You're not 28, G0SU. You can't be. You also don't have kids. You probably don't even have skin. You're probably not even real.
mfw I'm 29 and everyone in parties always callin' me old man
Eight is pretty accurate.
You're not 28, G0SU. You can't be. You also don't have kids. You probably don't even have skin. You're probably not even real.
That explains everything![]()
tfw when i'm 19 and the babby in every friend group i'm in
Keanu is immortal though.
I'm 23
I'm pretty much almost dead
i'm 20, 21 in may
So yeah.... Halo.
Anyone think the Reach v update will come with a reach map remake?
MLG Zealot v7 please.
I don't think it is.
We are getting that Torque remix and probably like a WZA of Darkstar.
I'd like to see like a Spire remake for WZ.
If someone guesses my age right I'll let you in on my secret to getting free REQs!
Play the game.
The whole "not as young as I used to" thing with video games has always struck me as weird. Is there really that much of a difference in reflexes and hand-eye-coordination between a 18 year old and a 30 year old? I'd say factors aside from the physical matter far more—like how you can't risk years chasing something or a limited window if you want to get started on another career or going back to school, starting a family and needing a stable income, et al.
I don't have any studies, just personal experience. I think when you are talking about video games or athletics, a 'small' decline is more noticeable than in other walks of life. Here's an article, not sure how reliable it it is, but
Video games are obviously something that would test ones "choice reaction time"; gamers are tasked with making quick decisions based on tons of stimulus. This is where things start declining after young-adulthood. In my experience playing halo 5, I often know what I want to do or should do to handle a situation, but I can't get the message to my fingers to hit the right button in time. I wouldn't have had that problem even 5-6 years ago.
I'll be rocking the big 40 late this year. I wonder how long my eyes and reflexes will keep up with semi-competitive gaming.
mfw I'm 29 and everyone in parties always callin' me old man
right there with you
14 or 140.If someone guesses my age right I'll let you in on my secret to getting free REQs!
Play the game.
Torque remix probably will be a variant to Infection only, not a New map
14 or 140.
Maybe somewhere in-between.
Got my gamewisp sub button
Servers are sketch for me aswell
GameWisp? Not heard of that before, then again, I don't really pay attention to the behind the scenes of streaming.
I'll be rocking the big 40 late this year. I wonder how long my eyes and reflexes will keep up with semi-competitive gaming.
I don't feel like I'm at a major disadvantage speed wise but I've grown with gaming since text based games so the reflexes have always been trained and on point. Decision making is far more important overall in terms of a full game outcome but reflexes can get you that one off clutch reversal kill. Online latency is a far bigger metric than reflexes for online gaming. However, LAN based reflexes could potentially have a much larger impact. I can't say I noticed at my annual LAN in Halo 5, Smash Bros, Killer Instinct etc. Guys range from 17-40+ and I'm consistently competing just fine. Same guys and gals I play with online, basically a mirror of our skills and internal "ranking" if you will.
This is where something like Halo I feel I excel, as I'm sure many invested players do to, immediately reacting and knowing what I want to do without really thinking about the choices. It's more instinct, prediction, reflex, muscle memory and choice rolled into an 18-40ms timing. Direct reflex I'm still around 18-22ms as I was in high school. Choice reflex it varies wildly but in high school I was on 35-45ms. I feel I'd still be around those numbers today. I do concede I'm not the normal 40 year old gamer, I play more regularly than others my age obviously. I do concede I'm expecting a decline in my abilities but it's still yet to happen in anyway where I feel like my age impacted my performance. If you factor latency online an Aussie dedis puts me at between 10-25ms, get that to a round trip combined with server delays and you're not really missing out online due to reflexes. Say you get USA dedis from Aus, you're looking at 100-200ms, pffft to reaction time being a factor. LAN you're talking about sub 1-2ms response time, big difference.
So yeah.... Halo.
Anyone think the Reach v update will come with a reach map remake?
MLG Zealot v7 please.
Lots of Reach armour.
Infection, Torque remix, and Warzone Assault - Darkstar remix.
Maybe Grenade launcher.
Falcon if optimistic.
Forge stuff, and if lucky, in-game file-browser.
There are major league baseball players in their 40's, and those who still play hardball in private leagues well over that. Hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do in any sport, and it should be humanly impossible, yet here we are.Yeah, I'd be surprised if folks who "excersized" more often than normal wouldn't atleast be more likely to delay the effects aging has on ones choice reflexes.
But I'm sure the influence is always there. Then their are other, unmeasurable factors like genetics.
Maybe Grenade launcher.
Falcon if optimistic.