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Halo 5 Review Thread


Seeing these SP impressions I wonder if MCC informed 343 prioritizing MP with Halo 5 this past year. They put a lot of care in MCC's campaigns and no one cared because the MP was a broken mess.


semen stains the mountaintops
New memes are born.

What's ridiculous about that post? Most people aren't speedrunning this game on normal to met the deadline for a review.

It does seem like 343 pretty much lied about the length of the campaign but I really doubt most people are going to be seeing 5 hour long playthroughs on heroic.


Reviews are kinda meaningless right now... Need to see how this game plays online.

That's where Halo shines, IMO. If 343 really nails it, all else will be forgiven.


TIL second game ever means the second game in a recent franchise lol

Not sequels guys, second games in general. This is a new studio. Halo 2, gow2, tlou, were NOT their second games ever lol


This post isn't by me, it's by a guy with the same username as me.
People arguments to justify the short campaign length are awfully similar to the ones we read when The Order launched.

"Why would anyone play at normal?"
"Did you stopped to see the texture work?"
"Why where you trying to finish the game, who does that?"
"This aren't real life values"

Common, if there's a normal mode is because they wanted to include it and that's the difficulty that most people will play the first time.

And there's no problem in the game being short, there's a MP component that seems to be pretty great.

The problem is if the developers sold the game pre release as a meatier SP experience.


"real life results"

Im dead.

New memes are born.



semen stains the mountaintops
It's beyond me why 343 thought it would be a good idea to pretend like the campaign was twice as long as Halo 4, it just sets an expectation for people that can't possibly be met.


The average person takes about 8 hours to complete so if we're being generous on their "twice the length of Halo 4" line lets say that's 14 hours which is still longer than any other Halo game.
I enjoyed the campaign, the levels feel shorter early on. I felt like I hit mission 7 quickly. I played on normal trying to beat the game quickly but enjoy it at the same time. It took me ~6 hours and I only died about 10 times through the whole thing and most of that was at the end. Felt like the easiest Halo on normal but I can totally see how it will be one of the hardest on legendary.
Damn, the metacritic score is on the same level as Destiny's, thats terrible.
Anyway, I had concerns about the campaign, AI mates mostly. I suppose the revive mechanic makes easier walkthoughts.
Anyway, I'm playing it tonight to see if it is actually bad.
It's beyond me why 343 thought it would be a good idea to pretend like the campaign was twice as long as Halo 4, it just sets an expectation for people that can't possibly be met.


The average person takes about 8 hours to complete so if we're being generous on their "twice the length of Halo 4" line lets say that's 14 hours which is still longer than any other Halo game.

Did they say "twice as long" or "twice the size?" They could be including verticality and environment size when comparing to Halo 4.


I don't get how people didn't understand Halo 4s story. I mean what, you never knew that the Halo universe had space magic that allowed alien wizards to "evolve" things at will like pokemon? Oh you thought that the humans in Halo were just a future versions of modern day humanity, and that that was clear by the fact that there were future versions of cities we know like Phoenix and Mombasa? Naw, they were actually super advanced thousands of years ago but got de-evolved by the alien space wizards. You thought the flood were just some super creepy alien parasite from some dark place In the universe? Naw just a bio-weapon made by some even more powerful space wizards than the normal space wizards we see in the game. I mean jeez, what is there to not get? It's so damned simple, just like Prometheus!
I feel foolish I didn't spot this playing 1 through 3. Should have been obvious really.

ODST was clearly a deliberate attempt to fool me I was a regular grunt in an Aliens lite film.

Actually only playing the games with no interest in EU not finding hidden terminals this is exactly how I felt with Halo 4. The "plot" was easy to follow I'd just missed when it became an overly convoluted piece of cliched science fantasy rather than a simple backstory that allowed me to be a cool super soldier with a nice line in calm dialogue delivery who saves the day while exploring mysterious alien installations.


Not really. The conditions are right for it right now. Low install base for the XB1, which also means sales in Europe and ROTW will likely be comparatively tiny compared to past Halo titles.

GT6 sold so bad partly because active userbase for PS3 was smaller or were thinking about next-gen.

halo 5 will probably drive sales though... And take advantage of being the most highly sought after exclusive in a growing installed base.


