Remove radar, assassinations and shotgun camping increases 5000%.
No, not really.
People camp because they know someone is coming and they can get an easy kill on the person. If the person camping didnt know if someone was coming they wouldnt just sit there. For instance, there are generally multiple ways of attacking a position. Because of radar, this allows the person just to sit in a corner with all their focus on one entrance way and use the radar to make sure nobody can flank them. Its a crutch. No radar would force better situational awareness and punish people. I mean if youre sitting in a corner with no radar. You dont know if anyone is going to come by (high traffic areas are generally checked anyways, so the person is probably going to shit on you). Also, youre also not helping your team at all when it comes to map control and power weapons (which is extremely important in Halo).