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Halo 5: Guardians |OT4| You picked a helluva week to join up


You need to get your facts straight. They never "promised" monthly updates, you aim for monthly updates. They said they will update the game until June 2016 and you'll get 15 maps.

And don't be like "getting away with microtransactions" you know goddamn well its probably been the best outcome for Halo 5 in this market.

Also, they probably realized its something that maybe can't be fixed? It's like trying to duct tape the titanic, its such a huge project that just leaks at the seams. In a perfect world MCC would be a great product that we all could jump into when we feel nostalgic but shit, I still spent like 10 days of game time playing it and got my money worth.

343 has made plenty of mistakes but lets not act as if we know what it's like in their shoes and what can and can't be done.
h5+cod:mw remaster is all i need in life.

You guys better play with me!

So lately I've noticed a lot of people straffing whilst also crouching at the same time? How is this done? Do people put crouch on a paddle which helps them strafe and crouch at the same time?

H5 is the only halo minus H1 (i think??) where you can strafe and crouch at the same time, h2/h3 you had to stop strafing to push down on the stick.


You need to get your facts straight. They never "promised" monthly updates, you aim for monthly updates. They said they will update the game until June 2016 and you'll get 15 maps.

2 things which are not really true here. 343i or Microsoft released an official paper to Gamestop, which was also leaked by CBOAT, saying that the updates will be monthly. And in the "H5 went Gold" press release, they said 18+ maps comming post launch. The funny thing about this is, that 343i doesn't want to communicate how many maps they have actually shipped officially since launch. Nobody knows if they counted Forge maps or if they didn't. 343i's communication is just straight up bad.

I fully understand if plans change, but people would rather want to hear a statement, instead of being left in the dark.

Edit: Just checked the "H5 goes gold" press release again and it also says monthly releases.


You need to get your facts straight. They never "promised" monthly updates, you aim for monthly updates. They said they will update the game until June 2016 and you'll get 15 maps.

And don't be like "getting away with microtransactions" you know goddamn well its probably been the best outcome for Halo 5 in this market.

Also, they probably realized its something that maybe can't be fixed? It's like trying to duct tape the titanic, its such a huge project that just leaks at the seams. In a perfect world MCC would be a great product that we all could jump into when we feel nostalgic but shit, I still spent like 10 days of game time playing it and got my money worth.

343 has made plenty of mistakes but lets not act as if we know what it's like in their shoes and what can and can't be done.

They did promise 15 maps by June, and we've gotten 7. That's even ignoring the fact that Noctus and Urban are the same map, just cut up slightly differently.
RE TMCC: I'm extremely sour on 343 removing the 4v4 CE playlist and TMCC still being a hot mess. It's a pain that will never go away, and one that occasionally flares up.
H5 is the only halo minus H1 (i think??) where you can strafe and crouch at the same time, h2/h3 you had to stop strafing to push down on the stick.
You have to stop in CE as well. Crouch strafing was first implemented in Halo 4.
RE TMCC: I'm extremely sour on 343 removing the 4v4 CE playlist and TMCC still being a hot mess. It's a pain that will never go away, and one that occasionally flares up.

You have to stop in CE as well. Crouch strafing was first implemented in Halo 4.

Was just about to say this. Since H4.


They did promise 15 maps by June, and we've gotten 7. That's even ignoring the fact that Noctus and Urban are the same map, just cut up slightly differently.

But if they decide the cartographer made BTB maps count towards that figure we're probably still gonna get a single Arena map each update for a total of like 7 new dev made Arena maps total :D
Just give me Armor Lock in MoR and I'll forgive everything.
I kind of liked the Bungie vehicle weakpoints. Like in Halo 2, didnt the ghost have a weakpoint on the side? That big cylnder next to the legs of the driver. Then, with the warthog, you chould shoot the gas can on the back to inflict an explosion? Wraith had the weakpoint in the back where the boost is. Scorpion in the back where you can shoot the grill above the spartans head and then continue to shoot him??

Maybe im making shit up, but i thought they had weakpoints on every Vehicle... someone please say im not crazy.

All spot on mate, there was nothing like sidestepping a ghost and one shotting their fuel tank for the kill. It wasn't easy either. Same goes for the tank Spartan hatch. It would be interesting to have these return, loved em in Halo 2.

