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Halo 5 Review Thread


So I cut up my recording of the playthrough for my review, and these were my results:
Damn. As someone who is buying strictly for the campaign, that hurts. That's CoD levels of short.
Calling a 95+ Metacritic average. Definitely gonna be the highest reviewed Xbox One/PS4 game to date. (Excluding GTA V, not sure if that counts. Since it's a late port of an incredible Xbox 360/PS3 game)

343 did the fanbase good. Incredible scores so far.

EDIT: I believed too hard. :(

I know I have posted this before but every time I enter the thread this post makes me laugh so much.


85 is a good score, I don't care what anyone says. Although I also don't really care about review numbers... Moreso the content of the review. Hyped either way.


It would be neat if games had reviews with no score, so you actually had to read the content to see what the reviewer thought of each game.

I know that will never happen, and people love their numbers/letter grades and aggregates.


That does suck but...compared to the claims about it being super MC focused it's not a big deal because 343 said it wouldn't be in etc. I guess as a hallmark of the series then sure, but shouldn't a game be critiqued on what it has and was promised?

I mean people critiqued MGSV's story and structure etc for not only retconning large parts of the canon, or at least introducing another twist where there was no need, but beyond that I think it's kinda preferential. Eh, maybe i'm thinking of them as more statement of fact sorta things. I guess it'd be harder to knock Halo 6 for no splitscreen considering H5 probably starts a new trend.

Although really as fantastic as 60fps seems to be for the game, that Digital Foundry article about the IQ is kinda...yeesh. If they're not going to bring back splitscreen for Halo 6 I guess i'd like them to go after improving the IQ etc and refine other elements.

I would have gladly taken the framerate dropping to 30 FPS in splitscreen mode as a compromise.

But I don't really know the logistics of how that would work or if that would be easy to accomplish, so it's not really for me to say. The bottom line is that it kinda sucks.


Gold Member
note to self: play on "hard" mode.

Haha! Indeed. I watched the Giant Bomb video of Jeff playing on Normal he would just go barreling into encounters with absolutely no worries and pretty much zero punishment for doing so.

I think I'll play on normal to try and recreate the opening CGI scene.
It's funny because everyone claims they don't care about reviews, until a major release review thread shows up

Honestly, I just popped in here out of curiosity--only because it's a review thread for a big game--I have no interest otherwise. Reviews aren't going to affect my purchase decision since I don't own the console.

I'm expecting the Fallout 4 review thread will be even worse.


Never use developer play time to guess what your playtime will be. I always knock off like 2-3 hours.

So do I, or even more. Even cutting it in half is typically a good idea.

But we are very rarely told (I can't remember any time it happened, actually) that the range and/or mean given is actually based on real players, and we were this time.


Never use developer play time to guess what your playtime will be. I always knock off like 2-3 hours.

especially if you play a lot of shooters, for instance i'm expecting normal mode to take me 5 hours after playing destiny hard modes and raiding and stuff over the last year for 300 hours and that isn't 343's fault that's mine for playing too many games


Kinda glad the campaign is short. I trudged through 4 (didn't care for it) this past weekend in preparation. Im not a big SP guy, so maybe thats part of it. I just want to see how the story plays out. I think AI is awful and the enemies are boring in Halo so I just want to see what happens and if they can tell me in 4 hours, great. Lots of games these days are 100+ hours so this is a nice change of pace.


Not sure I will get this game anytime soon (no xbox) but if I do I really hope Legendary is actually difficult like it used to be.
So do I, or even more. Even cutting it in half is typically a good idea.

But we are very rarely told (I can't remember any time it happened, actually) that the range and/or mean given is actually based on real players, and we were this time.

I'm gonna guess those times involve looking for skulls, taking time during the down time chapters, and looking for audio logs. I watched a video on youtube earlier and you can no exaggeration go through one of those downtime chapters in under 2 minutes in you go straight for the objective.



How the hell was the minimum in testing 8 hours? Just how big was their sample, and who did they pick to play it?

