Why would they change this?I hope halo 3 had some changes to aiming. Feels like you've got an anchor attached to your reticule.
As well as the Gunsmith in DestinyAnd Dimaggio played Joker in Red Hood.
Not all of us, Sir. Not all of us.
As well as the Gunsmith in Destiny
Love DiMaggio, but he was a terrible choice for Joker in an otherwise great movie.And Dimaggio played Joker in Red Hood.
Love DiMaggio, but he was a terrible choice for Joker in an otherwise great movie.
A wild Kampfheld appears! I thought you'd bailed on GAF?
Love DiMaggio, but he was a terrible choice for Joker in an otherwise great movie.
As well as the Gunsmith in Destiny
"Bite my shiny metal engram"
Good point and I noticed this too. Hard to mistake that gravelly Marcus Fenix-esque voice. It's always great when you get a patrol mission from the gunsmith because I always pictured it like Fenix giving me the mission, lol.
Sad waste of voice talent though, as could be said with most of the V.O. cast for Destiny.
Sword Base was a good map
I quit reading when something came in below chiron. I love Halo but that is without a doubt the worst map in the history of man.
backwash will outrank Damnation
think about that
HaloGAF fights.
Xbox one acquired, GT: ViewtifulJC
holy hell at these Gamerpics
It was weird hearing him in the Halo 2A doc, because I don't think I've ever heard him speaking normally.
I guess DiMaggio is doing supplementary voices for the H2A terminals? Shame they couldn't get Ferrer back.
What happened to the 360's blacks? Looks crushed to hell.
The man's voice range is incredible. A lot of voice actors I can easily pick out their different characters, but DiMaggio can do different voices that sound like they're coming from completely different people. It's incredible.
I wouldn't count on it. It's really disappointing to me to see these issues in the gold copy of the game. The Xbox One is supposedly ten times more powerful than the Xbox 360; running a 360 game at 1080p60 without a hitch shouldn't be an issue in the slightest.
Combined with some of the other issues (image quality, lack of AF, missing armor and theater features, lower H2A resolution, Halo PC netcode and port, etc.), it's even more disappointing. For those of us who know the series really well, especially people who know it well at a technical level, it's sad to see these games not being the best they could be.
Squad slayer...
You guys disgust me.I don't get it. are they using jetpacks?
- Bill Nighy (All of the things)
- Nathan Fillion (Firefly)
- Lance Reddick (The Wire, Fringe)
- Gina Torres (Firefly)
- Peter Stormare (Fargo, Armageddon)
- Claudia Black (Farscape, SG-1)
- Lauren Cohan (The Walking Dead)
- Erick Avari (Stargate)
- Nika Futterman (Clone Wars)
- Dominic Keating (Star Trek Enterprise)
- Susan Eisenberg (Wonder Woman)
- Courtenay Taylor (Resident Evil, Mass Effect)
- John DiMaggio (Futurama, Gears of War, Adventure Time)
- Peter Dinklage (Game of Thrones)
Such as waste.
- Bill Nighy (All of the things)
- Nathan Fillion (Firefly)
- Lance Reddick (The Wire, Fringe)
- Gina Torres (Firefly)
- Peter Stormare (Fargo, Armageddon)
- Claudia Black (Farscape, SG-1)
- Lauren Cohan (The Walking Dead)
- Erick Avari (Stargate)
- Nika Futterman (Clone Wars)
- Dominic Keating (Star Trek Enterprise)
- Susan Eisenberg (Wonder Woman)
- Courtenay Taylor (Resident Evil, Mass Effect)
- John DiMaggio (Futurama, Gears of War, Adventure Time)
- Peter Dinklage (Game of Thrones)
Such as waste.
Never forgetSquad slayer...
Taking a break from placing all of those orbs...
I can't be the only one not getting his comment? Wasn't that a bit ... Random? Isn't that a quote from a Halo game? Can't really remember.
Jen Taylor did some work on Destiny too. Man, that game is such a bummer.
Did you get my PM from the other day?
Last call for Gamertags if you want them in the OT. I have just over 30 right now and I got like 200 votes for the OT thread title. If you do want yours included, PM it to me with your timezone.
Destiny never looked interesting. ever.Jen Taylor did some work on Destiny too. Man, that game is such a bummer.
I have no idea what he's on about...
The entire game is disappointing. It's such a shame because in SP (not so much in MP) the core gameplay is pretty solid. It's like they took this great gameplay, and spent the rest of the dev time purposefully trying to make the game as boring as possible.
I FUCKING KNEW IT. Did some quick research. Look what I've found out. WTF!!
You've got mine, right? I may have forgotten my timezone, it's GMT+1.
I FUCKING KNEW IT. Did some quick research. Look what I've found out. WTF!!
