Gabotron ES
Damm,I wanna see more Forge already.
"Sometime tomorrow", was what I heard. It got slightly delayed.
I hope this is not true...![]()
Complex might be Top 50, let that sink in.
Right at 50 people last time I counted, unless I counted wrong.
The order it's it is:
GAMERTAG (GAF profile) Country (time zone)
[U]GamerTag[/U] [U]NeoGAF + Zone[/U]
VisceralBowl (VisceralBowl) USA (PST)
BigSolar (Antigoon)
Welfare Queen I (Welfare) USA (EST)
Ninjarage93 (Ryn) USA (PST)
Vin FTW (VinFTW)
Ragnarok Flames (Ragnarok Flames)
xGranadier (Granadier) USA (CST)
Poodlestrike (Poodlestrike) USA (EST)
wwm0nkey (wwm0nkey)
ArchedThunder (ArchedThunder) USA (MT)
BlueNinja BE (Blue Ninja) BE (CET)
Deer Man 420 (MasterChef420)
IHaveAnIce (IHaveIce) Germany
a zoojoo (aHebrewMenagerie) USA (CST)
Monsterfracas (Fracas) USA (CST)
Agent Strange (The Flash) USA (EST)
GringoSuave89 (GringoSuave89) USA (MT)
l Hobokiller l (rrc1594)
JHFerry3 (jhferry) USA (EST)
TCKaos (TCKaos) USA (CST)
Mr Glassboy (Glassboy) USA (CST)
gAg CruSh3r (gAg CruSh3r) USA (MT)
NFotos (Fotos)
Japarikan (Japarican) USA (EST)
iL MeanBean Li (Jem0208) UK
Sikamikanico (Sikamikanico) UK (GMT)
Sir Fahzgoolin (Fahzgoolin) USA (CST)
LeadGandalf (Gandie) EU
Wahrer (Subzero at a starbucks) USA (EST)
iiSaviour (StaticJam) USA (EST)
GrizzNKev (GrizzNKev) USA (PST)
HGStormy (HGStormy) USA (PST)
BattingTITAN (Ohwiseone) USA (CST)
Vlad356 (Computron) USA (CST)
cluckinho10 (cluckinho) USA (CST)
beamimpact (BeamImpact) USA
BigEvilTurtle (BigEvilTurtle) USA (EST)
Ominym (Ominym) USA (CST)
Lpwnsome (JackHerer) USA (EST)
TXC Predacon (yingyangryder) JA (JST)
Total Sacrifice (Blueblur1) USA (EST)
BladedExpert (BladedExpert) UK (GMT)
Der Flatulator6 (Der Flatulator) AU (AEDT)
ViewtifulJC (ViewtifulJC) USA (CST)
Calm Killer (Calm Killer) USA (EST)
FUBAR McDangles (FUBAR McDangles) USA (CST)
The Tharp Daddy (TharpDaddy) USA (EST)
Digmouse (SmartWaffles) CN (CST)
XxDeputyMoonman (Deputy Moonman) USA (CST)
"Its a very skewed map and it's one of those where I feel like the lower team is always at a significant disadvantage. Its a very monotone color palette in terms of everything thats gone in there. I think theres interesting things you can do in the space in Forge but that map in particular is very one-sided which is again why you dont really see it in matchmaking." -Kynan Pearson
Despite everything that is just mind-boggling wrong about this list, this stuck out the most:
"#81 - Vortex
First seen in Halo 4 (Bullseye Map Pack)"
Pretty sure H4 launched with that shitty map.
EDIT: Pinnacle above Heretic. Now I know they're trolling.
That reminds me; what part of my HDD do I have to scratch so it doesn't detect Halo 4?
Don't you mean decepcionado?
Complex was one of the better maps in Halo 4. Let that sink in.
That reminds me; what part of my HDD do I have to scratch so it doesn't detect Halo 4?
Dunno if this has already been posted:
Oh my. H5 Arby looks stunningly awesome.
Dunno if this has already been posted:
Oh my. H5 Arby looks stunningly awesome.
And here come the spoilers. I'm out. See you after the MCC released.
Dunno if this has already been posted:
Oh my. H5 Arby looks stunningly awesome.
I wish that Halo 2 Anniversary keyart was used as the foreground of the MCC boxart, with the backdrop showcasing the other games in a stylized yet simplistic manner much like the games actual box art.
Dunno if this has already been posted:
Oh my. H5 Arby looks stunningly awesome.
Holy shit! My boy Arby looking awesome.Dunno if this has already been posted:
Oh my. H5 Arby looks stunningly awesome.
Dunno if this has already been posted:
Oh my. H5 Arby looks stunningly awesome.
Dunno if this has already been posted:
Oh my. H5 Arby looks stunningly awesome.
Oh, shit. He looks great!
I'm not a fan of Lockes design. Looks too much like a random Halo 4 armor set. I still think Reach did a great job giving Spartans armor with personality.
Locke looks cool to me, but I don't how his visor glows light blue all the time. Don't understand why that would be a thing.
Jennifer Hale
Dunno if this has already been posted:
Oh my. H5 Arby looks stunningly awesome.
Well, this is already down. Damn...
Anyone get a cap/mirror while it was up? I just missed it![]()
This is what I was talking about in the ViDoc, Keith David just delivers his lines perfectly. Mike Colter is a fine actor, but he doesn't have the range someone like a Keith David has when doing voice over work. Maybe it's also unfamiliarity since we aren't used to Locke's voice. But there is a reason Keith David, John DiMaggio, Jennifer Hale get paid the big bucks to do voice over work.
Can't wait for this game to release. Just all the new stuff, Nightfall, the Halo 5 beta. Only one week to go.
Alter link plzDunno if this has already been posted:
Oh my. H5 Arby looks stunningly awesome.