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Halo |OT 20| It really does feel like Halo

Halo needs to evolve and aside from a few things i like the direction that 343i went for
and this comes from someone that regards Halo CE as the one true Halo, im pretty hardcore in that regard

sprint certainly was a good addition to Halo, it makes the slow paced gameplay a lot faster, something which is highly necessary after games like Halo 3 where you could go for making some coffee during an encounter as the killtimes where that high
if the map is well adjusted to the distance you can cover with sprint, this definitely will be benefitial for Halo, as its titles lately went away from its formerly large and open maps (CE) to some random chaos close combat as in guardian or countdown, in which melee is king

if you want a game to be successfull you need to adapt to the current way shooters are made
while that doesnt mean you have to copy games like CoD or BF, its at least worth a look to see what makes those games successfull and how well some of their features would work in Halo
and im sure theres quite a bunch that would help Halo to claim the console shooter throne again

so overall id love to see 343i continuing to bring in new features, they are in a way necessary to guarantee high sales and therefore get the AAA investment back

on a sidenote, if you would ask me what makes Halo a Halo game, itll be
- fast killtimes
- no ironsights
- moderate to low recoil
- open maps with just very very few vehicles (no BTB Tank/Banshee/Railgun-Hog crap)
- fast strafing and gameplay
- hitboxes that match the size of the player model
- grenades that deserve their name
- no melee lunge/warp

so basically nothing that H2, H3 or any other game after HCE was, therefore i welcome any change that 343i brings in that moves Halo away from what it was in its last titles
this doesnt mean i didnt enjoy the last Halo titles, i really loved playing Reach or H4 as those started to set a new trend within the series :)

Needs more objective mate :)


I like this but switch it around. Make the kill cam the optional thing and let the death cam that was in place first be the default.

How about press X to see kill-cam :p

Aye, I could get behind you guys with this. Perhaps maybe an option like:

H2A Multiplayer
- Default (Killcam)
- Hide Killcam (press Y to show)

I think if you do it, it should be mapped to a different button in the odd case where you actually DO want to see the killcam versus respawning. Come on, I know you guys have that same experience where every so often (once per game or once every couple games) where you die but have absolutely NO IDEA what happened.

I'm with you like 95-98% of the time I don't need a killcam to see how I died, what killed me, etc. But then there's that 2-5% where you're just like...WTF?


I just don't understand why people are melting down about killcams when they were announced for Halo 4. My only issue with them at launch was that they tended to be inaccurate (and hence why they removed them.)


I'll reserve judgment as well, but I seem to recall a similar criticism of Coagulation circa 2004 compared to Blood Gultch, when ultimately I felt like it played slightly better in general. OG Blood Gultch was way too open for players to be able to deal with the god-pistol, snipers and scorpion tanks (typically all at once).

I personally thought Coag was near perfect outside of some questionable spawn locations. The map is kind of built to be ruled by snipers and long range stuff in general. Coag had just enough cover to make it possible but challenging to make it across the map on foot, but a really good sniper or tank is going to stop you. Bloodline looks like it might be giving players too many little cover areas to keep them safe from long range weaponry. But since I haven't played the map I could be totally wrong, so judgement is still reserved.



Rest in peace teabagging.

Also, who needs to know where enemies are, or see where teammates are fighting in after death cams, when we can have sweet montages of no-scope/snapshots from xX420BlazeItBabbyXx...


whats so bad about killcams?
is it that its a CoD related feature?
cause most complaints about killcams kinda make it look like that
"we are Halo fans and CoD is evil" kind of mentality

killcams dont hurt anyone, they help weaker players to understand how they got killed and adapt to that
eg how to throw nades in certain situations, what weapons are good and the position of the other guy and why there might be an advantage by being there
or just how to move and shoot in general

its probably the most educational thing that modern shooters have
i know some people hate it to see how they got killed, but honestly, that cannot be the point why killcams are bad, i mean just skip it or dont watch it
personally ive been killed quite a lot in moments, where i was like "wait, how did that just happen?"
and the killcam lets me understand that and adapt to it for the next time

id really would like to hear what killcams do add as negative points to Halo, cause imo theres more positive than negative

With Killcams, 343 decided (from what I saw) to get rid of the rotating camera after death. This is a MUCH better system in a game of teamwork as you can call out to teammates on the current situation on your "X", or to see what the situation is in an FFA.

Killcams are entirely pointless to me. Why the hell should I care how this guy 4-shotted me, I need to know where he's going and which teammate is closest to him.

If 343 want people new to Halo to learn how to get better and understand what went wrong, they need to make a more robust theater system. Don't take away a staple from Halo just to "modernize" the series.



Rest in peace teabagging.

Also, who needs to know where enemies are, or see where teammates are fighting in after death cams, when we can have sweet montages of no-scope/snapshots from xX420BlazeItBabbyXx...



Kill-cams ruin tea-bagging. How the fuck did I forget that?!

I mean... literally, changing every little bit of character Halo had 1 by 1.


I don't like kill cams because I can't teabag. Like what the hell

edit. Beaten by Madness. Still

I state the obvious, you still CAN teabag. Just the other player won't see it.

Of course, the other playing seeing it is what gives chubbies to 12 year olds, so I am not sure why you all are so concerned about it.



