CE footage looked great overall. Very excited to play it.
Will the medals be on or off in the CE playlist?
Toggle them on/off for every game. =)
CE footage looked great overall. Very excited to play it.
Will the medals be on or off in the CE playlist?
Maybe it'll be player preference? I feel like this would make everyone happy.
oh wow....can't wait!!! HCE on Xbox Live....can't believe it's finally here.
So we can turn off the medals for ourselves? It's not a game type setting?
oh wow....can't wait!!! HCE on Xbox Live....can't believe it's finally here.
Yep, basically confirmed that it's based on the PC version - reflections and transparencies are just a little off in the same way, and it's got the objective mode icon in the corner. I wonder if that netcode was touched at all.
I know. Before MCC was announced that dream was just a wet fart in the wind.
It's been a while since a Halo thread has moved 20 pages in two days.
Maybe they increased the datarate.
I went back to rewatch this preview that IGN did for the Collection, and there are these lines on either side of the screen in Halo 4 that scroll when you look up or down.
Has anyone noticed this before? It wasn't in the 360 version of the game, was it?
Edit: Nope, they weren't. Why was this added?
I like what I saw and it built up a lot of excitement, but the critical part of me must respond.
An added quirk about the Halo 3(and beyond) medals was that they were all on a single row and that the maximum amount of medals was equal to the width of the kill feed. This was to show you the most recent, relevant medals. The image below completely counters that. It looks like it will keep adding medals below older ones instead of pushing them out. I hope there is a test case where someone lines up 15 people and snipes through all of them to show that this will more than likely break the medal feed.
In addition to that, the medals aren't descriptive enough to tell me what is what. I can tell the first medal is a grenade kill. Second one, I don't know. Third, I don't know. Fourth is a double kill. Fifth is the same as the third. Sixth is a Killing Spree. Seven is Triple Kill. Eight is Extermination(I think). And I have no idea what the last three are. In addition to the medal feed, is it possible to get a Medal text feed? This would alleviate a bit of that issue.
I think the answer to the medal issue is somewhere between 343 and Bungie's ideas. I actually think Halo 4 had a good idea in standardizing the designs of the medals because it allows them to blend in with the rest of the HUD / UI a little more seamlessly. The problem is that once you start giving out medals for everything, including "baseline kills" without any additional flavor, you suddenly have to clear up real estate onscreen for a lot more content than you realistically need to. Reach probably handled actual medal context distribution best, that is - medals can become more specialized and compartmentalized further down the skill pipeline, for example specific Killing Spree / Killing Frenzy / Running Riot medals for specific power weapons, while still keeping the context distribution minimalist and succinct on an on-spawn level. For example, not having to give you a specific kill medal for a "vanilla kill" clears up medals on a lot of engagements, as well as removing medals received for dying or refuting death - Comeback Kill, for example.
When you have medals specialized, it's a lot easier to account for them and you have to provide substantially less real estate for them. The one major exception involves mass multikills in an extremely short window of time (for example a laser collateral between two enemy vehicles, tank blowing away an entire fireteam, etc.) in which case it's dubious which multikill medals take priority on top of sprees, power weapon spree medals, etc. but that should naturally lend itself to be difficult (if not impossible) in a 4-8 second window provided the sandbox is balanced properly.
I do actually like the idea of restricting the medals to a core color palette with different flavor / accent colors per various gametypes (magenta for Extraction, for example) like how Halo 4 did rather than arbitrary colorations on multikills like Bungie did. It's just a matter of blurring the line between the two design philosophies enough that people are happy overall.
EDIT: Forgot to mention - there's also a lot of little details in the Bungie medals that ultimately serve to make the medal gallery a little too baroque when they're meant to take up a thumbnail's worth of size on your HUD, so simplifying the medals into their most basic possible designs would work wonders in the long run.
Increase the actual blast radius / splash, but not the splash damage. The current amount of splash damage (let's say x damage over an area of y) would be evenly distributed across the increased blast radius, meaning the average splash damage taken would be reduced, direct hits notwithstanding. However, the knockback (the outright movement / push effect, not the hit-point damage infliction itself) would be increased over the blast radius, meaning it'd be good for tossing around Warthogs or other light reconnaissance vehicles without outright destroying them, as well. Direct hits would still be instakills, allowing the Railgun to serve a dual-purpose role as an infantry killer and a vehicle harassment or movement infringement device without getting into an outright vehicle-destroyer role. Keep in mind that in this minimalist sandbox setup, there's no Halo 3 Brute Shot / Reach or 4 Concussion Rifle weapon in the sandbox, and the Railgun is intended to adopt that role, with the "self-blasting" elements of trick-jumping, etc. given to the Vector Grenades.
Genuine question, how would you personally handle the medals on screen? Format and layout I mean.
Genuine question, how would you personally handle the medals on screen? Format and layout I mean.
How does the Beam Rifle have the fastest killtime in the game if it is a two headshot kill?
I went back to rewatch this preview that IGN did for the Collection, and there are these lines on either side of the screen in Halo 4 that scroll when you look up or down.
Has anyone noticed this before? It wasn't in the 360 version of the game, was it?
Edit: Nope, they weren't. Why was this added?
Halo 2/3 did medals best. Medal placement was perfect and you didn't get a medal for everything you did. If they change it though it will make those achievements more difficult.
Radar in CE and no ingame clock is disappointing.
Oh well, the game looks great. I'm ready for some Slayer on Prisoner, CTF on Sidewinder and Blood Gulch, and Rockets/Shotguns on Chiron.
If you are trying to make a minimalist sandbox, you don't think the Focus Rifle could fill both your Light Rifle and Beam Rifle niches?
The Grenade Launcher and Plasma Launcher aren't meant for vehicular gameplay? Strange.
Would there be some penalty for firing the Magnum full auto?
Magnum full-auto would be more for anti-vehicle purposes or crowd control / covering fire. You can actually fire it faster by tapping the trigger instead of holding it down, but full-auto fire shots have slight splash damage (explosive rounds) at the cost of increasing the spread.
So it looks like we're getting Halo PC, not Halo CE.
Why? They're not that bad imo.Seeing these medals makes me less excited for Halo 5
Different projectile traits based on whether a human weapon is fired semi or full auto is as unintuitive as different damage values for when a weapon is dual wielded. The bullets don't magically change based on whether the trigger is tapped or held. Maybe take the concept and make it a Promethean weapon or something because at least you could explain the variable projectile traits with space magic.
Why? They're not that bad imo.
Seeing these medals makes me less excited for Halo 5
Seeing these medals makes me less excited for Halo 5
This literally makes zero sense.
What's the difference exactly?
I'm not saying they're good though. I don't like them but it doesn't bother me that much.No, you're wrong, they are bad. I guess we can call the thread 0 out of 4 ain't bad.
I believe there are some differences in the physics and HUD. I haven't played it in an extremely long time, but I'm quite certain it feels different in how it plays.
I just want to PLAYYYY!
The medals in halo 4 were stupid as shit. They were pointless, too common, and difficult to distinguish from one another. Why add them in to an old game? Why add the good ol 343 dick stamp to an already perfect game?
And they received a lot of backlash for having them in halo 4. Going back and putting them in halo ce makes me nervous for Halo 5 because it means they haven't learned anything or listened to any constructive criticisms.
But first: I must buy an Xbox One.Me too man, me too.
Same but I don't even pay attention when I get an headshot. I do them all the timeIdk about you guys, but I tend to just tune out the medals when I'm actually playing, unless I know I just earned a tough one. Except I do like to know when I got a headshot, so I guess I pay attention to that one.
The UNSC is using space magic at this point.