Let us do avatar bets, I say the leak is real besides the loadouts thing
Let us do avatar bets, I say the leak is real besides the loadouts thing
If the leak is true I hope so...He was probably just using CoD controls.
This and there is no sprint, only charge.Let us do avatar bets, I say the leak is real besides the loadouts thing
Hmm, I'm not sure.Let us do avatar bets, I say the leak is real besides the loadouts thing
Let us do avatar bets, I say the leak is real besides the loadouts thing
Don't forget that if there is a ledge climbing animation, it means that the player climbing the ledge isn't very visible until they are over the ledge. If double jumps are included, what is preventing a player who is being chased from jumping off a ledge, turning 180, and jumping back up to do a ledge grab and essentially hide from the pursuing player? It's a scenario where the upper hand player doesn't win because of the opponent's exploitation rather than the opponent's expertise.
Note: I'm not saying this because I believe the supposed leak to be real, but merely pointing out issues with this particular design.
Exactly, this isn't the running playing exploiting anything, they're out maneuvering the chasing player.While I still don't think that the leak is real, wouldn't that a) require a decent bit of skill from the losing player and b) leave them massively vulnerable?
Don't forget that if there is a ledge climbing animation, it means that the player climbing the ledge isn't very visible until they are over the ledge. If double jumps are included, what is preventing a player who is being chased from jumping off a ledge, turning 180, and jumping back up to do a ledge grab and essentially hide from the pursuing player? It's a scenario where the upper hand player doesn't win because of the opponent's exploitation rather than the opponent's expertise.
Note: I'm not saying this because I believe the supposed leak to be real, but merely pointing out issues with this particular design.
Halo 5 hype is real.
When is the 20gb patch incoming?
Think i'll be asleep because of my timezone. If you play any new missions, are you able to save it so others can watch later?
Spades - wanna hook up for some co-op campaign at some point for a duel stream?
Does anyone know if all the skulls (preorder unlocks) are able to be found in the game?
It's kind of interesting that Ellis just posted the tweet that josh tweeted, as opposed to just flat out denying it.
No one talking about the possibility of a variety of settings per playlist or map or mode?
For me I still see that as the 5 sided Halo dice to provide solid classic barebones arena, enable default objective/BTB while opening a percentage of matchmaking for new stuff.
I'm surprised the lessons from Reach/4 aren't more prevelant in speculation or discussion. Full arena isn't the magic bullet one setting to rule them all and neither are new mechanics across the board. Variety with specificity in design and settings is key IMO.
I see nothing in current leaks or official info to shutdown any of the traditional modes and I like new things in new games. MCC has plenty of the old school en masse.
The leak originates from an Italian reviewer, supposedly.I didn't read the supposed leak but why are people giving a random person on Waypoint any credibility at all? Literally anyone could've written it.
It was ntkrnl not Cboat though but yeahReminds me of Frankie's response to that supposed Game Informer leak for Halo 4, or the MCC collection from crazy buttocks
which turned out to be true
because it was an article on an italian site and not just a posterI didn't read the supposed leak but why are people giving a random person on Waypoint any credibility at all? Literally anyone could've written it.
Original source is reliable.I didn't read the supposed leak but why are people giving a random person on Waypoint any credibility at all? Literally anyone could've written it.
because it was an article on an italian site and not just a poster
Yes, supposedly later today.Were suppose to get the 20gb update prior to launch day right?
So I just read the leak. The fuck is this?
But don't worry guys, 343 know exactly what they fucked up. /s
I'm not gonna believe anything until I see the actual game. Chill out for just a few days, then you have the right to get mad if it looks bad.
Other than loadouts (which was already confirmed to be out) and sprint (which frankly sounded more like a charge/tackle/lunging melee), what was so bad about it again?
Assuming it's even slightly grounded in reality, of course.
Yep. And then there's still a long time until launch. You'll have plenty of time to put in feedback and see if anything changes for launch...
Double jumps, floating, edge grabbing.
Excellent post, agree with every point.A pretty unconvincing leak, but if it ends up being true I'm pretty cold on a lot of that stuff. "Charging" is just giving an animation to the current sprint -> melee capability that has been pretty obnoxious for the last two games, and doesn't really give any added functionality unless the base melee strength has been decreased when not in a charge. The ground pound...pass. Thrusters, fine, the writing's been on the wall and if it's the only way to get a decent strafe in a Halo game I'll take it.
Lots of talk about ledge climbing. I pretty much universally dislike that kind of contextual action in multiplayer shooters. I like abilities, geometry, and movement flow to be rigid and structural because it helps players predict what their opponents are capable of doing. When you get rid of that cognitive ability or make it exponentially more difficult the game starts feeling sloppy to the player. They also introduce a lot more room for mechanical error. Inevitably, when you add a contextual movement option like that there's going to be a time where you think it should work and it doesn't, and that's always frustrating for the player. With traditional traversal, it's always obvious that this is a ledge I can jump to, and this is one I cannot. That is a lot harder to communicate with contextual traversal abilities.
Dunno. I guess there are other things to fall back on if it's not to my liking, though ideally I'd rather have ALL content be good, no matter the time of production. "But there could be different playlists without this stuff!" continues to be hilarious and miss both the point and reality, so thanks for that.
Honestly I think weapon drops are worse than movement abilitiesthat leak is probably fake. i refuse to believe that 343 wouldnt have learned a thing from halo 4.
Other than loadouts (which was already confirmed to be out) and sprint (which frankly sounded more like a charge/tackle/lunging melee), what was so bad about it again?
Assuming it's even slightly grounded in reality, of course.
Yep. And then there's still a long time until launch. You'll have plenty of time to put in feedback and see if anything changes for launch...
wall climbing alone will make me stay away from it.
Other than loadouts (which was already confirmed to be out) and sprint (which frankly sounded more like a charge/tackle/lunging melee), what was so bad about it again?
Assuming it's even slightly grounded in reality, of course.
Honestly I think weapon drops are worse than movement abilities
That's about how I feel. I had already written off Halo 5 almost entirely and consider the burden of proof to be on 343i to bring me back. If any of this turns out to be true? I'll just end up thinking "yep" and moving on. But I'm certainly not going to get upset at something I don't know to be true currently.I'm not gonna believe anything until I see the actual game. Chill out for just a few days, then you have the right to get mad if it looks bad.
Honestly I think weapon drops are worse than movement abilities