Vulture in Halo 5? The set comes with Agent Locke.
Sounds good to me. Even if you can't pilot them they're an awesome looking airship, and would love to see them in campaign.
Vulture in Halo 5? The set comes with Agent Locke.
Vulture in Halo 5? The set comes with Agent Locke.
My theory is MSFT thinks Halo has the brand power of Call of Duty, and they can just churn out anything with Halo on it and it will sell. Keep in mind, all the COD games actually work, year after year.
Double post, but it's crazy. Master Chief Collection has probably cost Microsoft millions in lost sales, plus the additional cost of having to develop relic, ODST port as compensation. It's probably sold 1/4th of what it should have, plus who knows how much it not working had affected console sales. All the refunds people have gotten. Any other industry, or even studio and there would have a massive shake up, especially after Halo 4 being lacklustre as well.
Halo 5 was unplayable the entire last week for me. Pure lag in all games. Like BF4 launch day lag.Halo 5 was amazing. The MCC is a joke in comparison.
@ madness. So is it only kids that like ads, and only hairy arse adults that like the original method? And why would anybody have to argue why they preferred something? I don't understand...
Aww no fun, I can dream I suppose.Don't start rumors....please...
I believe he was being sarcastic.
My theory is MSFT thinks Halo has the brand power of Call of Duty, and they can just churn out anything with Halo on it and it will sell. Keep in mind, all the COD games actually work, year after year.
Halo 5 was unplayable the entire last week for me. Pure lag in all games. Like BF4 launch day lag.
I like ADS for weapons that wouldn't ordinarily have scopes (Plasma Pistol etc), but scopes for those that originally had them. Honestly, ADS seems like a great way to introduce alt-mode utilities for weapons that wouldn't just be used for headshots. Examples:
Magnum: standard fire, alt-fires explosive rounds at a slower rate but uses twice the ammo.
Needler: standard fire, alt-fire operates like a Nerfle but takes 3-4 needles per shot.
Grenade Launcher: EMP functionality still exists. Unscoped is standard, while ADS / scoped works like a Sticky Detonator used for timed detonations.
Plasma Rifle: unscoped works like the Plasma Repeater (low damage but high ROF), ADS works like the CE Plasma Rifle - thick, globby shield-stripping projectiles that stun targets.
Amen. It's a total slap in the face.I think the biggest problems are upcoming to be honest, if the game is actually fixed this week and the 60% off thing is true, loyal/day 1 Halo fans got the ultimate fuck you in my opinion. ODST/Nameplates/1 Month XBL are not worth $36 along with 3 months of a barley functioning game outside of campaign (even then there are issues).
Halo 5 was unplayable the entire last week for me. Pure lag in all games. Like BF4 launch day lag.
As cool as these are, putting alt-modes on weapons has 1 problem that people seem to overlook, and that's what it is to be the player on the receiving end. The other player can't tell whether the person is zoomed in or not. Looking at the alt-mode weapons in the series, the Grenade Launcher was close enough to an insta-kill that it didn't make a difference what mode it was fired in. The Light Rifle's alt-mode was drastic in perfect kill times, but became really negligible in real encounters(especially with flinch versus unscoping). You have to make sure that alt-modes can be distinguished quickly by the opposing player, and the alt-modes aren't too drastic of a change from the original mode.
You like ADS that much?No ADS=No Halo 5 purchase.
Sad thing is, with MCC, they were actually ahead of all Advance Warfare games on Amazon in the month leading up to launch. The handling of Halo post Reach and launch of MCC has done more damage to the brand then anything Call of Duty has done.
As a 14 year Halo fan myself, I'm shocked to say I'm more excited for Star Wars: Battlefront than Halo 5.
Vulture in Halo 5? The set comes with Agent Locke.
Hot #Job! 343i is seeking a Lead Level #Designer to drive the design of multiplayer maps within @Halo. http://bit.ly/Vdupwu #WorkInGaming
Glad 343 are thinking ahead to the DLC.
Hire Hardy LeBel please.
Hire Hardy LeBel please.
Nope, campaigns still have some major issues (frame rate, checkpoints don't work in H2, freezing/crashing in H4, etc.). Supposedly 343 is working on it, but it's been three months.Is 343 done fixing the issues with the SP campaigns in MCC? Also is the Relic map free for everyone?
Hire Hardy LeBel please.
It's a matter of preference for people, give it up already, lol.
Nope, campaigns still have some major issues (frame rate, checkpoints don't work in H2, freezing/crashing in H4, etc.). Supposedly 343 is working on it, but it's been three months.
No on the Relic and ODST DLC as well. Only free for people who bought and played online before December 15 or something like that.
Relic is free for everyone, it's being released in a title update.
ODST isn't.
I should have elaborated - the issue is that saving and quitting a mission does not save your checkpoint. You have to beat the level all the way through. The checkpoints work as you're playing; you don't have to beat the whole level without dying.Checkpoints don't work at all in halo 2? How bad are the frame rate issues?
Have the adjusted the cutoff date for the free ODST? Cause my copy which I activated and played over Christmas still was broken.
I should have elaborated - the issue is that saving and quitting a mission does not save your checkpoint. You have to beat the level all the way through. The checkpoints work as you're playing; you don't have to beat the whole level without dying.
As for the frame rate problems, they're severe in split screen. For single player, they're noticeable in H1A, very noticeable in H2A, not bad in H3, and very noticeable in H4.
I should have elaborated - the issue is that saving and quitting a mission does not save your checkpoint. You have to beat the level all the way through. The checkpoints work as you're playing; you don't have to beat the whole level without dying.
As for the frame rate problems, they're severe in split screen. For single player, they're noticeable in H1A, very noticeable in H2A, not bad in H3, and very noticeable in H4.
What does this mean? They're advertised as 60FPS, are we talking drops below 30?
Halo 4 has drops below 60 in a few areas of campaign. The gondola room on the Pelican level, the turret defense in the Mantis level, the Banshee section in the Didact level all had frame rate drops in my playthrough last weekend. Those were just the ones that stuck out in my head.
The only thing that would make me excited for Halo after this point is Halo 3 annv. with full maps remastered and gameplay untouched..
The only thing that would make me excited for Halo after this point is Halo 3 annv. with full maps remastered and gameplay untouched..
Halo CE's 15th anniversary comes before Halo 3's 10th. Gimme Blur cinematics for MCC. Probably too expensive though.
What would you rather have though, honestly? Sales, modernity aside. As a Halo fan?
It seems like ADS has already reached Sprint levels of "accept it" and the game hasn't even launched yet.