Don't forget Halo Wars 2 was somewhat of a step in the right direction, at least for people who valued Halo's art direction.
Halo Wars 2 art is so good. The game is so good. Play it people.
Don't forget Halo Wars 2 was somewhat of a step in the right direction, at least for people who valued Halo's art direction.
I haven't played this, well since it released. Got hurt and put it aside and totally forgot about it until today.
Hows the online? Worth jumping into? Especially for someone that was always pretty meh skill wise on halo?
Yup, and the gametypes apparently as well. Pretty crazy progress already on that front.
Sadly it doesn't work on Halo 5 Win 10 edition since Warzone isn't in the files :''''(
Is Gringo still lurking? Got a guy in the HaloGAF Discord (may it rest in pepperonis) who says he applied to the Company
Well, as a heads up to Gringo: one of my friends in the company (VMVash) was hit by a car a week or so ago; he's home recovering but hasn't been on recently as a result.
To each his own, but...
At any given moment, your no more than 4 kills from winning/losing. I'm not sure how your actions can feel 'inconsequential' in that scenario. Sure sometimes you don't get the last guy, but 15 seconds is an eternity on these tiny maps. how many rounds typically end in a tie?
I just had a game which is a perfect example of why I don't think the mode is very good.
I went 23 for 4, one of my teammates went 17 for 5. The enemy team had a grand total of 15 kills vs our 50.
Guess what? The game ended in a tie, 1-1.
The vast majority of what I did in that game had absolutely no impact on the outcome, that's what I mean by how it feels inconsequential.
To clarify further I feel like the mode has very little depth to it. The entire time I find myself just running around looking for the next kill. It's not like slayer where you need to think about map control and setting up for the next weapon/powerup. Map control is almost non-existent in this mode because the maps are tiny and as soon as you get a couple of kills you need to be running around looking for the last guy alive. You just don't really need to think much. It's more hide and seek than Halo IMO.
I think the game would be better if most kills in a round won the round... but there are limitations when the gametype is dependent on forge scripting.
Still, it's possible for an outslayed team to win or tie in any other objective game mode. That's not inherently a flaw.
There's really no excuse for your team to be unable to finishing this game out with a win beyond not understanding the spawns.... your teammates must have been garbage tier... you even got a triple - 15 secs to kill 1 person.
In an objective game, if a team wins despite being outslayed they're superior at the controlling the objective.
In Extermination if a team wins despite being outplayed they're superior at hiding.
Or they got exterminations When it counted while the losing team kept cycling spawns.
So basically the team with more kills was worse at hiding?
Worse at completing the objective
Hide and seek is a shit objective.
And again, this doesn't make up for the fact that the mode has no depth. There's basically no strategy involved beyond push as hard as you can as soon as they're a man down. It's just boring.
Halo 5 with classic sounds.
Seriously, 343i needs to bring back classic sound effects to Halo 6. It's part of the appeal of Halo.
It's fun in Extermination when you're the last person alive on a bad team and you squeeze out a tie or a last second turn around to win. If it was purely about kills then it'd be a baby version of Slayer, but it's not.Hide and seek is a shit objective.
Plenty of depth. You just don't like it and that's fine, but it's a different gametype that provides fast, explosive gameplay and demands quick decision making. Never a slow moment, even when you're the last player alive vs 4 enemies.And again, this doesn't make up for the fact that the mode has no depth. There's basically no strategy involved beyond push as hard as you can as soon as they're a man down. It's just boring.
It would be alot more work than the announcers so I;m not too surprised. Eitherway classic sounds (specially shields) should return in Halo 6.I'm surprised 343i hasn't added a classic sound effects DLC for $10 or something.
I'm surprised 343i hasn't added a classic sound effects DLC for $10 or something.
Black Ops 2 is in 2nd place on XBL, behind NBA 2K17 and in front of GTA know games that haven't completely changed their base mechanics.
p.s. Extermination is amazing. It's what breakout should of been.
p.s.s. Apparently 343 knows what is causing heavy aim and *might* be able to fix it. Now idk if "heavy aim" is the base input lag/underlying unresponsiveness or if it's how the aiming changes game to game and minute to minute. I'm hoping its the former.
Don't worry, we'll be talking about UI problems and other misc issues that'll leave us scratching our heads when Halo 6 releases.I mean, how are we still talking about aiming problems in a 2015 halo game?
Halo 5 with classic sounds.
Seriously, 343i needs to bring back classic sound effects to Halo 6. It's part of the appeal of Halo.
It's fun in Extermination when you're the last person alive on a bad team and you squeeze out a tie or a last second turn around to win. If it was purely about kills then it'd be a baby version of Slayer, but it's not.
Plenty of depth. You just don't like it and that's fine, but it's a different gametype that provides fast, explosive gameplay and demands quick decision making. Never a slow moment, even when you're the last player alive vs 4 enemies.
I'm tired of slow Halo and chasing one shots around large maps, so Extermination provides a nice change.
Black Ops 2 is in 2nd place on XBL, behind NBA 2K17 and in front of GTA know games that haven't completely changed their base mechanics.
p.s. Extermination is amazing. It's what breakout should of been.
p.s.s. Apparently 343 knows what is causing heavy aim and *might* be able to fix it. Now idk if "heavy aim" is the base input lag/underlying unresponsiveness or if it's how the aiming changes game to game and minute to minute. I'm hoping its the former.
It's okay that amazing things aren't amazing to some people. Doesn't make it any less amazing. Amazing.Also I'm not claiming it doesn't have depth because I don't like it, compared to any other mode in 5 it's very shallow. I guess there's nothing wrong with that considering it's just a social mode but it's not as amazing as everyone is making it out to be.
Re: BlOps2
the formula for a great halo game has already been written, they just have to embrace it
It's okay that amazing things aren't amazing to some people. Doesn't make it any less amazing. Amazing.
Combat Evolved 2
It's okay that amazing things aren't amazing to some people. Doesn't make it any less amazing. Amazing.
Combat Evolved 2
90 assassinations to go. If you're in the company, turn the game on, get an assassination, turn the game off.
I don't even see why hes pushing so hard against. Just don't fuckin play it lmao
Halo 5 with classic sounds.
Seriously, 343i needs to bring back classic sound effects to Halo 6. It's part of the appeal of Halo.
Halo 5 with classic sounds.
Seriously, 343i needs to bring back classic sound effects to Halo 6. It's part of the appeal of Halo.
I'm trying to understand this, but I'm failing to do so. Care to explain? What does appreciating the sounds have anything to do with how they actually sound? For example, side by side the CE Pistol sounds more menacing than the H5 Pistol. How does an appreciation for how audio tech is handled today change that? Maybe I'm missing something.The whole "classic sounds were way more menacing" thing is definitely a case of rose-tinted glasses because we couldn't actually appreciate the sounds in the same way back then.
I'm trying to understand this, but I'm failing to do so. Care to explain? What does appreciating the sounds have anything to do with how they actually sound? For example, side by side the CE Pistol sounds more menacing than the H5 Pistol. How does an appreciation for how audio tech is handled today change that? Maybe I'm missing something.
I'm trying to understand this, but I'm failing to do so. Care to explain? What does appreciating the sounds have anything to do with how they actually sound? For example, side by side the CE Pistol sounds more menacing than the H5 Pistol. How does an appreciation for how audio tech is handled today change that? Maybe I'm missing something.
Sound design in Halo 5 is far and away better than previous titles and it's not even close.
Remember how occasionally Halo 4 would flip audio channels for some noises and not others, so you couldn't tell if you were getting naded from the left or right?