I really do wish the warthog was the terror it used to be.
I really do wish the warthog was the terror it used to be.
?RIP Flamesword
Great video by Psycho Duck on why Magnum starts > BR starts in H5 BTB.
For example, the red reticule for BR's is double the area for the warthog gun i.e to have a warthog gunner you need to give up two BR wielding players, its clearly not worth it and the only Arena mode with warthogs renders them useless.
Oh so optic gaming getting shuffled again?He just announced he's retiring from playing competitive Halo and moving into a coaching role.
Oh so optic gaming getting shuffled again?
He just announced he's retiring from playing competitive Halo and moving into a coaching role.
It is for the best. He just doesn't have the skills and reflexes or dedication for Halo 5 like he did in the past. Just very hard. Father time gets us all. Look at Ogre2. A lot of these older pros also have trouble doing nightly scrims daily.
They should pick up another top player, maybe APG, Spartan etc. Ace and Naded are the best and Maniac is always good on LAN. With Flamesword gone and coaching we could see an even more dominant OpTic team.
just checked,
157 silver packs and 190 gold packs left...
gonna take me awhile
The whole "not as young as I used to" thing with video games has always struck me as weird. Is there really that much of a difference in reflexes and hand-eye-coordination between a 18 year old and a 30 year old? I'd say factors aside from the physical matter far morelike how you can't risk years chasing something or a limited window if you want to get started on another career or going back to school, starting a family and needing a stable income, et al.
I liked his personality when he played. So laid back and not so dudebro serious.I always liked Flamesword's play style. It seemed to be the closest to what I do. Which means I have no future in Halo 5 esports.![]()
Well crap. Flamesword was the whole reason I started following the HCS. Lame.
I liked his personality when he played. So laid back and not so dudebro serious.
HahaThat's me, totally laid back.
As much as I would love this, it would be overpowered.They should just make the Oni Hog the default one.
I also wish social playlists prioritized connection over everything. Just give me 9 other players on the east coast and let's go.
Depends on the person. The opposite can happen, as well. Some people get better with age because knowledge and experience can strongly outweigh a slight decrease in reflexes.Yes! Huge difference...
I might not be as rapid for people who steadily excercize these skills over this time frame, but the decline does happen.
Great video by Psycho Duck on why Magnum starts > BR starts in H5 BTB.
For example, the red reticule for BR's is double the area for the warthog gun i.e to have a warthog gunner you need to give up two BR wielding players, its clearly not worth it and the only Arena mode with warthogs renders them useless.
RIP Flamesword
As much as I would love this, it would be overpowered.
Depends on the person. The opposite can happen, as well. Some people get better with age because knowledge and experience can strongly outweigh a slight decrease in reflexes.
Optic should pick up Formal
Optic should pick up Formal
Yes! Huge difference...
I might not be as rapid for people who steadily excercize these skills over this time frame, but the decline does happen.
I'm pretty sure studies have shown that there isn't that large of a decrease before you start getting properly old. Can't link any now because I'm on mobile but that's what I gathered based off of when this discussion has been had previously.
Your ability to react depends on whether you are dealing with a fairly simple situation or a more complex situation requiring you to pay attention to several different things at once.
Simple Reaction Tests
A simple reaction test involves only one stimulus and one response. An experimental psychologist might test simple reaction times by sounding a buzzer, which would be the stimulus, and instructing a person to press a button whenever he hears it, which would be the response. Simple reaction time improves from childhood until the late 20s. After the late 20s, reaction times increase, but very slowly, until people reach their early fifties. As people reach their late sixties and seventies, reaction times increase markedly.
Choice Reaction Times
A more complex test of reaction times would have more than one stimulus and response. For example, an experimenter might flash even or odd numbers on a screen and ask someone to press one button when presented with an even number and another button when presented with an odd number. The time it takes to decide what button to press and then do it is called a choice reaction time.
Choice reaction tests show a different pattern. Unlike reaction times for simple tests, which barely increase until people are fifty years old, reaction times for choice tests increase rapidly once people are no longer young adults. Women's scores on these tests increase more markedly than do those of men. Performance on complex reaction tests is highly correlated with I.Q.: the higher the subject's intelligence, the better his performance.
That 22-0 broke him.
Well shit. This is why I suck. Will be 38 in September lol.I don't want to understate the importance of knowledge and experience (it can an often does offset/exceed the decline in physical attributes/ reflexes) I'm just saying that the decline in reflexes between 18 and 30 is real. I'd say it's very rare to see marked improvements in reflexes during that timeframe.
When your talking about a game like Halo 5, which has as much new nuance as it does concepts that experienced players may have mastered, it isn't unfathomable that "older" players might start struggling.
Well shit. This is why I suck. Will be 38 in September lol.
Well shit. This is why I suck. Will be 38 in September lol.
I will be 38 in November. I'm not the oldest, woooooo
The whole "not as young as I used to" thing with video games has always struck me as weird. Is there really that much of a difference in reflexes and hand-eye-coordination between a 18 year old and a 30 year old? I'd say factors aside from the physical matter far morelike how you can't risk years chasing something or a limited window if you want to get started on another career or going back to school, starting a family and needing a stable income, et al.
They didn't make the Silver ranking for nothing... Lol
I saw a research paper, where your reaction time goes from 50 ms to 70ish by the time your 30. That's not a MASSIVE difference, but I'm sure it goes mildly downhill after 30.