Or it could be that the game is having development problems. Either way, as I always said, H6 is their last chance to get Halo right.
If the directors are bad, it doesn't matter how good the actual talent is - and I'm sure they have talented people there.
Also, I don't know how you can enjoy RNG spread.
I don't like RNG spread as much as I like the effect it has on the pacing, aka slowing down the gameplay, and that was, for me, a requirement to appreciate Halo 5, and allowing one player to make a mistake.
And as I already stated, I'm now more willing to start a game on Halo 5 than I've ever been since 2 years, thanks to this update.
But I clearly understand this is not something everyone would like, ever since Halo 5 always had consistent and precise weapons, and people enjoying the game got used to this for 2 years, and now, this is somehow a slap in their face.
The gunfighter however isn't really the gunfighter anymore, its a new custom variant. Unlike the previous one, this one has the original magnum smart scope, as well as extended mag. This is some sort of in between, which really should be its own name but it's quite different than the standard one.
I too agree regardless of what they've done, the slower pace is beneficial to game as a whole. As I stated earlier, I think the randomness doesn't matter in my experience, as long as you are in RRR.
Also looking forward to your review you mentioned earlier
Oh you're right, I didn't even notice the gunfighter magnum was an heavily modified version of the base gunfighter magnum. It has more ammo, and the magnum's smart scope, something I didn't notice at all since I don't zoom/ads with the magnum (I don't see how zooming with this poor zoom would help me haha).
I agree randomness doesn't really matter at close range, and even if it did, I'm more willing to accept randomness than feeling bad because the game doesn't allow a player to make a mistake.
And I still need to replay Two Betrayals and The Maw to finalize my point haha. But I will, as I'm working myself on a PvE experience on CE, there is much to cover and learn about your work on SPV3.
Btw, are you progressing well on your ODST standalone?
Who said anything about the impact that it had on gameplay? I talked about how it is only added to please a certain demographic.
But since you want to go that route... How about all of the automatic weapons that didn't have zoom in previous installments? Does it not have an impact on those weapons? Am I reading all of the automatic weapon complaints wrong? Because, since launch I have the impression that people strongly dislike them and that it actually changed the gameplay a lot.
Akai__ clearly stated (fake)ADS was added as a visual pleasing option to charm a certain demographic, but he is also right when saying it changed the way automatic were used in the game.
I think that during the Halo 4 OT era, I stated multiple time that 343 would never add ADS as it can be used in other games like CoD or Battlefield, but if they did, it would just be a aesthetic add-on since zoom and ads are somehow the same thing, as long as it doesn't change the player movement speed.
Now, I don't know if I was true or false, as ADS didn't really change behaviors for precision weapons, but it did on automatics, but I'm not sure we could say it impacted the game as much as sprint did, and like Fata1moose, if I had to choose between ADS and Sprint, I would clearly remove Sprint and keep ADS.
But as for myself, I don't use ADS on Halo 5, maybe BR, but I'm only relying on zoom for the sniper, so I can't comment on this.
Now, I don't really know what is the demographic population looking for a Halo games. Players changed a lot, and I see a lot of people asking for Sprint and ADS despite the bad thing they bring with them. But with DOOM, I still think keeping a classic gameplay wouldn't hurt Halo, but Halo won't be the top dog anymore, having classic gameplay or not.