I don't believe we'll ever see the MCC receive another update, they want people to forget about it and play Halo 5.

I hate to say it but my son and his friends wanted to play some Halo at our house the other day, no splitscreen H5 = MCC. TL;DR version, it didn't load and crashed just loading Halo 2 Outskirts for them to coop, reboot, kids get impatient and go outside and play. When they came back it was Mario on the Wii U they wanted. My son loves Halo too but he wasn't sticking it out. Shit has to work when just simply loading a campaign up.

I'd rather forget about MCC altogether MM wise. Give me Halo Wars 2 then H6 cross play with Win10+controller requirement to XBL and we're gold. From this point 343i are at with the quality of H5 they really need to be focusing on population for MM. I feel like they've been progressing through near every other element over recent years but this area is where it mostly falls down. All the tech and sustain in the world isn't going to replace solid consistent regional population pools in playlists.

Throw in toggles for player choice with the cross play and we're in real business. I've enjoyed the widened regional matching in playlists for the last couple of weeks but now the initial buzz of an update has worn off we're basically getting put on USA dedis again, a party of 6 literally fell apart last night due to poor game experience, teleports/bullets feel like not registering, grenades back to delayed etc.

It's a balancing act and I appreciate the good with the bad but it's a harsh requirement on 343 for every game release, that's their reality competing against so many great games these days for our attention. I've had far more value from H5 since launch than the price paid so I'm not unappreciative for their efforts and the great times, however that said, not being able to force Aussie dedis or always getting Aussie dedis for a full party = parties fall apart due to connection quality. Customs only go on so long for us. Warzone firefight was a godsend for parties and solid connections for all in the game. Absolutely can't wait for this mode to drop again!

Here's an example after we had a shite match of BTB (first of the night for the party) and one of our guys quit right after this match for the night. We got a USA dedis in WZ the second game of the night and before either team had 100 points we were defending our core. Guess what, the other team farmed kills in our base without destroying the core until the very end. 15 minutes of disadvantaged hell. 3 of the guys in this party regularly go +20/30 in WZ, it's literally unplayable sometimes as it's that much of a disadvantage. So two of our party members quit to go play Destiny, I waited the game out and did the same thing. Suffice to say the last few in Halo quit the next game after. It's a complex issue combined with player behaviours but the end result is something I don't want to play for the night. Tough job you have 343.


EDIT2: It's also amazing to have dedis in campaign coop. On point and we still coop to this day.


Had such a nice winning streak in Super Fiesta until we got Regret. Some guy on the other team got Kelly's shotgun as a REQ and tore everyone a new asshole. High level Onyx player too.


I didn't like Tyrant the few times I played it, but I just watched CLG struggle in a CTF Arena, and it was eye opening.

So many good routes! And what I thought was overly cramped actually has some interesting sight lines.


You need to get your facts straight. They never "promised" monthly updates, you aim for monthly updates. They said they will update the game until June 2016 and you'll get 15 maps.

And don't be like "getting away with microtransactions" you know goddamn well its probably been the best outcome for Halo 5 in this market.

Also, they probably realized its something that maybe can't be fixed? It's like trying to duct tape the titanic, its such a huge project that just leaks at the seams. In a perfect world MCC would be a great product that we all could jump into when we feel nostalgic but shit, I still spent like 10 days of game time playing it and got my money worth.

343 has made plenty of mistakes but lets not act as if we know what it's like in their shoes and what can and can't be done.

They're absolutely getting away with microtransactions. They're blatantly anti-consumer at worst and a "necessary evil" at best. The justification for them was that they'd make the DLC free, but so far that DLC has consisted of:

10 Sets of Armor
29 "Skins" for newly introduced or already existing armor
35 Weapon Skins
49 Emblems
5 Visors
18 Vehicle REQs (16 Retextures, 2 Hannibal Weapons)
33 Weapons REQs (7 Classic BR variations, 14 REQ variants, 8 Permutations with Knight Blades an/or increased magazine capacity)
7 Assassination Animations
7 Stances
8 Developer-made maps
3 Gametypes that should have already existed
Forge, which the game should have launched with

So at best we're looking at:

129 Textures
5 instances of someone messing with the RGB values of the visors
2 buffed vehicles
The Classic BR
Some animations
5 actually new developer made maps
3 remixes (including Urban)
H2 BR, CE Magnum, Gravity Hammer
Some other kind of okay REQs but mostly the Blood of Suban and Blissful Slumber
Miscellaneous content that every other game already launched with
Some Forge maps made by a bunch of people with absolutely no accountability over the outcome of the game that weren't in any way paid for their services

At this point in Halo 4's life cycle the $25 War Games Map Pass had already given way to 9 original maps as well as Season 2 of Spartan Ops and Forge Island. In 50-ish days (by the end of June) we'd be at Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack levels of content.

