Well now that I've cooled off and have watched the videos more carefully here are my thoughts.
I think the game looks great. The direction they are taking it in feels more like an actual evolution of Halo's core gameplay as opposed to just slapping on a bunch of unneeded shit that adds nothing to gameplay. There are certainly some issues that need to addressed but overall I am happy with where this is going.
Spartan Abilities
- Thruster Pack
I'm really happy to see the Thruster Pack has returned especially since I think it was one of the things that Halo 4 absolutely nailed. Thruster Pack being default is a major bonus. It seems that they have increased the distance traveled somewhat so I look forward to seeing how that plays. Making it first person this time around was also a good choice I think (though it looks like there may be a toggle for third person). I can't really think of any downsides to this.
- Sprinting
While I am happy to see sprint return I would've preferred it not be in the smaller modes like 4v4. Having some abilities tied to it does help but it still feels like it would've just been better to leave it in larger settings where it can have the most use. That said, having shields not recharge while sprinting is a nice way for them to balance it at least and should help to discourage players from spamming it whenever they think things aren't going their way. I really look forward to seeing how the new movement options combined with sprint affect firefights on both smaller and larger scales.
- Spartan Slide
To be honest I'm fairly indifferent on this one. I don't think it will really cause any problems and I can see how it will feel cool to run and slide at high speed to dodge a bullet or something. Really a non issue and people shouting about how it's copying Destiny or CoD therefore it's dumb can shove it to be frank.
- Ground Pound
This one was actually something that worried me at first. While I think it is a cool idea the fact that it's a one hit kill seems like a potential balance issue. However after seeing gameplay of it, it is a VERY risk vs reward ability. You've gotta be careful when you pull that thing out because you are a floating stationary duck in a room full of sights ready line up on you. The charge time is also fairly long and when you do land you are stationary for a good second which is long enough for another player to beat you across the back of the head. We will have to see how it plays in the beta though.
- Spartan Charge
Based on what I've read and seen this ability won't be as much of an issue as I initially thought. It isn't a OHK except maybe in that Breakout gametype and apparently there is a recovery that really leaves you open. I'll have to wait until the beta to really be able to assess it though.
- Clamber (Climbing)
Given how quick the animation is for this and that you do need to actually have input for it to work as opposed to just an automatic pull up, I am fine with this. It can increase map flow for sure.
- Stabilizers
Apparently these can be turned off which is good because after seeing how they work I don't think I'd really want to use them anyway. I can see their merits though and they have the same risk/reward as the Ground Pound in that you are a bigass target.
- Smart Scope
Probably one of the most iffy "additions" for me. I prefer just having a simple scope in animation. Hopefully it can be toggled but if not I can live with it since the mechanics are still the same. I've just never been a fan of rifle but being shoved up my nos- er- helmet. The thing that disappoints me a lot about it though is that since all weapons are affected by it this means the visor scope is gone forever... RIP in peace.
The weapons all look and shoot fine from what I've seen. As long as they aren't chock full of aim assist and bullet magnetism.
Only thing I'm worried about is the flinch that seems to happen when you are descoped. I don't like that at all and I really hope it is either toned down a LOT in the beta or straight up removed.
The Maps were very pretty. There also seems to be a lot of different routes you can take so as to fully utilize the increased mobility we have. Can't wait to see what the larger maps are like.
This was probably the most noticeable issue for me during the stream. Everything sounds digital from scoping in to firing your own gun. Then there's the CONSTANT beeping that rivals even the most irritating of Nintendo games. It's like having a notification that is taped to a cheese grater grinding up against your ear constantly. I really hope they tone this down and make the effects much more subtle. Speaking of cheese, Steitzer vocal chords seem to have been turned into it based off of his announcing work. I mean holy shit I was laughing at how comedic it sounded.
The in game Spartan chatter seems like a nice way to familiarize new players with callouts but I really hope it can be turned off.
This wasn't really a focus of HaloFest but I gotta say that the music they did play during the ViDoc sounded really great. Especially the bit at the end with the electric guitar. It sounded incredibly cool and I really look forward to seeing what they come up with. Hopefully something involving monks.
Overall I was really happy with what I saw today. 343 seem to be doing a lot to try and make a true successor to Halo that feels like a natural progression of the game. They're adding abilities that are a part of the core gameplay and designing everything with these new changes in mind as opposed to just putting on a bunch of stickers. Though there are things like dumb medals and an overactive sound design team which hopefully can and will be changed.
The beta will be a great chance to help fine tune a lot of what 343 are doing and provide feedback on things that do and don't really work well. Halo seems to be moving in a much better direction and I can't wait to try it out for myself. So let's use this opportunity best feed back we can with documents... and maybe some math.