The Real Napsta
Learn to control power weapons.Also remove the Spartan Laser from Halo 3 BTB.
Learn to control power weapons.Also remove the Spartan Laser from Halo 3 BTB.
Reach was a pretty good game. Besides BTB and armorlock/bloom, I usually had a good time. Specially playing the campaign. So much to do in it.I liked Halo 4 more than Reach. I hated Halo 4. How did you play 68 days of Reach?!
Can we just take a moment to discuss how good Breaking The Covenant is?
That's what I'm referring to man, I cannot wait to mow over people again like it's 2008.
It better happen! The game's much better without it in BTB matches.
Can we just take a moment to discuss how good Breaking The Covenant is?
should be in the OP
You offended me and that really hurt. I like Team doubles.
The weapon is not overpowered in terms of fairness or symmetry, it is unexpectedly powerful and initially, ill-documented.
During early LANs, lots of folks knew the pistol's "secret" and used/abused it. Then the other players figured it out. Balance was restored.
Elements of that "secret" will be repeated when the game launches, but folks will have better tools and feedback to understand the bullety injustice being visited upon their domes.
"Scrub" is an insult aimed (perhaps unintentionally) at the vast majority of Halo fans (and imagine what kind of game you'd have if it were ONLY designed for elite level players) and reduces the level of discourse, makes for an unwelcoming thread and is an embarrassing term for an adult to use as an insult, except in jest.
The pistol's massive utility certainly means that in certain matches, the sandbox is largely ignored. Is that a problem? Not if everyone is having fun.
the end
Halo 4 2v2's were fun.I feel like if you're still playing doubles in Halo 4 at this point in its life, you're asking for everything you're receiving!
I hope you're not planning on tainting the OT by talking about Speedy in any shape or form.I LITERALLY LOVE YOU
Can we just take a moment to discuss how good Breaking The Covenant is?
Any time someone complains about the pistol from CE im going to post this. Its so true. The best weapon in any game is always going to get used the most. 343 should just remove both the BR and the DMR from the sandbox. Now that is balance!As for pistol being overpowered or ruining the sandbox balance, Halo CE was probably one of the only games where each weapon git a unique role. How is pistol being used as the go-to utility weapon for matches, any different than the BR or DMR of later games? Of course most people will have pistol kills while playing CE, just like most people will have BR kills playing Halo 2 or Halo 3 (though I venture you'll see a lot of SMG kills in H2, AR/Melee in Halo 3).
YepAny time someone complains about the pistol from CE im going to post this. Its so true. The best weapon in any game is always going to get used the most. 343 should just remove both the BR and the DMR from the sandbox. Now that is balance!
It's awful.
You hate everything.
You hate everything.
Everything is awesomeeeee.
This is at least the second time I've seen you bring it up. Just ignore me if it bothers you that much. I really don't careWas just gonna say that.
This is at least the second time I've seen you bring it up. Just ignore me if it bothers you that much. I really don't care
Well, it's better than BB.
I turned breaking the covenant off within 5 seconds
just no
Whoa i never made that connection before. I love the security that the pistol provides against power weapons, as does any CE fan.Yep
The big differences are that the other halo games had a larger gap between power weapons and the utility weapon and the latter games had duplicate utility weapons.
Anyone know where I can get an Xbox One controller for cheaper than $54.99 new? Really disappointed how quick mine started gliding up and down.
My friend says IGN's Halo Anniversary Campaign footage looks worse than UT2004.
Your thoughts?
My friend says IGN's Halo Anniversary Campaign footage looks worse than UT2004.
Your thoughts?
My friend says IGN's Halo Anniversary Campaign footage looks worse than UT2004.
Your thoughts?
Does your friend know, that the game came out in 2001? Did he even see the Anniversary graphics?
Your friend needs to get his eyes checked.
*Pics of H2A VS UT2K4*
Yup, I confirmed he meant the Halo 1 Anniversary Campaign part from today's IGN Scoop.
Also, he says that Halo 2 Anniversary looks like it's from 2009, not 2014.
If your friend thinks this looks worse then the original, or whatever he meant, then he is completely unreasonable.
Halo 2's Anniversary graphics aren't mind blowing, but they are still pretty good, specially since you still have the ability to change between graphics. That is when you see the big differences between 2004 to 2014.
This looks better than H2A for some reason. At least to me.
It's supersampled. No jaggies.
It's awful.
I turned breaking the covenant off within 5 seconds
just no
Well, it's better than BB.
It's supersampled. No jaggies.
What is the secret? Is it its ability to do a three-shot kill with three headshots?
I truly believe that all games designed from their core to be played by elite/pro players is the best way to design a game. Look at at all your most popular esports games such as but not limited to: Counter-strike, DOTA2, LOL, Ultra Super Street Fighter 4, Starcraft 2, Quake Live, they all share the same principles in common, the base core game can be played by both scrubs and pros...and they will still enjoy it.
I believe it started with Halo 2, since health packs got scrapped and fall damage was removed, this industry term called "accessibility" started to be tossed around. This was also the same time Call of Duty 2 came out, and COD1 to COD2 went through the same design changes HCE to H2 did, health packs were removed, regen health was introduced...etc.
In my humble opinion, this game design trend kept going and going and had a universal effect on all game design. In 2007 we got COD4. Perks, kill-streaks, basically no recoil on the weapons, etc..., changed the industry forever. We have yet to get out of that slump.
Some games, mostly indie ones, are not adopting these accessibility design choices, yet most of the AAA franchises like Gears of War, Halo, COD, and Battlefield, continued this accessibility trend. I get why...the executive level people think it equates to better sales, but the only franchise to continue year after year to gain more sales has been other franchise comes close. question would be...why try to be the next accessible popular game? What's the point?
Instead, why not go to the drawing table to create a base game that is focused on being purely balanced and competitive out of the gate? Design the game where it's basically impossible for pro players to master, but still pick up and play for novices?
That to me was Halo CE. As each Halo title released, that game design philosophy went out the window.
Fingers are crossed that it returns in Halo 5, but I'm pretty doubtful it will, if ever.
That's awesome. If you ever want to do one again for fun, feel free to use mine.
Halo CE is looking really great. Are we going to see more Halo 2 this week?
Counting down the days!