We're getting a partial REQ reveal right?
No not today
We're getting a partial REQ reveal right?
No not today
Oh bummer. What kind of show is Bravo running!? Also I'm blaming Tashi because yeah.
Suggestion that would probably be panned by most people that play the game:
For Ranked gametypes, disable Motion Tracker. Scoring principles remain the same (e.g. "X number of Y objective, kills, etc. to win").
For Social gametypes, enable Motion Tracker. Scoring is set to unlimited, with matches on set timers (e.g. BTB Slayer is unlimited kills to win, 15 minutes, Social Slayer is unlimited kills and 10 minutes, etc.).
People looking to just shit about / have "background gaming" going on while they do other stuff would probably benefit from being able to go off of their own merits (e.g. "I got 20 kills!" as opposed to "I only contributed 5% of the win"), as well as being able to go off of set match time limits if they're just looking to kill time.
Wait, what? We're getting a stream today?
Where on gods green earth did you get that from
Why unlimited kills in social?
Stomps happen. This would enable them to be even worse. No fun.
Super Fiesta at 50 kills....too low. At least make it 150 kills or set a time limit
50 is fine. I want ma Req Points
Why unlimited kills in social?
Stomps happen. This would enable them to be even worse. No fun.
Unlimited kills is a terrible idea and a good way to encourage more quitting and sadistic team work.
what stream?What time is the stream on?
what stream?
tzhere is none announced for today is there?
Okay, those new skins they showed on the stream are pretty cool. Glad we're finally getting more red colors
Wait what skins?Okay, those new skins they showed on the stream are pretty cool. Glad we're finally getting more red colors
I was playing along with the trollingWait what skins?
*shakes fist angrily*I was playing along with the trolling
And we're finally getting animated visors!!!
And we're finally getting animated visors!!!
If you catch me on throw me an invite, I'll be down. I was solo queueing till I partied up with someone who I played with, then they got two peeps in and we 4 stacked it. 4 stacks are always great, but half of them were Champs so I was struggling against the folks we matched with xD
.- Players actually have to rely on sound and environmental design
- Players are required to develop a better understanding of how maps and encounters will play out if they want to engage successfully
- PvE enemies probably won't be given as many "let me teleport / spawn in right behind you" moves
But if we are to remove radar altogether, I think clamber will have to go with it. As it stands, clamber allows for so many points of entry into a given location compared to previous halos, that there would be no way to anticipate an aggressors moves...
Radar currently mitigates this. And still would if it was Spartan Ability based. I think it was Roy who said something very similar.
Would never in a million years play those on console.Never played Tribes, Unreal Tournament, Quake, etc.? These games are insanely fast and have way more verticality than Halo 5, yet here we are having the same tired discussions lol.
It's like some of you didn't play the DOOM beta or have never played a game without radar. Never played Tribes, Unreal Tournament, Quake, etc.? These games are insanely fast and have way more verticality than Halo 5, yet here we are having the same tired discussions lol.
- Clamber -- "Radar currently mitigates this." You currently don't show up on radar when clambering, and you most certainly can anticipate an attacker's moves because there are only so many ways an enemy can attack you lol. There aren't infinite approaches to any location.
- Spartan Charge -- High risk, medium reward considering it's only as strong as a regular melee.
- Ground Pound -- It's incredibly loud and obnoxious, has a long enough animation and is high risk, high reward. You may also be giving up map control.
Just a quick search for Unreal Tournament gameplay shows how you can have fast, visceral gameplay without the need for your movement being gimped by an overpowered motion tracker.
Just got quit banned for quitting one game. I've quit one game out of the past 43 games. My last quit was over 2 days ago.
Lets here the justifications in this. Please.
Wouldn't be surprised if you were somehow reported by the champs getting pissy, but that matchup was ridiculous.Just got quit banned for quitting one game. I've quit one game out of the past 43 games. My last quit was over 2 days ago.
Lets here the justifications in this. Please.
Few things:Would never in a million years play those on console.
I really enjoyed Hunters multiplayer and would love for Nintendo to make a Halo multiplayer out of Metroid Prime. Imagine a 4v4 Metroid Prime arena style multiplayer on the NX, granted that it doesn't take away from the core single player experience? Could be exactly what Nintendo needs.Hell, I've played nothing but Halo (unless Metroid Prime: Hunters multi or Nexuiz count) and I still want the Motion Tracker out.
Your track record's pretty shit. Don't see how repeat offenses being more severe should be an affront to your sensibilities.
GT is BraXzyy![]()
It's like some of you didn't play the DOOM beta or have never played a game without radar. Never played Tribes, Unreal Tournament, Quake, etc.? These games are insanely fast and have way more verticality than Halo 5, yet here we are having the same tired discussions lol.
- Clamber -- "Radar currently mitigates this." You currently don't show up on radar when clambering, and you most certainly can anticipate an attacker's moves because there are only so many ways an enemy can attack you lol. There aren't infinite approaches to any location.
- Spartan Charge -- High risk, medium reward considering it's only as strong as a regular melee.
- Ground Pound -- It's incredibly loud and obnoxious, has a long enough animation and is high risk, high reward. You may also be giving up map control.
Just a quick search for Unreal Tournament gameplay shows how you can have fast, visceral gameplay without the need for your movement being gimped by an overpowered motion tracker.
I really enjoyed Hunters multiplayer and would love for Nintendo to make a Halo multiplayer out of Metroid Prime. Imagine a 4v4 Metroid Prime arena style multiplayer on the NX, granted that it doesn't take away from the core single player experience? Could be exactly what Nintendo needs.
Just got quit banned for quitting one game. I've quit one game out of the past 43 games. My last quit was over 2 days ago.
Lets here the justifications in this. Please.
1. Don't act like you know me. I supported arena shooters WELLLLL past their death. The reason they died is because console games went the restrictive tactical path of CoD and BF, modeling after Goldeneye, which makes sense for them. Consoles had the money so they guided the future of the genre. Halo was a very bold and ambitious project always trying to push it as far as it could go, but it would and could never be the arena shooters in their heart and soul.Few things:
- You are the problem with the gaming industry and why arena shooters have essentially died.
- What the ever loving shit does that have to do with radar? Do you lose your eyes, ears, thumbs and general thinking ability when using a controller vs using a keyboard? Because if the answer to that is no, then that has shit all to do with this discussion, unless point 3 -->
- You're just further proving that radar only serves as a crutch that waters down gameplay, a tool designed for babbies that many of them don't even fully utilize. Then you know what happens when a competent player matches against someone who doesn't care for using radar but blindly defends it, such as yourself? They get their shit wrecked because their every move is given to the competent player, at which point these babbies go into whatever community they're a part of to bitch and moan about how Halo 5 sucks. These players blame every system in the game before they even put a thought to consider, "Hey, maybe this tool that's providing so much information is actually doing more harm than good to the meta game."
May 23: Through discussions with pro teams and players, the final list of maps & game types for the summer season will finalized and Team Arena will be updated with the locked list. Team Arena will mirror the official maps and game types for the HCS Pro League and Open Circuit.
Halo Community Update: Control Freak
We should go hard in Breakout tonight. I started yesterday only needing one game to get to Onyx. I'm currently Diamond 5. Lost like 5 games in a row last night, was on the verge of tears.