anything is better than a Reach map. Lets be real
Anything would be better than a Torque Remix.
What they can't just do a new map, seriously.
They are being really bad on the map front.
anything is better than a Reach map. Lets be real
I assume they planned to have some dev forge maps but with our backlash.. Those maps have become lost in a river of fog. Dead, thick fog.
Fixed.Yeah, like Pegasus and Antifreeze LOL
Anything would be better than a Torque Remix.
What they can't just do a new map, seriously.
They are being really bad on the map front.
So how about that top notch infographic, eh? Can't wait to use an "Assault Rifle" or the new "DMR"...
Like, does no one even look at the stuff before they send it off to Bravo?
Hey you guys remember when Torque was in Reach? ugh.
Why not something from Reach that might work in H5? Anchor 9 minus zero-G? Tempest? Highlands? Like, damn. So much hype for sooooooo little Reach
In non-Reach news, how did it take them this long to figure out that the Pool of Radiance was terrible? Pretty sure the community has known since Day 1.
I am absolutely ecstatic right now! Just finished a WZ Turbo match on A.R.C. and not only was it a good one, I was the top scorer in points not just for my team but altogether. We won, 1000-441. I netted 5 boss takedowns, 1 legendary boss takedown, 2 base captures, 12 kills, 3 deaths, and 9 assists. Half way through the match I decided to spawn a Wraith and the enemy team had no answer for me cruising around killing them and bosses. A knight noble finally did me in so I figured "Fuck it, why not keep going?" and spawned another Wraith to take out their side's Hunters.
I know that all-in-all, I didn't do THAT amazing. But if I could play WZ like that all the time, then we'd be cooking (of course I wouldn't be calling in Wraiths in regular WZ that fast or often, but still). Just feels good to not be the worst performer in a match for once.
EDIT: I just went to buy a REQ pack and it seems like the REQ system may be down right now, which got me wondering: For anyone who experiences it, what happens when the REQ system in WZ Turbo goes down? I am assuming everyone just runs around with ARs and Pistols like in regular WZ only it is at REQ Lvl 9? That would be pretty frustrating, all that REQ energy and unable to call anything in.
Just faced a bunch of members of the dominated spartan company in a warzone turbo match including the leader(Wasp Almighty) and a few other members. My team got crushed. Almost all the members of the enemy teams SR ranks ranged from 145 to 150. I only got 3 kills in the match.
This is the match.
Community Update is coming real soon, it'll be worth it.
There are 7 maps left, for the 15+ maps. The Rig,Coliseum and Tyrant remixes. Darkstar Assault, plus 2 more WZ maps. I doubt we'll see any Dev crafted BTB maps.
Either figure, same story. There's not going to be dev crafted BTB maps.You mean 18+ maps.
Yeah I’m trying to keep my expectations low, even though I excited for it. I think we might only get one new map this time. Last time they released a new game mode that update only came with one new map. So I’m thinking:
Torque remix
Reach armor
I don’t know if the grenade launcher will come back, HaloGAF is the only one that seems to care about it.
I’d love to see the Falcon, but I highly doubt it. That’s a completely new vehicle model they would have to make.
Plus there are UI updates and campaign stuff. So I’m pretty excited about it, but I’ll wait until we get some more info before judging.
13 mins, cant believe they still farm lmao. No wonder Wasp only pulls 15 viewers and wont be partnered for another 2+ years on Twitch.
The competitive stuff it great, they just haven't managed to release any new maps worthy of being added to HCS/pro league which it a bit of a shame.
I don't hate the new maps like some, I just can't see them being viable additions.
It was a nice update, but kinda sucks that they are bringing back the LE skins. People paid a lot of money for those and 343 said they were limited.
It was a nice update, but kinda sucks that they are bringing back the LE skins. People paid a lot of money for those and 343 said they were limited.
They didn't say that. They said they would be coming in future updates except for the 343 ones.
Yeah I don't think they ever said they were limited run, just that you had a better chance of getting rare stuff as well as a chance at the 14 unique skins.
It is a shame that they're a big part of the total new content since its not really new.
