Samurai G0SU
We don't actually know this.
I haven't felt any heavy aim since that patch a while back. Pretty sure people still complaining about it are feeling placebos.
We don't actually know this.
I haven't felt any heavy aim since that patch a while back. Pretty sure people still complaining about it are feeling placebos.
Or... we know barely anything about the heavy aim other than its some form of input lag and the fact that 343 released a patch supposedly fixing it. The idea that it was linked to server ping is purely speculation.Of course, you have the perfect Halo copy and ours are broken.
Or... we know barely anything about the heavy aim other than its some form of input lag and the fact that 343 released a patch supposedly fixing it. The idea that it was linked to server ping is purely speculation.
The whole thing is a bit questionable, there's no real way of quantifying it and some people were convinced that opening and closing the menu fixed it.
I think it's more likely that the people who still have a problem with it are experiencing a placebo effect frankly.
On a less '343 apologist' note, I literally can't find a game of BTB right now which is depressing. Hopefully the xbox game pass thing boosts the population a bit.
I hope so. The new motion tracker sounds terrible with the exception of it's increased range.Is Proving Grounds just gonna' replace Arena like previous preview playlists?
Whut?I hope so. The new motion tracker sounds terrible with the exception of it's increased range.
Needless to say I wish 343i would just start making decent maps rather than constantly tweaking excisting maps weapon placements because the pro's are never happy.
I hope so. The new motion tracker sounds terrible with the exception of it's increased range.
We don't actually know this.
I haven't felt any heavy aim since that patch a while back. Pretty sure people still complaining about it are feeling placebos.
I hope so. The new motion tracker sounds terrible with the exception of it's increased range.
Needless to say I wish 343i would just start making decent maps rather than constantly tweaking excisting maps weapon placements because the pro's are never happy.
I hope so. The new motion tracker sounds terrible with the exception of it's increased range.
We pretty much do man. Some people also can't tell the difference between 30 fps and 60. There was a big waypoint thread on this but I can't find it.
Also go look up summit1g's twitch reboradcast where he says the aiming still blows but it is slightly better after the update. This is a GAME issue across platforms. I'm literally envious you can't notice, I would kill for that.
Yeah, Classic Halo motion tracker > CoDified motion tracker. The fact of the matter is that the motion tracker is not what creates issues with map flow and camping, rather it comes down to the map and weapon layout. 343i's map design is overly complicated and needs to be more simplified and streamlined like in Halo 1, 2 and 3. EDIT: Some of the maps in Halo 5 are also too small, Molten is a great example of that. If it was a larger map than it currently is it could have worked. Unfortunately because of it's size spawn camping is a very common occurrence and forces players on the defensive to camp.Wtf?
Yeah, Classic Halo motion tracker > CoDified motion tracker. The fact of the matter is that the motion tracker is not what creates issues with map flow and camping, rather it comes down to the map and weapon layout. 343i's map design is overly complicated and needs to be more simplified and streamlined like in Halo 1, 2 and 3. EDIT: Some of the maps in Halo 5 are also too small, Molten is a great example of that. If it was a larger map than it currently is it could have worked. Unfortunately because of it's size spawn camping is a very common occurrence and forces players on the defensive to camp.
The classic motion tracker immediately gives an immobile player an advantage over players who are moving. To say it doesn't create issues with camping as silly.
Map design can help, but as long as there are walls and radar, a person camping behind the wall will have an advantage over someone moving near it.
H1,2, and 3 had the same issues.
Removing or nerfing the radar robs the would-be camper of the vital information he relies on: the exact location of his target. This instantly makes camping a less effective strategy- so people won't do it.
It's already out for custom games. They added it with the maintenance update.Will the option be available in custom games?
It's already out for custom games. They added it with the maintenance update.
Sorry, this is not a fact.The fact of the matter is that the motion tracker is not what creates issues with map flow and camping
I mean, this is what the update does. You have a greater range, but the motion tracker isn't reporting "normal" player movement, meaning you're invisible unless you're either firing or using advanced mobility (sprint, thrust, etc.)
Honestly as someone who is in the team motion tracker pool I'm not really sure how I feel about the change, because I feel like for non-competitive situations I'd much rather have the classic motion tracker, and for the situation we're talking about here if the motion tracker is a big issue than just removing it seems the better option.
I'm aware that's what this update does. I'm explaining why his assessment doesn't make sense. The nerfed radar nueters camping because targets can move w/o being detected.
Removing radar completely it isn't the better option because Spartan abilities make defending oneself off-spawn nearly impossible. Players with a decent understanding of the spawn system can fly in and deal damage before a spawner can get oriented.
The extended range is likely squared at defense against Spartan charges.
I don't understand the logic that the classic motion tracker is somehow more friendly for non-competitive players. It encourages players of all skill levels to hide and wait for someone to run past them.
It's just muddying what the motion tracker actually does. Used to be very simplemoving at a regular speed meant you showed up, crouching doesn't. Now it's far less intuitive.
Happy birthday stranger! I haven't played in a while myself. Im eager to see what is in the works for Halo 6. Maybe some e3 news who knows.havent posted in a halo thread for ages - was just talking to someone about halo nostalgia and am now listening to the odst soundtrack
Still so good
Wow also seeing the change notes is interesting - making the sniper harder is a good thing - the easy mode sniper in reach onwards has just been bleh
I'm intrigued by the new radar
Or... we know barely anything about the heavy aim other than its some form of input lag and the fact that 343 released a patch supposedly fixing it. The idea that it was linked to server ping is purely speculation.