There's likely a lot more too it than that. Common conclusions drawn based on Joe Staten leaving a year before release, along with other things, is that the higher-ups (either at Bungie or Activision) decided that the story needed to be lobotomised for a younger audience (Teen rating) or more casual gamers. There's evidence in various places that the original plans and builds of Destiny were a lot more ambitious: there were a lot more features like trading, and the story was much more developed.
Ultimately it's all speculation, but it's highly depressing that we got a small fraction of what we could have. It must be frustrating for Bungie employees to have had to ship a game in Destiny's current state.
Yeah man, I have yours!
VisceralBowl (VisceralBowl) USA (PST)
BigSolar (Antigoon)
Welfare Queen I (Welfare) USA (EST)
Ninjarage93 (Ryn) USA (PST)
Vin FTW (VinFTW)
Ragnarok Flames (Ragnarok Flames)
xGranadier (Granadier) USA (CST)
Poodlestrike (Poodlestrike) USA (EST)
wwm0nkey (wwm0nkey)
ArchedThunder (ArchedThunder) USA (MT)
BlueNinja BE (Blue Ninja) BE (CET)
Deer Man 420 (MasterChef420)
IHaveAnIce (IHaveIce) Germany
a zoojoo (aHebrewMenagerie) USA (CST)
Monsterfracas (Fracas) USA (CST)
Agent Strange (The Flash) USA (EST)
GringoSuave89 (GringoSuave89) USA (MT)
l Hobokiller l (rrc1594)
JHFerry3 (jhferry) USA (EST)
TCKaos (TCKaos) USA (CST)
Mr Glassboy (Glassboy) USA (CST)
gAg CruSh3r (gAg CruSh3r) USA (MT)
NFotos (Fotos)
Japarikan (Japarican) USA (EST)
iL MeanBean Li (Jem0208) UK
Sikamikanico (Sikamikanico) UK (GMT)
Sir Fahzgoolin (Fahzgoolin) USA (CST)
LeadGandalf (Gandie) EU
Wahrer (Subzero at a starbucks) USA (EST)
iiSaviour (StaticJam) USA (EST)
GrizzNKev (GrizzNKev) USA (PST)
HGStormy (HGStormy) USA (PST)
BattingTITAN (Ohwiseone) USA (CST)
Vlad356 (Computron) USA (CST)
cluckinho10 (cluckinho) USA (CST)
beamimpact (BeamImpact) USA
BigEvilTurtle (BigEvilTurtle) USA (EST)
Ominym (Ominym) USA (CST)
Lpwnsome (JackHerer) USA (EST)
TXC Predacon (yingyangryder) JA (JST)
Total Sacrifice (Blueblur1) USA (EST)
BladedExpert (BladedExpert) UK (GMT)
Der Flatulator6 (Der Flatulator) AU (AEDT)
ViewtifulJC (ViewtifulJC) USA (CST)
Calm Killer (Calm Killer) USA (EST)
FUBAR McDangles (FUBAR McDangles) USA (CST)
The Tharp Daddy (TharpDaddy) USA (EST)
Digmouse (SmartWaffles) CN (CST)
XxDeputyMoonman (Deputy Moonman) USA (CST)
DLC will make it an interesting game, I'm sure of it. (holds breath)There's likely a lot more too it than that. Common conclusions drawn based on Joe Staten leaving a year before release, along with other things, is that the higher-ups (either at Bungie or Activision) decided that the story needed to be lobotomised for a younger audience (Teen rating) or more casual gamers. There's evidence in various places that the original plans and builds of Destiny were a lot more ambitious: there were a lot more features like trading, and the story was much more developed.
Ultimately it's all speculation, but it's highly depressing that we got a small fraction of what we could have. It must be frustrating for Bungie employees to have had to ship a game in Destiny's current state.
Right at 50 people last time I counted, unless I counted wrong.
The order it's it is:
GAMERTAG (GAF profile) Country (time zone)
There's likely a lot more too it than that. Common conclusions drawn based on Joe Staten leaving a year before release, along with other things, is that the higher-ups (either at Bungie or Activision) decided that the story needed to be lobotomised for a younger audience (Teen rating) or more casual gamers. There's evidence in various places that the original plans and builds of Destiny were a lot more ambitious: there were a lot more features like trading, and the story was much more developed.
Ultimately it's all speculation, but it's highly depressing that we got a small fraction of what we could have. It must be frustrating for Bungie employees to have had to ship a game in Destiny's current state.
DLC will make it an interesting game, I'm sure of it. (holds breath)
DLC will make it an interesting game, I'm sure of it. (holds breath)
I pm'd you my gt like 2 weeks ago and I'm not on the list
Right at 50 people last time I counted, unless I counted wrong.
The order it's it is:
GAMERTAG (GAF profile) Country (time zone)
Right at 50 people last time I counted, unless I counted wrong.
The order it's it is:
GAMERTAG (GAF profile) Country (time zone)
I'm sorry man, let me get it on there.
Still taking submissions via PM for these or has the time passed?
you are not on your own list