Taunting your opponents isn't something I would call good sportmanship


Teabagging is so quintessentially a part of Halo, it's even been used in popular culture like an episode of the Simpsons where it's all Homer does while playing a Halo lookalike game.



Being friendly isn't that hard. I can understand that someone would like to teabag their friends, but why would someone do that to strangers?

Do what exactly?

You act like crouching on someone's virtual avatar's face is some kind of crime against humanity. Should we not shoot each other too? That might hurt their feelings as well


I seriously hope kill-cams aren't in Halo 5.

Seeing Kill-cams would be a worse offense to me than sprint... I mean, they have all the feedback they could ever wish for. Make changes if you want, just stop making Halo feel like CoD.

I want Halo to feel like Halo again and have it's majestic, mysterious, but satisfying/manly-sounding-BR character.
We still melting down over a killcam? Ok.


It's nice to see killcams back after their buggy mess in halo 4 while they were enabled.

In a game like cod with instant respawns I never really look at the kill cam because it's time wasted when you could have respawned and ran somewhere, but for halo and it's several seconds of wait time i'll actually be able to see how I died without feeling like it's harming the match doing so.

I personally don't mind them.

However! I do like watching the match from a teammate's view to see how things are playing out while I wait to respawn because knowing is half the battle.
i find it more enjoyable to kill people while they are teabagging other players, giving them that feeling that they just gave me a sort of AFK-like easy kill, well knowing they could have survived if they had chosen to just proceed playing
This is a joke post, right? Or are you just one of those people who takes tea bagging way too seriously?

Look, whether he is joking or not, some people like to be friendly and cordial over Xbox Live. Shocking right?

I personally feel that complimenting the other team and how the game went is more fun than joining the rest of the crowd of screaming, angry, trash talk cliche behavior.


I just want to know why some people at 343 feel that Halo needs to be modernized. If anything, the hype around the Master Chief Collection is kind of proving that Halo doesn't need to be modernized.


This is a joke post, right? Or are you just one of those people who takes tea bagging way too seriously?
Looking at some posts in this thread, I guess I'm just taking it too seriously.
Look, whether he is joking or not, some people like to be friendly and cordial over Xbox Live. Shocking right?

I personally feel that complimenting the other team and how the game went is more fun than joining the rest of the crowd of screaming, angry, trash talk cliche behavior.


Look, whether he is joking or not, some people like to be friendly and cordial over Xbox Live. Shocking right?

I personally feel that complimenting the other team and how the game went is more fun than joining the rest of the crowd of screaming, angry, trash talk cliche behavior.

I agree 100%, i love a good "good game" after the game but trash-talking and tea-bagging (in some cases) is apart of Halo. It's a FAR FAR cry from the toxic community that is apart of MOBAs and other competitive shooters but it's still apart of Halo.

The option should be there to have kill-cams but not by default.

I just want to know why some people at 343 feel that Halo needs to be modernized. If anything, the hype around the Master Chief Collection is kind of proving that Halo doesn't need to be modernized.
This. Shit. Can we hang this from a flag for 343 to see?

If halo 5 is more of an arena style game then i'd settle with a nice final kill-cam for the winning shot, or capture, or whatever finishes the round.

Not every kill though, imagine quake 3 with kill cams...


i find it more enjoyable to kill people while they are teabagging other players, giving them that feeling that they just gave me a sort of AFK-like easy kill, well knowing they could have survived if they had chosen to just proceed playing

There's actually nothing better than slaming some dude who's in the middle of tea-bagging someone and just walking over his body.

Not even worthy of a baggin'.

I agree 100%, i love a good "good game" after the game but trash-talking and tea-bagging (in some cases) is apart of Halo. It's a FAR FAR cry from the toxic community that is apart of MOBAs and other competitive shooters but it's still apart of Halo.


I cried for a week after my first game of League.

So mean.


No continues until the 31st per Ryan on the stream yesterday. I believe Halo 4 is today and tomorrow is Lockdown in H2:A.

Okay, thanks. I figured yesterday was the end since it was sort of a climax to have them playing it live and have some of the developers there. Do we know if they plan on showing off the Halo 2 Anniversary multiplayer forge maps during IGN First?


Being friendly isn't that hard. I can understand that someone would like to teabag their friends, but why would someone do that to strangers?

Nobody should take it serious, but certain people do and it's too funny to see/listen to their reaction.

Even 343i think it's funny, otherwise they wouldn't have added the teabag animation to the Hologram Armor Ability.


My list of things I'd suggest to 343 are actually pretty small.

-No sprint.
-No kill cams.
-No loadouts / weapon sets / whatever you want to call them.
-Stop putting bland color pallets on maps

I really don't care if they go overboard with medals or add more Promethean weapons or anything like that. But the top 4 listed above I kind of feel are big because they just take away from the Halo feel.




This is some of the messages you get after you teabag. The first instance was me and I teabagged some guy who was playing like crap, and I only teabagged him after every kill. He also sent me a bunch of N-word and gay slur messages after.

The second image was what someone sent to RandomRosso a while back while he was playing Reach and he posted it here. Teabagging is just a non-verbal way to taunt or tease someone after a good kill, if the other player is some tryhard and you know they'll get upset etc. It's been a part of Halo for so long. I'd hate to see it go.
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