i'm so rusty holy hell
Tell me about it. Halo: The MCC. Discover just how bad you are at Halo!
i'm so rusty holy hell
After watching the vids the fake ADS dose have a impact on being able to strafe. The strafing is little to none when scoped.
also ranking/xp details:
Tell me about it. Halo: The MCC. Discover just how bad you are at Halo!
Did anyone spot these full scale replicas on the new Waypoint Store?
Oh my
Oh my GOD
$580 each...OMG OMG.still want but no.
Please someone buy one and convert it into a full auto paintball hopper style gun.
Yep, that looks good. It's the control scheme I would use, that's for sure.I made a quick mock-up of my ideal Halo 5 control scheme. If you like it, please RT it. I really want to push for this.
I just realized these guns look like two dead parrots attached to each other.Did anyone spot these full scale replicas on the new Waypoint Store?
Oh my
Oh my GOD
$580 each...OMG OMG.still want but no.
Please someone buy one and convert it into a full auto paintball hopper style gun.
Johnson didn't say "Jackals in the courtyard!"![]()
You cannot save film files...![]()
My theory as to why film sharing is gone
Inter-version compatibility. Considerable work had to be done in Halo 3/Reach/4's TUs to keep old films working. The way game films work is they actually 'play' the game, and since the engine can be made to act predictably, everything explodes/blows up/hits/collides the same way. So for example in Halo 3, they actually had to fix the flying bodies bug, then go back and make it so the bug triggered if you were watching a 1.0 film. Stuff like that. In theory if they let you, you could drop into a film being played and kill the players as if you were actually playing against them, but then the film would break. In the same vein, if you make the Carbine fire more slowly, or change the damage or animations of a gun or a vehicle, the old films will too, and they'll desync pretty quick.
Anyway. I'm guessing they want to be able to patch the MCC at a whim, and not have to maintain film compatibility between versions, so the feature dies. This is the sanest, cleanest theory I can think of. If films can be loaded and show up in recents, that makes the actual files themselves are being generated. And they're the same as normal film files, so it's not the film format breaking, they exist. The engine doesn't care if you're loading the film from recents or saved, it's the same data. The only reason I can think of that you're not allowed to keep them is that compatibility issue. Every other file type can still be shared. Screenshots are just jpgs, no compat patches needed. Game types are set in stone and 4's gametypes already support new dynamic data being added, so no issues there. You can change the actual .map file and a Forge variant won't care, as long as the internal names match, so no issues there either.
I just realized these guns look like two dead parrots attached to each other.
That occasionally happens in the OG Halo 2 as well. Quite rare though.
The write up from Team Beyond is really detailed. Kind of interested in the game some more.
I just realized these guns look like two dead parrots attached to each other.
lol what a terrible launch
should've expected it though
The write up from Team Beyond is really detailed. Kind of interested in the game some more.
Still losing progress whenever I save and quit out of a game and resume later.
God damn. There's a lot of shit in this collection. Really could have used more polish.
Finally confirmed, I guess.
Posted this theory at HBO while I was banned:
I have vibration disabled in the in-game settings but it's still on. I can't play the game like this, lol.
Eh. Some things are good some things can be changed to make it better. My views:
- Don't have the outside hashes of all weapons be faded out: This really bothered me for some reason, felt like with the outside hashes in it would be a lot easier to see when an enemy is in your shooting range.
- Don't love the Smart Scope for the rifles, but its workable (seriously some of the complaining on this is a bit much at times) and if it doesn't change the gameplay like ADS does, I don't see a big problem.
- Where sights make no sense to me for is the assault rifle and even SMG: these are meant as "spray n pray" kinda weapons, having a sight for it or more precision scope kinda takes that base aspect out for me. Seeing as it is preached that the hipfire accuracy of the weapons is just as good, it would not make a difference if zoomed in anyways, so why even have it at all.
- Game does seem slow on camera, but come beta is when I will test it for myself.
- Hope this idea of equal starts carries over to most base gametypes (especially BTB): don't want custom loadouts or ordnance or anything. If there's a dedicated infinity playlist then sure people can go there.
- Is there a zoom out animation on the thruster, sometimes it seems to zoom out in gameplay and sometimes it doesn't can't tell for sure.
- Ground Pound just seems a little out of place but the other stuff works along with the thruster pack to me, which does seem awesome, hopefully all that is more fleshed out.
That's about it, seems fun but slow at times (seems to be slightly recurring theme this gen), can't wait for more. For now MCC!
http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/11/11/we-played-the-halo-5-guardians-multiplayer-beta-andLongo was quick to emphasize that this is an arena beta, saying, Halo 5 has other multiplayer experiences within it, not just arena. So will we get a taste of vehicles and larger-scale combat in a second beta closer to release? Anyone got a Magic 8 Ball I can shake?
I don't see an option for that. Is it a console wide option or an in-game option?You got to turn off the trigger vibration as well.
It's really hard to tell how much shields Elites have in the H2A campaign... It's really bad. I'm playing in classic for that reason alone.
I don't see an option for that. Is it a console wide option or an in-game option?
Ah okay, thanks!In game for halo 3/4
I don't see the Destiny comparisons at all.
This is next gen Halo, the way it should be. They did in fact learn from Halo 4. It feels like a natural evolution from Halo 3.
VOD for the Str8 OG match on (Midship)?
Halo 5 AR looks like it will be actually useful.