to halo's radar system. i think people would rather have ONLY spartan abilities show up (possibly shooting?). so you can move through the map not on radar so long as you arent "flying" (sliding, thrusting, and sprinting (?)
What's delusional about my posts? I think it's naive to say with certainty (key word there because no one can be sure one way or the other) that removing radar would have a negative impact on population when there are gameplay benefits to be achieved from removing it. I've provided tons of examples over the years as to how radar causes bad habits and limits the potential of creative play, especially with lesser skilled players who disregard other systems like friendly indicators under fire just because they're focused on 5% screen estate with red dots.Lmao I really did miss Funknown's delusional posts about no radar and how earth would be the center of the known universe if Halo would be completely without radar.
What's delusional about my posts? I think it's naive to say with certainty (key word there because no one can be sure one way or the other) that removing radar would have a negative impact on population when there are gameplay benefits to be achieved from removing it. I've provided tons of examples over the years as to how radar causes bad habits and limits the potential of creative play, especially with lesser skilled players who disregard other systems like friendly indicators under fire just because they're focused on 5% screen estate with red dots.
The main argument people latch onto against removing radar is how Halo would die without it.. I mean, how fickle do people think Halo fans are? It's crazy to me how some think radar is the main thing keeping people invested in Halo lol.
It's been years since I've posted in a Halo thread, but I still don't understand why Bungie fundamentally changed a successful game formula, with 343 insisting on perpetuating it. Like, did they not see/compare matchmaking numbers?
there is no population counter. so 343 can say whatever they want.
like a while back BRavo said something about halo 5 having h3 levels of people online, and without actual numbers... its a moot point or a right out lie.
Yeah, because they will lie about that.
Man, you hate 343, we know it.
And he said halo 5 had the most concurrent players after Halo 3
I know for like 60% its not a lie but they dont have any way of actually backing up that metric with hard numbers? then why should they be believed.
and i dont care if any of you know i dislike 343. its no skin off my nose. I like HALO. i dont have to give a shit about the company that makes it. Just like i like STAR WARS, but i dislike Disney.