I would have paid $11.99 for all of the actually new maps made by 343 if it meant that I could have all of the REQs unlocked by now. I mean, I've spent well over $100 on REQ packs at this point. I'm one of the whales that has. I'd actually like to get some decent content out of it that isn't a shit helmet that looks like it was made by someone's blind eight year old son on a fucking lite-bright.
I'd be excited either way. I'm just tired of all this modern warfare or near future warfare crap.

Gimme a WW1, WW2, or Cold War (Korea and Vietnam) setting!

Oh yeah, Halo is cool and stuff.

Actual WW1 or fictionalized? Maaaayyyyybe do some dogfights or sea battles. But actual WW1 ground fights is 99% trench warfare and would be the most depressing, unexciting, and gross "real war" video games you could make. WW1 was almost entirely just pointless slaughter for gains of a few meters that you would lose the next day or whenever the counterattack came.

Shit's historically fascinating, but realistically just depressing and monotonous.
Man.. Eff slayer tonight. Lol.

Weve poured over a million into the reqs that we know of so far.

I imagine people are still buying some to this day.

Aftee reading tkcaos summary.. Hes right you know.


Man.. Eff slayer tonight. Lol.

Weve poured over a million into the reqs that we know of so far.

I imagine people are still buying some to this day.

Aftee reading tkcaos summary.. Hes right you know.

Like, I'm not going to say that releasing monthly content mostly consistently isn't commendable. It absolutely is. But let's put in to context what that content actually is. Especially when you consider that it's entirely possible that a player might not ever encounter a huge chunk of that content because of the REQ system. Of the 209ish pieces of content released in monthly updates only 15 of them (including Forge) are either usable outside of REQ packs or don't involve the REQ system.
Like, I'm not going to say that releasing monthly content mostly consistently isn't commendable. It absolutely is. But let's put in to context what that content actually is. Especially when you consider that it's entirely possible that a player might not ever encounter a huge chunk of that content because of the REQ system. Of the 209ish pieces of content released in monthly updates only 15 of them (including Forge) are either usable outside of REQ packs or don't involve the REQ system.

I get a little sad when i unlock the dog face helmet in a different stripe. =/ .. Wish it was one armor/helm unloxk and then maybe wearing it while gaining xp unlocked the higher versions. Not just another gamble of req points wasted.

Visors can kiss ass. Worst vatiety ever. So i use gringr thats visorless now.

until i unlock shinobi and emilles with the next update lol..
Way too much Halo this month I have 300 games of Slayer alone, that’s not even counting Super Fiesta or other modes. May probably won’t be as high, so many other games coming out and the same goes for June.
Incineration seems like it has a larger kill radius than rockets. Pretty much you just run around with the trigger held down. River of Light is kind of awkward to use though.


^Amen TCKaos...maybe the DLC maps so far would have been better if we paid for them (Arena specifically)

Like, I'm not going to say that releasing monthly content mostly consistently isn't commendable. It absolutely is. But let's put in to context what that content actually is. Especially when you consider that it's entirely possible that a player might not ever encounter a huge chunk of that content because of the REQ system. Of the 209ish pieces of content released in monthly updates only 15 of them (including Forge) are either usable outside of REQ packs or don't involve the REQ system.

This is my issue with the DLC model for this game. Yes it is free, which is great for the majority and avoids fragmentation. But (and we can't know for sure) I'm sure it is matching if not surpassing revenue generated by season pass sales (the alternate model). Yet I feel like we're getting the bad end of the stick.

I just wish we were getting more Arena maps. We've had four? so far. In the space Halo 4 got 9. Along with two Warzone maps (+remixes)?
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