Damn, the metacritic score is on the same level as Destiny's, thats terrible.
Anyway, I had concerns about the campaign, AI mates mostly. I suppose the revive mechanic makes easier walkthoughts.
Anyway, I'm playing it tonight to see if it is actually bad.

Destiny got a 76, so nah, ten points higher. If you are referring to The Taken King, yes it's a much better game.


Did they say "twice as long" or "twice the size?" They could be including verticality and environment size when comparing to Halo 4.

Forget the typical PR cycle of game length -- that's always misleading and at least we are all trained for it.

It's the fact that they used real-world data to estimate a 8-12 hour range of Normal that's a pretty new occurrence. I thought it was the start of a fresh approach to reporting game length :/
Fans who played it say this campaign is far better than Halo 4's and reviewers say its not as good...hmm...

Its so subjective. Its hard to review "fun" for everyone. Halo4 had a great review yet its one of the halos i enjoyed the least with 2. Reviews are only good if you tend to like the same games as the reviewer, other wise its a crap shoot.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
It's beyond me why 343 thought it would be a good idea to pretend like the campaign was twice as long as Halo 4, it just sets an expectation for people that can't possibly be met.


The average person takes about 8 hours to complete so if we're being generous on their "twice the length of Halo 4" line lets say that's 14 hours which is still longer than any other Halo game.

Actually we have continued to say it takes 8-12 hours depending on difficulty- and when saying "twice as big" we're literally talking about level size , including vertical playable space. If you can find anyone saying 16-24 hours from 343 I would be shocked.


Reviews are kinda meaningless right now... Need to see how this game plays online.

That's where Halo shines, IMO. If 343 really nails it, all else will be forgiven.

The only problem with this is that the sentiment you mentioned is important to you (which is fine of course). Reviews around campaign / co-op matter to a ton of people. With that being said, 85-86 is an excellent review score that I'm sure reflects the job that 343 did.


TIL second game ever means the second game in a recent franchise lol

Not sequels guys, second games in general. This is a new studio. Halo 2, gow2, tlou, were NOT their second games ever lol

343i has people that previously worked on Halo. They're not Bungie for sure, but I was expecting a better job in Halo 4 and 5. Both are great games, but Halo used to be spetacular.
Actually we have continued to say it takes 8-12 hours depending on difficulty- and when saying "twice as big" we're literally talking about level size , including vertical playable space. If you can find anyone saying 16-24 hours from 343 I would be shocked.

Actually i do remember someone saying it was twice as long. But i might be remembering wrong.
I think people getting crazy over the length are going a little overboard. A veteran Halo player can easily fly through these games on Normal unless the game makes you wait for doors (Library).

The game is meant to be played on Heroic and I doubt we will see people putting up 4hr heroic runs.



Yeah yeah, have a at it. I think 'real life results' are about as real as real life. These reviewers are tripping over themselves trying to finish the review in time. Meantime, most gamers will be sitting at home with their pants off, accompanied only by a greasy wife beater, a 12 pack of mountain dews and a tv screen showing a timer, slowly counting down to unlock time. You know, real life.


Actually we have continued to say it takes 8-12 hours depending on difficulty- and when saying "twice as big" we're literally talking about level size , including vertical playable space. If you can find anyone saying 16-24 hours from 343 I would be shocked.

The campaign is "twice is big" just like Chief is the "main character"

I guess I'm the only one who's glad it's not a 15+ hour game? I don't like my shooter single player stories to go on for long. I want a decent story with some shooting and epic scenes mixed in. If I want to just shoot endlessly at enemies, I'll play multiplayer.

As for the scores, they look good to me, not sure what the big fuss is. Halo is a mass-market game, it would be impossible to meet every reviewer's expectations. The fact that most seem to really, really like it is good. For the 2 or 3 who seemed to think it was just better than average are entitled to their opinion, that's how it goes.


Damn, the metacritic score is on the same level as Destiny's, thats terrible.
Anyway, I had concerns about the campaign, AI mates mostly. I suppose the revive mechanic makes easier walkthoughts.
Anyway, I'm playing it tonight to see if it is actually bad.

Huh? It's 10pts higher than destiny... And a few major outlets have yet to give a score...
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