The whole thing is a bit questionable, there's no real way of quantifying it and some people were convinced that opening and closing the menu fixed it.
I think it's more likely that the people who still have a problem with it are experiencing a placebo effect frankly.
On a less '343 apologist' note, I literally can't find a game of BTB right now which is depressing. Hopefully the xbox game pass thing boosts the population a bit.
Nope, nope and nope.If you don't notice the problems with aiming in Halo 5 You are either
a) Have been playing on a 30+inch TV for its duration
b) Have shitty aiming across all First Person Shooters
c) A trash player
Pick One
Nope, nope and nope.
I felt the heavy aim before the patch. After the patch it was massively improved.
Eh, possibly.So your logic is that if it's gone for you, it must be gone for everyone else?
How do we know YOU aren't the one experiencing the placebo effect 🤔
Eh, possibly.
I just think that people have been going on so much about how the aiming is "broken" in this game that they can't accept an alternative. Everyone is subject to confirmation bias. If you flub a few shots it's much easier to blame the game than yourself. H5 requires a lot of mechanical dexterity, it's probably the most twitchy Halo game there is in terms of aiming. Players move very quickly and erratically and the pistol has a small amount of magnetism. Combining those makes it hard to aim.
Also, the sensitivity curves are a bit different in 5 compared to previous games. This doesn't mean they're broken, which is something a lot of people seem to claim, there's no definitive perfect sensitivity curve as far as I'm aware. That's definitely going to contribute to something feeling off if you've got muscle memory from years of other Halos.
Regarding the actual heavy aim, there's the problem that it's all based on feeling. If someone can come up with some concrete evidence showing that the input lag is distinctly worse in H5 than other games then fair enough I'll believe you.
But in sculpting the games actual feel, developer Respawn was also looking back to another classic, Halo: Combat Evolved. Its still the gold standard, says senior software engineer Rayme Vinson. As he began to block out the controls for the game that would become Titanfall, hed load up Halos first level and play its first encounter over and over again, killing off all the AI apart from a single grunt. Then I could dance around him and see what [Bungie] did, he says, noting the way Halos crosshair is lower than the center of the screen so you can see more of the world, how it deals with aim-assist, and how its stable view as you walk gets across a sense of Master Chiefs indomitability.
The team didnt adopt all Halos lessons by any means. For instance, Titanfall has view-bob to communicate an awareness of physical motion, but they wanted it to maintain some of Halos steadiness. Intuiting from what they did, it seemed they had a big focus on making it so players could shoot the bad guys as easily as possible and not get motion sick, and not getting motion sick became a big part of Titanfall, says multiplayer design lead Todd Alderman.
That is weird. Doesn't sound like it's related to heavy aim though. Still, very odd.It would take a pretty complex setup to prove heavy aim.
I admittedly haven't experienced it in a while but i did do an experiment back when i had the problem frequently: I loaded up a btb match, and just ran around until i noticed my aim get heavy.
Then got in a ghost and held the right thumb stick to the right. The camera should have been zipping around quickly, but it wasn't- it was turning at a snails pace, like i was submerged in molasses.
Interestingly when i moved the thumbstick to the left, i didn't have the issue. The camera would do a 360 in no time.
I paused the game. Resumed. Moved stick to the right. It rotated just add quickly as when i held it to the left.
I turned the game off repeated with a different controller. Same results.
I did this same thing several times on different maps.
It only ever effected me when trying to aim to the right, which made aiming feel extra squirrelly because i had to compensate symmetrically depending on where my target was.
Finally, i restored my sensitivity and acceleration settings to default, and i couldn't replicate the problem. Then i put my settings back to where they were and i still couldn't replicate it. Haven't noticed it since.
I think the issue has to do with a bug in the advanced options they implemented in response to people not liking h5s default curves. But I'm just pulling that out of my nether regions.
The default curves are wonky though. XIM did an extensive post on their forum about how strange h5s aiming system is, which made it tough to make a default XIM profile.
That is weird. Doesn't sound like it's related to heavy aim though. Still, very odd.
On a side note, on BTB/forge maps the fps drops are going to cause a form of heavy aim. That's unrelated to the aiming mechanics though.
I saw that xim post and I'm not convinced. That was referring to the sudden increase in sensitivity, ie the switch from aiming speed to looking speed. That is present in every Halo game (I went back and tested in each one), the difference in 5 was that the switch in speeds cut in earlier than in previous games. They did this before the advanced options were released. The outer deadzone option effectively fixed this as it allows you to choose where that switch happens. 0% is basically at max stick deflection.
Dropped for H2 and onwards.Uh, isn't the Halo 1 reticule centered? It only dropped for H3 and on.
Dropped for H2 and onwards.
Re:heavy aim. Halo 5 felt like shit until i removed death zones and tweaked sensitivity. And i mean shit, i can't recall another game where turning/camera controls felt so bad.
Or is this heavy aim a separate issue even?
Beta had better aiming than final retail.
Anyone know if they've handed out Timmy helmets this week? They said in one update they weren't doing it that week, then the next week I had 50 hours, and I haven't gotten it this week yet.
Halo 5 aim is still heavy / wonky for me.
Only REALLY noticed it once I started playing H5:Forge customs on PC - aim is PERFECT on there [and I'm like twice as good as a result].
Still heavy as fuck on xbone for me :/
[playing with same gamepad settings across both platforms as well]