Just realized I never posted this here. This is how me and a couple other GAFfers feel about Destiny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ng_U1HVyMDM
Also, dat OST is keeping my hype at the point of no return.
I like LoTR but I love the Arkham series and this game looks like a perfect mix of Arkham and AC. I also am intrigued in SO but not sure on the content past the first play through whereas SoM looks like I can easily sink 40+ hours into it.
I only listened to about half. It's interesting, but if you guys had that same discussion in posts it could have come off sounding(reading) toxic and harsh, but the discussion is very even handed and fair. I have a lot of the same thoughts, but I enjoy the game despite them.
I almost fell asleep during the recording. Babby needs sleep, next time do it earlier. I don't have nuclear energy like wife.
Yeah, 0748-4101-9990 if you want to play some time.You have Smash 4?
Alternatively, he can pull off that thick layer of grime since it'll likely be a dirty, used bone.Buy a new one.
Otherwise you're missing out on pulling that sweet, sweet plastic off all the shiny surfaces.
Nice you reminded me about the Bayonetta 2 demo. I'll be buying it eventually when I have more time to play it. I love that they're giving you the first game since I held off on that too, so it worked out ;bBayonetta 2 and the MCC
Alternatively, he can pull off that thick layer of grime since it'll likely be a dirty, used bone.
I'd say get Shadow of Mordor if you're a LotR fan.
I'm not really into it so I'm getting Sunset Overdrive.
Ordered mine from there a while back due to the $10 back. Hopefully it'll credit me through Rewards as well, I dunno--also hoping that the "get it on release day if ordered by" guarantee covers my order as well.
Halo CE multi and campaign tomorrow. From Ryan Mccafrey's twitter.
Halo CE multi and campaign tomorrow. From Ryan Mccafrey's twitter.
why do you hate the beautiful avatars I made you??.
99% sure it's USPS
Also, what is that picture on the avatar you made's chest?
What? Ahem....I have no idea.
Work on the OT is coming along really well. I'm almost bummed out I have to wait until the week before to put it out.
Work on the OT is coming along really well. I'm almost bummed out I have to wait until the week before to put it out.
Did you play it at PAX? 23.97fps. Might get an Oscar for best art though.
Did you play it at PAX? 23.97fps. Might get an Oscar for best art though.
I almost fell asleep during the recording. Babby needs sleep, next time do it earlier. I don't have nuclear energy like wife.
Thanks for the criticism. Good point about stuff not translating well in text. Future episodes will likely be shorter and maybe a little better structured, but we just really wanted to get these points out there because we're frustrated Bungle fans. The game can still be fun, but I think all of us came to the conclusion that there are better ones to spend our time on, especially in the next month.
It was kind of a "let's do this shit" moment. Next time will be during normal human hours.
As toxic and unwelcoming as this place can sometimes seem, it is also one of the best places to find the nice and cool people to game with.
I didn't mean THE baby. I meant I was in babby mode.
CinematicDid you play it at PAX? 23.97fps. Might get an Oscar for best art though.
You have to wait until launch day. Check the sticky.
As much to do with what Tootsi said as anything else.
Look, I have a thick skin. In some ways, I used to get paid to have a thick skin, but the title literally said, "Your game is bad," and ostensibly said, "people who like it aren't welcome here." It set the tone for the whole conversation. The edited title is STILL SNARKY but at least obscure enough that most people won't get it.
The gaming side is a cesspit of endless negativity right now. Which is why I come to Community and OT.
Gaf prospered and became a great place for conversation firstly because of great moderation, in every sense of that word. Secondly, that clean, well lighted place became attractive to devs and other folks from the game industry and that increased the richness of the conversations.
But over the years - and I know some of you guys have noticed this - the grinding, endless repetition of attacks and rudeness just finally became too much for a LOT of devs who no longer visit at all. It's to them, not worth the hassle.
For all I know they've been replaced by new devs, but I don't see a lot of the old names and it's because of tone. Gaf can probably survive and prosper without them, and it should be allowed to evolve into whatever it's gonna evolve into, and god knows it doesn't need to be some rainbow-world of happy adulation or dev-worship.
But I come to this thread for fun conversations with friends. Imagine you went to a forum and saw the title read, "OT 8: Your Mom is Fat and Your Work is Useless"
Why would or should you condone that with your input?
Did I get out of the wrong side of bed this morning? Nope. I think I'm making a reasonable point.
Is it OK to criticize Halo 4 in here? LOL, if criticism of Halo 4 was what is annoying me, kindly explain my last thousand posts in here...
What if she says no...
I break down crying that my dream won't be fulfilled, invent a transdimentional transportation to take me to a universe that she says yes, and kill my doppelganger.
It's hard to believe someone wouldn't marry a guy with storytelling like that, you're a shoe-in for that marriage!
I feel that at the very least, I can give her a few interesting monologues.
How dare you.
I keep refreshing Waypoint and nothing happens. It's killing me.
They've said the evening hours of PDT. it's barely 6:30 there.
Sansa is the hottest woman on that show, marg is second though.
went to Waypoint, got a dead link...guess they trying to say something about this franchise