define worked
Played like 5-6 games, flawless.
define worked
I'm still surprised that they never added special armor to the Assist and Game Mode commendations. I figured after some Spartan Companies started getting Achilles, then they were going to drop a "Good job to a lot of you on completing Kill Commendations! Now go finish your Assists to get the *whatever* armor permutations!" But it never came.Once we're done with the kill commendations don't forget about the assist and game mode ones!Kappa
I'm still surprised that they never added special armor to the Assist and Game Mode commendations. I figured after some Spartan Companies started getting Achilles, then they were going to drop a "Good job to a lot of you on completing Kill Commendations! Now go finish your Assists to get the *whatever* armor permutations!" But it never came.
Too bad too. Before I somewhat recently realized that we'd never get a new Hyabusa because of it being cross-promotion with Dead or Alive, I dreamt of additions to the Achilles and Hayabusa "Classic Warrior" armor line: A Viking-style helmet with horns, a Native American warrior helmet with a mohawk, and more.
In short I may love Halo, but every game has fallen short and been a disapointment to me compared to the first.
Ha. Well the origins of that is rooted solely in my disappointment with the handling of well.. everything campaign wise in H2. We had a panel in Cape Town recently that went into that in some more detail, hopefully it will be uploaded online some time soon.
My personal opinion has always been that Bungie's changes in H2's campaign ended up with them unknowingly losing many of the aspects of H1 that made it so damn fun. I don't think the series ever recovered from those engine and gameplay decisions.
Then you have H2's issues of having a story dictating the mission designs, and subsequently stories being so basic or unambitious that they don't try to do anything really new. Except H4, which for me is the only Halo campaign built on a foundation of really good ideas.
In short I may love Halo, but every game has fallen short and been a disapointment to me compared to the first.
Does anyone still get loot crates here?
The shirt is pretty sick actually and there's an awesome accessory for bottle service.![]()
I'll shoot some Marines once I'm done with these nightfalls.
No need to grind reversals really, that comes from just playing. Now we need people to grind Warzone for marine kills. Vehicles too but BTB is better for that, IMO.
It's been too long since worlds. Really excited for an event and summer league. Especially with the hcs playlist changes
Two man teams looking for jungle race should be able to grind that shit out in short order.
Lol the armor you get for your grinding is pretty lame.
I actually like the helmet, but the prestige of wearing it has been ruined by the fact that so many poke have had it for so long and most of the people who have had it for a while got it by farming.
Next time i hope 343 tied such rewards to social behavior instead of antisocial behavior.
Anyway, getting Achilles will finally make me feel free to dive into other games. I still haven't finished gears3 or purchased fh3.
H6 should have some meaningful rewards. I mean I dont mind grinding, but kill one billion marines is just fucking stupid. Achilles was poorly conceived. It was just a carrot on a stick to keep people playing and it led to WZ becoming a shit show.
I mean why cant we have rewards that are actually well thought out and makes it feel like you accomplished something?
Achieve Onyx (or whatever rank) for five seasons.
Achieve Champion.
Complete the campaign on Legendary and collect all the intel logs.
Get 50 killtaculars.
You can make something grindy, but also make it feel rewarding and take skill. When you see someone with Achilles its not impressive, it just means they grinded the shit out of something.
Any chance i can get in the company?
I know it's late to ask but i got kicked some months ago from another company and i only have the armour :|
So, do you consider SPV3's added campaign sections to be on the line Halo should have follow after CE?
I mean, even Halo CE had mission design dictated by the story, the main difference is on the approach Bungie had when it comes to level design, which is a drastic change between CE and the rest of the saga (Reach tried some things similar to CE in some ways).
My problem with 2 was that it was way more linear in terms of gameplay than CE ever was. Everything felt 'forced' and not in a good way.
Like for example, that bridge mission with the tank. Sure you can get out and do it differently, but who will ever do such a thing unless your hunting achievements? No one.
In CE, there were vehicles and guns laying around everywhere and most of the time, they never really felt as forced (other than maybe the banshee parts). Most of the game feels like its "more open" (or random) than 2 even though it really isn't. You feel like the gun you randomly pick up will really change how the the mission is gonna play out in CE where as in 2, if theres a rocket there or a sniper, that basically means you need to pick it up cause the next part is gonna use it. To me thats shitty, boring SP design.
Halo CE seems to have much less of it and not every single gun and vehicle placement felt as planned out. A lot of it felt random while in 2, everything just feels so calculated and play tested that theres really no randomness to the game at all. Everything feels so calculated, is obviously there for a reason and honestly, i just dont like that.
To me H2 is easily the weakest halo SP of them all. Boring predicable missions and they feel much too calculated. Its the Halo i enjoy the least.
Especially after the silent cartographer in CE, why the fuck would you design an entire campaign without any of the best aspect of halos best mission ever? Just insanity. Feels like a different developer altogether made halo2. Big disappointment.
Gotta ask Gringo. He'll have to see if there's anyone to kick who hasn't played for a longer time period.
Maybe look to see if some randoms who aren't from here haven't played and kicked but at this point, after all the kicks, if you aren't still in, do you really deserve to hop in at the end? No offense to anyone outside. Not even saying I have played a lot either.