The post launch maps run from bad to acceptable. But I hope they're not counting those forge maps as new maps because they simply are not what the community expected when they talked about post launch support.
All the skins and armor variants are cute but it's filler content. I want and expect gameplay content. I'll stop and see that stuff like adding the Halo 2 BR was nice and is more than filler. But all those weapon skins and emblems are totally filler. (And hilarious that it took months to give us some of the classic emblems like the frickin' number emblems.)
I can't knock them on Forge support. Otherwise, Halo 5's post launch support has been very disappointing.
When people were questioning if forge maps counted towards the "18+ maps post-launch" I laughed, thinking that obviously wasn't the case. I no longer find it funny, especially since 343 have yet to address the question. A simple, "No they don't count towards that map count." would suffice.
How about a "Yes they do count toward the map count"? Is that okay too?
If you have an emergency and you need to leave the house you really won't have to play another Halo game in the next 30 minutes. I definitely think stuff like being able to surrender (especially when a teammate quits) should be a thing along with being able to rejoin if you accidentally disconnect, but a 30 minute ban for one quit is pretty standard for a lot of online games.
Given that 343i said there will be 6 Warzone maps post-launch, and only 3 have been delivered, unless Hogwild delivers 3 Warzone maps + the rig remix all in one bout, there ought to be one or two more content drops. That is.... if held to their 6 map promise.
I'm going to be optimistic - come E3 Bonney will take stage and announce a Season 2 of free H5 DLC starting later this year.
They never specified that the 18+ maps would be only dev maps, so technically they're not lieing if they include the btb maps
What about all the breakout and grifball maps they added? They are way over 18.
Tom French has said that 15+ maps do not include community made maps. I think that 343i counts 6 BTB Forge maps as dev made maps, Basin was made by 343i employee and rest were co-developed with community cartographers. And it adds up. 6 BTB maps + 5-7 Arena maps + 6 announced Warzone maps ~= 18+ maps
Kinda late mentioning this, but I wonder why they didn't bring back the Flood combat forms for the Zombies from Halo 4(they were in Halo 2:Anniversary as well, right?). Did the fans just not like the way they looked? Or was this more of a time/resource thing? Honestly never was much of a fan of Infection, and don't ever recall playing Flood in Halo 4, so it's not a big deal to me; but I'm still curious.
Really hope that weapon next to the Brute Plasma Rifle is the M319 Grenade Launcher. If it does turn out to be Jorge's custom Chaingun, how would they serve to differentiate it, or make it even more desirable than the already devastating Oni Chaingun?... Built-in Shield-buff? Larger ammo clip? I think the explosive rounds of the Oni Chaingun would still put it on top, because they melt through everything, and have a tendency to disorient those on the receiving end.
Since I already got all of those weapon skins, the new REQ offerings in this Content Update seem kinda meager. If the Pro Pipe or Falcon are in there, I'll still be happy though.![]()
Given that 343i said there will be 6 Warzone maps post-launch, and only 3 have been delivered, unless Hogwild delivers 3 Warzone maps + the rig remix all in one bout, there ought to be one or two more content drops. That is.... if held to their 6 map promise.
I'm going to be optimistic - come E3 Bonnie will take stage and announce a Season 2 of free H5 DLC starting later this year.
I think they will keep doing content updates after the announced ones though. They are making bank on req packs. It would be foolish to not make more cards.
I can confirm that!:'(
343 in on full steam developing Halo 6. They don't have time!
I think they will keep doing content updates after the announced ones though. They are making bank on req packs. It would be foolish to not make more cards.
Honestly, if 343 were super smart they should just ride out Halo 5 for the rest of this gen and save 6 for next gen.
They could have a "Halo 5 year 2" or "Halo 5 2017" series of content updates. Perhaps another 6 updates (once every 2 months or something). I mean they're already having an HWC 2017 so there should be new req content for people to buy. Maybe there could even be a 3rd year of content, who knows.
This way, Halo 5 will have a strong attachment through the generation, sort of like what Nintendo does with Smash and Mario Kart. They make one of those games a generation, so everyone buys it. You don't have the situation of trying to win back fans with a new version.