Who the hell plays on normal anyway...

Anyone who has ever played a Halo knows that Heroic is the way to go.

Heroic- "Fight against formidable foes that will truly test your skill and wits; this is the way Halo is meant to be played"

Playing at a difficulty level that can be run through without any challenge whatsoever, and then using that as a basis for explaining what potential customers will be getting into is just wrong...


I'm pretty heavily entrenched in the Sony camp (ps3/ps4/vita/PS+) but I'll pick up a xbone for this.. Probably look for a cheap MCC bundle and get this when there's a sale

My last foray with Microsoft was 3 separate x360s that all RRoDed so they left a sour taste in my mouth


Probably not real life results. You played with the intention of finishing it quickly to review, right ?

I don't think the guy got close to a black hole to play the game. Of course they are real life results.

Again, the purpose of giving a range is to cover, well, a range of play styles. A range is utterly meaningless if it doesn't cover the whole sample, or if we are not told at the very least the percentage of outliers that were dropped.

Who the hell plays on normal anyway...

Anyone who has ever played a Halo knows that Heroic is the way to go.

"Fight against formidable foes that will truly test your skill and wits; this is the way Halo is meant to be played"



I normally play Halo on normal first time through but i opted for heroic this time and im glad i did as it seems a lot easier than previous titles, so i highly recommend all the people who normally play normal to select Heroic.
Haha! Indeed. I watched the Giant Bomb video of Jeff playing on Normal he would just go barreling into encounters with absolutely no worries and pretty much zero punishment for doing so.

I think I'll play on normal to try and recreate the opening CGI scene.

Yea, Halo was never meant to be played on Normal, tbqh. Hard, minimum.


What is real life results lol...?

taking in scenery, not skipping cutscenes, dying a bunch. You know, first play through stuff.

"real life results"

Im dead.

Hey dude, it took me over 60 hours to finish blood borne, because i was dead-set at finishing the game with a blood level of 57. I have over 30 hours in Mgs5 and i'm at mission 20.
I'm not saying that this the norm by any means, but between salivating over every normal-mapped alleyway ( me ) and running through a game to review it ( review guy ) there's a whole spectrum of real life ways to play a game that pads the average playtime somewhat. I was just trying to figure out where review guy falls on that spectrum.
That does suck but...compared to the claims about it being super MC focused it's not a big deal because 343 said it wouldn't be in etc. I guess as a hallmark of the series then sure, but shouldn't a game be critiqued on what it has and was promised?

That would be fine if there was any sort of consistency between games. But games are harshly criticized for what they aren't all the time. Especially when it's a game play mode or feature that has been available in every previous iteration of the game. You'd be surprised how many casual fans just assume that couch co-op is in the game because it's always been in the game. And its omission is definitely a negative, even if 343 said they weren't doing it.


85 MC is pretty shocking, I expected 90 MC at least after reading impressions, not that 85 is bad, it feels like critics are harsher than they used to be.

To be fair, only 3 big critic reviews are what's brought the average down (Toronto Sun and Destructoid with 70 and Digital Spy with 60). And even then, digital spy gave it 3 stars out of 5 which translates to 60 out of 100 on the metacritic point scale. Besides, it's an average aggregate, which is why it's hilarious seeing the freakouts, when the overwhelming amount of reviews are positive and the story of the campaign seems to be the polarizing issue.

From the people I trust, anecdotally, this campaign seems to improve on Halo 4's by a large margin and yet the campaign gets less "points" for some reason than Halo 4's did.


taking in scenery, not skipping cutscenes, dying a bunch. You know, first play through stuff.

"taking in scenery" is a completely optional part of any game. We can always argue that a playtime could be longer if people stop to analyze textures of explore areas more. This is why ranges exist, to capture the low and high end of the distribution.


Loved 3, Liked Reach, 4 bored me to death, and this just seems more of the same as 4, and that playthrough time....for such an iconic AAA franchise, not acceptable. I'm talking Campaign mode also, I don't do multiplayer.
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